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She also talked about his Morals.
Ahhh his morals,that would be the ones he banged on about when he was slating Ben about tasks,his morals ,his team spirit soooooo important to him....BB need to get in the detectives to have a look for them,seems he lost both when it came to him and tasks,that's if they ever existed to begin with I guess.
Reference: It's only a guess - obviously - but I suspect when Josie and John James have helped each other make some money they will go their separate ways.

Call me naive but ....................I don't see it like that at all.
Me too Soozy. I'd rather tbe naieve than cynical and judge others before the've even done anything
Yellow Rose
You're probably right Soozy and Yellow Rose  (I did say it was a guess.)
I probably based it on the fact that the circumstances of their relationship have been strangely unnatural, and any 'real-life'  relationship which is formed so rapidly often face major problems.
To be talking about weddings and giving a lot of money to the other one after only a matter of days suggests to me that they would benefit greatly from proper time in proper circumstances.
I can't help feeling that artificiality of it all completely blurs and distorts ordinary feelings.

I'd be happy if my thoughts are unfounded. 
It's only a guess - obviously - but I suspect when Josie and John James have helped each other make some money they will go their separate ways.

Didn't you hear him to Davinaa bout the mag deals,the very thing he gave other HM's such a hard time about....He'll do them and let Josie have the money,how kind!
You make it sound as if he brought mag deals up with Davina. She asked him if he and Josie would do them, he said he'd speak to Josie about it first and if any money was made he'd give it to Josie. Chinese whispers cause lots of problems
Yellow Rose
Call me naive but ....................I don't see it like that at all.
He did say in his interview when asked would he give a story to the magazines for a six figure amount he would have to speak to Josie first and if they  did he would give her the money .. I believe him,who knows if it will work out in the real world that is something none of us can predict but I do think they genuinely care for each other a lot.
You make it sound as if he brought mag deal up with Davina. She asked him if he and Josie would do them, he said he'd speak to Josie about it first and if any money was made he'd give it to Josie. Chinese whispers cause lots of problems
Hallo, major upset when Sam accused them of the very thing. Why would he have to ask Josie if he has these principals? It's all bollocks, they are as fake as fake can be and I'm glad to see the back of him.
cologne 1
Ahhh his morals,that would be the ones he banged on about when he was slating Ben about tasks,his morals ,his team spirit soooooo important to him....BB need to get in the detectives to have a look for them,seems he lost both when it came to him and tasks,that's if they ever existed to begin with I guess.

In his favor I can say that he didn't pretend to be anything other than himself.  He didn't strut around thinking he was 'polite' like some in there.
I agreed with a lot of what he said but disliked the way he said it.  He made great television and as much as I dislike his attitude would rather he was still there than Dave or JJ.
You make it sound as if he brought mag deal up with Davina. She asked him if he and Josie would do them, he said he'd speak to Josie about it first and if any money was made he'd give it to Josie. Chinese whispers cause lots of problems
He'd speak to Josie ?,why would he be doing that though when he had such an issue about other HM's and mag deals,surely he wouldn't  compromise his integrity for the sake of giving Josie the proceeds from something he slated others about?.Does he honestly  believe Josie is in such need of money?,seems a lot to be laying on her imo,he may not need the money but he definitely wants the fame.
I think it's a very real relationship has been awkward and has had it's ups and downs. I have no doubt the relationship was 100% genuine .............not done for attention or deals. They have a connection all honesty I don't see it lasting as they are so very different but ...................I'm fairly sure that they genuinely care for each other.
Soozy Woo
Brisket I know what you're saying as of course the bb house is an unatural environment whether for prolonged friendships or romances. John and Josie have been more aware than any other couple I've seen in bb that in the real world it could be different which is why so often they were hesitant to share what they really felt for some time. To me the relationship was real in the house - that was their reality - if in the real world it doesn't work out then that's what's meant to be but at least they'll have some great memories of time together
Yellow Rose

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