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It's not even lunchtime yet, and already the awkwardest situation in Awkwardtown has unfolded in the Garden.

Siavash was chatting at the Bus Stop with Bea, Halfwit and Lisa about how earlier this week, he'd given Noirin some valuable earrings. Good job it wasn't his heart or anything valuable like that. And Bea was insistent that he must get them back.

"I can't, that's just ******* rude," argued Siavash. "Just leave the earrings, man."
"It's not rude if I ask!" shrieked Bea. "I think it would be so so rude if she waltzes out with them. Ridiculously rude!"
"You can't give something and take it back," insisted Siavash, before realising that Isaac had wandered out into the Garden and joined the group.

Bea wasn't going to let that stop her. "They meant a lot to you though," she persisted.
"I'm completely and utterly happy," replied Siavash, looking like he wanted to die.
"Earrings?" asked Isaac casually. "Are you talking about earrings? She'll give you the earrings."
"Oh *****," said Siavash quietly, clearly wishing he wasn't having this conversation.

"It's fine man!" chuckled Isaac. "It's not an issue."
"It's just earrings, people," said Siavash, looking even more embarrassed. "It's just a friendly gift I gave her."
"It's up to you," shrugged Isaac. "They are nice earrings though."
"Maybe you should buy them for her," said Bea pointedly.

Just when we thought things couldn't get any more awkward, Isaac then asked Siavash, "Do you like my hat? I'll trade you my hat for those earrings."
Without waiting for an answer, Isaac trotted off towards the House.
"Oh, he's not getting the hat..." murmured Siavash in a panic. "Do not get the hat!"
But sure enough, Isaac returned with his graffiti cap.
"I would love the hat but not right now," pleaded Siavash. "Could you give it to me next Friday or something?"

Isaac wasn't taking no for an answer and launched into a full history of the hat. Siavash politely accepted the gift but when Isaac left he made his feelings clear to the rest of the group.
"I can't give anyone else the hat 'cause it's too rude," he despaired. "****! I'm holding the hat. I don't want the ******* hat. I don't wanna wear the hat."

Maybe he could wear the earrings instead?

Poor Siavash! Love 'im Smiler

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by love greek sunsets:
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Why would Isaac want Noirin to keep the earrings Confused

I hadn't thought of that, but yes, it is abit weird he'd want her to keep earrings another guy had given her!!!! Odd! Nod
they were valuable I think

I think I heard him say they were from Butler & Wilson. Some of their pieces are quite pricey.
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by MysTerry:
That convo was last night in the bathroom...Confused

That was a different conversation in the early hours of this morning betweem Siavash, Marcus, Bea and David. That`s when Siavash first told them about the earrings.

Oh, thanks for that, I thought I'd witnessed something before it happened.. Laugh
He gave her the earrings, they were a gift! regardless of whether she dumped him or not, it should not be discussed by the group and if noirin had any integriety she would probably offer them back, chances are until the hat convo with Issac she hadn't even thought about them...lets just wait and see, don't think Noirin is all bad, she is terribly misguided, and does lack empathy
Originally posted by love greek sunsets:
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Why would Isaac want Noirin to keep the earrings Confused

I hadn't thought of that, but yes, it is abit weird he'd want her to keep earrings another guy had given her!!!! Odd! Nod
they were valuable I think

But another guy who she's been snogging, snuggling and sleeping with her gave her them, thinking that they would mean something re their relationship. Isaac said that he'd only seen one episode of BB, (where they were snogging), he seems to think that it was one drunken kiss, not how it really was?
Originally posted by MysTerry:
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by MysTerry:
That convo was last night in the bathroom...Confused

That was a different conversation in the early hours of this morning betweem Siavash, Marcus, Bea and David. That`s when Siavash first told them about the earrings.

Oh, thanks for that, I thought I'd witnessed something before it happened.. Laugh

Laugh Laugh
Originally posted by love greek sunsets:
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Why would Isaac want Noirin to keep the earrings Confused

I hadn't thought of that, but yes, it is abit weird he'd want her to keep earrings another guy had given her!!!! Odd! Nod
they were valuable I think

They look like vintage Butler and Wilson, not only expensive but collectable.
Funny how Isaac picked up on that THEY, were THE earrings they were talking about. Noirin must have already mentioned them to him. Don't look like she wants to give them up, so Daddy "bought" them for her.
Originally posted by Heartache:
Originally posted by love greek sunsets:
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Why would Isaac want Noirin to keep the earrings Confused

I hadn't thought of that, but yes, it is abit weird he'd want her to keep earrings another guy had given her!!!! Odd! Nod
they were valuable I think

They look like vintage Butler and Wilson, not only expensive but collectable.
Funny how Isaac picked up on that THEY, were THE earrings they were talking about. Noirin must have already mentioned them to him. Don't look like she wants to give them up, so Daddy "bought" them for her.

Yes, seems he knows exactly the earrings he's talking about..if they're rubbing their hands in glee that she's managed to get an expensive pr of Butler and Wilson earrings out of him then shame on the pr. of them
I don't really understand why people think he should be bothered about Noirin and Siavash getting of with each other. They are ex partners, they split up ages ago, maybe he has been with someone else in the mean time.

Now he is in the house he doesn't want her getting of with people, understandable but he can't really complain about what she did when they were not together. Why should he be bothered about earrings? I think he is trying to make it clear to Siavash he is not really arsed about the situation, whats done is done, lets move on type thing.

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