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She'll be fine queenie.My sisters other girl was only 6Lb 7oz at birth.She was another c- section baby,Like her first.She dropped nearly 6 oz,she had to have her  stomach pumped out,she had swallowed "Birth gunk" little soul, and was  puking it up.None of them were breast fed,well my sis tried with her first but took horrible mastitis and had to go to the bottle.
First girl 22(8 lb 1 oz) now tall and strong with big boobs,second girl  aged 20 slight frame,size 8,nae boobs but that's the way she's always been,average height.Third kid a boy(7lb 2oz) now 16 and taking a stretch, above average height,all section kids and bottle fed.
both my kids have always been on the slim side...even though my eldest ate(eats) like a hungry hippo! i feel for them cos i used to be the same till i hit puberty (then piled on the weight) though my youngest is very much like his dad in his eating habits, so may stay slim.

hatty doesn't look small to me, she doesn't look any smaller than most babies i've seen that age considering the problems she had with feeding i heard about i think that's pretty good
both my kids have always been on the slim side...even though my eldest ate(eats) like a hungry hippo! i feel for them cos i used to be the same till i hit puberty (then piled on the weight) though my youngest is very much like his dad in his eating habits, so may stay slim. hatty doesn't look small to me, she doesn't look any smaller than most babies i've seen that age considering the problems she had with feeding i heard about i think that's pretty good

 Thanks Hoobs, and everyone else who's reassured me on the weight issue. I'm not in the least bit worried about her weight now, she's a really healthy size and is feeding fine. Don't know exactly why but it seems I can't produce enough milk for her myself, so I'm now expressing every few hours and saving enough each time to give her two full bottle feeds and then she has formula for the rest of her feeds. She's thriving on that. I was a very small child, (4lb 5oz at birth and two weeks overdue!) so she's already doing better than I did and I turned out ok(ish).
Queen of the High Teas

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