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getting all desperate - crab-eyes even washed his hair today (apparently ).  They've had a bit of a tiff and so she's decided to have a bath (makes a change from lounging AROUND the bath with her arms and legs spread-eagled i suppose) - anyhow - she's been waiting an awful long time for the newly washed barnet to come keep her company in her titchy swimming cozzie n all on what COULD be his last night in the hoose - er.... hint farmer giles - can u take one??

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well.... now u brung it up Senora  - actually has a one sided decent conversation (on Andrews side) - I BET Andrew wouldnt give a flying FIG about kissing her in front of the so called MILLIONS watching  - BUT.... poor ol Andrew is an ugly git and I dont think the mags could fit both HER ARSE and HIS UGLY MUG AND GINGER HAIR  on the front - therefore - it has to be a rather large farmer giles and an anorexic crab-eyes

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