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Speak to your GP asap. If you are feeling this bad and on meds, the meds are not working properly for you.

If you want advice about depression and coping with it PM me here, I am an expert. I would be happy to talk this all over with you and will even give you my mobile number if you want a chat. I have been where you are (and am still struggling myself now) and am happy to talk x
Hootie McBoob1
 hope you're ok Comrade, try getting in touch with your GP as suggested. We all have the times when you're down in life and think it's crap, but eventually you summon the strength to pick yourself up be positive and hopefully things change for the better as it's down to you to make changes if theres something you're not happy or depressed about in order to be happy again, try talking to someone in confidence perhaps?.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
I don't know where to start tbh.

Some of you know some of the story but not all.

Basically 13 yr relationship was in trouble, about a week before my partner was contacted by a "friend" (who although I never said to her, is just trouble) next thing I learn is that she had met this friends brother who had been texting her, a week later 13 yr relationship terminated.

Tonight I'm looking after our son in the full knowledge that it is to allow her to entertain vulture boy.
Comrade Ogilvy
I don't know where to start tbh. Some of you know some of the story but not all. Basically 13 yr relationship was in trouble, about a week before my partner was contacted by a "friend" (who although I never said to her, is just trouble) next thing I learn is that she had met this friends brother who had been texting her, a week later 13 yr relationship terminated. Tonight I'm looking after our son in the full knowledge that it is to allow her to entertain vulture boy.
 Don't know what to say, what a terrible time for you. No wonder you are feeling so  down.
Reference: co
I don't know where to start tbh. Some of you know some of the story but not all. Basically 13 yr relationship was in trouble, about a week before my partner was contacted by a "friend" (who although I never said to her, is just trouble) next thing I learn is that she had met this friends brother who had been texting her, a week later 13 yr relationship terminated. Tonight I'm looking after our son in the full knowledge that it is to allow her to entertain vulture boy.
awwww hun xxxx

no wonder you feel so down...half the battle is talking about your feelings and letting it out,keeping it bottled up will make you feel more anxious.

if you feel up to it,ring your docs and get an appt,ask them if you can have some councelling.

i wish you lots and lots of love and hugs,hang in there xxx
CO ... I know it sucks ... and it hurts like hell ... But you need to try and focus on you and your son and how you get through this and move on ... That's not going to happen overnight ... I can vouch for that ... But you will get through it ... and you need to give yourself the greatest chance of that by seeking help and talking to someone about what you're going through ... that will help a hundred times more than trying to forget with the aid of a pill ...
CO ... I know it sucks ... and it hurts like hell ... But you need to try and focus on you and your son and how you get through this and move on ... That's not going to happen overnight ... I can vouch for that ... But you will get through it ... and you need to give yourself the greatest chance of that by seeking help and talking to someone about what you're going through ... that will help a hundred times more than trying to forget with the aid of a pill ...

Shar that is excellent advice. Sometimes when you are so down there seems no future, trust me I know. I also know you need help from others to get through it. 
CO ... I know it sucks ... and it hurts like hell ... But you need to try and focus on you and your son and how you get through this and move on ... That's not going to happen overnight ... I can vouch for that ... But you will get through it ... and you need to give yourself the greatest chance of that by seeking help and talking to someone about what you're going through ... that will help a hundred times more than trying to forget with the aid of a pill ...
 Shar that is excellent advise. I also know how it feels, it is a very lonely place. As you  say you do need others to help you along the way.
As I said her friend has never really been a friend but she can't seem to see that and I never said anything.
Sounds like that's a lesson she will have to learn for herself CO ... Right now, though, you and your son are your main priority ... Focus on that ... How old is your son CO ...? Don't forget that he must be going through a traumatic time at the moment too ... you need to keep things as normal as possible for him ...
ohhh C.O

shes not worth it. You might sit there and think easy for me to say but i speak from experience, trust me.
You dont think you can get through this but you will do better than that, you will get through it and see that you were better than it, yep you will! even if you DONT WANT to believe this right now cause you want to hold on to what you had. Time will make you, it will be okay.

Comrade mi ol mukka... what can I say - its all still pretty raw right now - medication ISNT the answer believe me. I'm interested to know how old your son (and indeed you and your ex partner are). Not that it makes a HUGE amount of difference tho. If you can keep a clear head and ask yourself honestly what it upsetting you the most (sorry if it sounds cruel - but I did it once). Are you missing your ex, are you upset because your 'single' again - are you crying for your son??? It DOES help to try and rationalise things, and you DO have to be strong - for YOURSELF firstly, so you can be a good dad. If it doesnt work out how you would like it, then make another life for yourself and your son. If she comes crawling back after her travels, just remember how she made you feel before taking her back OK! Its a shit SHIT time, but you HAVE to get thru it, for you and your sons' sake - otherwise she will wreak more havoc dont you think? As others have said as well - please feel free to talk to me privately chin up luv xxx
This is exactly the place you should post this stuff CO.

You will get support from genuine folk who you sort of know and you know too. Doesn't mean the sentiments are in any way diminished however.

Take the chemical patch my friend, like you might for a pain. It's only when you do you can see the wood for the trees. It is not a covering it up thing... it allows you to find your way out of the wood. What you do thereafter you will know how to deal with because of doing it.

This stuff is a chemical thing, OK? They get imbalanced, like the body does if you don't eat enough fruit or whatever. I just wish people understood this more and would accept it more as if you had broken a leg and were in plaster.

Keep talking here OK? I think it will help.
Until you get to see the doc, do whatever is necessary to get you through this.
But I urge you to get some help as soon as you can.  You have a lot of responsibility on your shoulders looking after your son,  let alone the upset in your relationship; please talk, vent and rant (if you feel like it).  The more you do, the less raw it will all feel.

Love Cosmo. xxx
Absolutely Xochi, you would get more sympathy if you had your leg in plaster.  But fortunately these kind of issues are not frowned upon by the medical profession anymore.
I'd like to think that puss... but it's not the case when you're in a bad place. You have to know you are in that place first before you seek help. That is the crucial point. But I agree... thereafter you get support.
My best mate was in a similar situation to you.  She was in hell when she found out her long term BF was seeing some one else.  Like you, she found out just by accident, she was doing him a favour by paying his phone bill one day and recognised all these texts to a particular number, anyhow long story short it turned out he'd been seeing some one in work for the previous three months.

That was Christmas 2006 and by Christmas 2007, although she hit some bad points in that year, with the help of her mates she had gotten over it.  One of the girls found him on facebook last month as it goes, he's still with your one,but about two stone heavier and bald as a coot

Anyhow, what I'm trying to say is, when you see yourself losing some-one you think it's the end of the world, but as time passes you learn to refocus your objectives and it starts to get easier.  All you have to do is hold on in there for now.  This is the toughest part, but by this time next year, although it may seem like a lifetime away it will have numbed

Like Hootie said however, if you are prone to depression and are already on medication that isn't working, it is vitally important that you speak to your GP.  The situation that your in, mixed with these predispositions doesn't seem like a good cocktail to me

The very best of luck CO, and again like others have said, whenever you want to vent come back on here and we'll help you see how you and your son will be better off in the long run, you deserve better than to be treated like this
Comrade, I speak from experience when i say I understand completely, i was almost destroyed last year.

I can tell you honestly that it will get better in time, but you must talk to people, don't bottle it up. I was lucky to have very good Friends who didn't mind me calling them anytime of day or night, I was ill and lost alot of weight, I wasn't functioning and can't believe the state my head was in at the time, I was like a zombie for most of last year, a robot, going about my business but nothing was really registering.

I can honestly say that coming on here helped me more than I could say, this place helped to keep me going.

I urge to to talk about this, maybe with your GP and on here Nobody will jusge you as most of us have been in a similar position at some time or other...I wish I could reach out to you and give you a massive hug....please, listen to people on here, they really can help
The Devil In Diamante

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