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Aspirin is contraindicated in people who do have stomach problems, You also have to be aware that it does thin your blood and so if you are going to the dentist for an extraction you do need to tell them as it can prolong your clotting time.,
If you are on steroids then it is a no no.It is also a no no if you are on anti inflammatory drugs.
This is where the problems lie Karma. Docs only know what meds they prescribe, and the ones you might tell them about. So you may be taking other meds that are not compatible with asprin. Always ask your doc if you are unsure to prevent any side effects that come with other meds. A close friend of mine was prescribed asprin and ended up with stomach ulcers and severe indegestion probs.
Crispy Christmas
Oh no I haven't been told to take Aspirin for anything, I'm on daily anti-inflammatory painkillers (as ordered by Doc as well as Tramadol and other stuff. I bloody rattle ). But just wondered if there were any complications. I know people who have been using Aspirin for years to thin the blood (again, by Docs orders). Am a bit surprised it's taken this long to discover it's an effective preventative drug against cancer, though. One set of stats indicated it could reduce the risk of bowel cancer alone by 40%. What I didn't think was wise was to sensationalise it all over the news in the way they did, should have sent a much stronger message to check with GP first and point out the potential dangers.
What I didn't think was wise was to sensationalise it all over the news in the way they did, should have sent a much stronger message to check with GP first and point out the potential dangers
That is exactly right - some people should not take aspirin - particularly if they are on anti inflammatory drugs already, or if they are on steroids or if they have had a clotting disorder - that is when the risk of brain haemorrhage can be heightened.
You should also not take aspirin if you are on any blood thinning agents such as warfarin or clopedril.

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