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What a thoroughly horrible bunch of people. I notice the article said 'final warning' have we seen other stuff? I don't think so.


Seems like we are being shown stuff to keep us quiet for complaining about this weeks nominations. I wouldn't mind but they're not punished or anything. So much goes on without us seeing - no wonder they cut LF - that's how we all knew about the 'Shilpa incident' if there had been no LF I'll bet they would have airbrushed the whole episode,



Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:

Scott had an earlier warning for spraying cologne or something into his mouth, Possibly he has had another warning as well. Caroline and Conor must also be on final warnings at this point. Maybe we will see someone turfed out by the end!

if its caroline conor becky ash luke s scott sara that gets kicked to the kerb that would be good

Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:

Scott had an earlier warning for spraying cologne or something into his mouth, Possibly he has had another warning as well. Caroline and Conor must also be on final warnings at this point. Maybe we will see someone turfed out by the end!

allegedly or so Benedict is supposed to have said, this is related to Scott's problem with alcohol.  They stopped giving the house alcohol for a bit as Scott's drinking was a problem and he decided to get alcohol from the perfume 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

I suspect there is a lot going on in there we dont know. What a bunch plus BB have handled this lot all wrong. Maybe had Conor been chucked out, the house wouldnt be the nasty den it is now.

they, BB, do seem to choose people these days that court controversy - whether it's good or bad it's all publicity for the show in their eyes 

Originally Posted by stonks:

I can just imagine Scott..

Oh Beeee Beeee I feel utterly mortifieddddddd..*throws head back and rubs hair*..surrrrrely you don't think that IIIIIII could be a racisttttttt, why one of my bestesttttt frondsssss is from BurrrrmingHam....

Yep the racists that don't even realise it.


I remember chatting with the mother of a friend Master Cinds, and she was complaining to me about how her son had been warned off the school for his racist language for using the term 'chinky', when she told me that I recoiled and said 'well it's wrong to use that and you as his parent should tell him'.


 She obviously didn't hear me as her next statement was 'well I told the school, how can *kids name* be racist when his best mate is one".  


I said what do you mean by one, her reply 'you know a darky like *insert my kids name*' 

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by stonks:

I can just imagine Scott..

Oh Beeee Beeee I feel utterly mortifieddddddd..*throws head back and rubs hair*..surrrrrely you don't think that IIIIIII could be a racisttttttt, why one of my bestesttttt frondsssss is from BurrrrmingHam....

Yep the racists that don't even realise it.


I remember chatting with the mother of a friend Master Cinds, and she was complaining to me about how her son had been warned off the school for his racist language for using the term 'chinky', when she told me that I recoiled and said 'well it's wrong to use that and you as his parent should tell him'.


 She obviously didn't hear me as her next statement was 'well I told the school, how can *kids name* be racist when his best mate is one".  


I said what do you mean by one, her reply 'you know a darky like *insert my kids name*' 

I remember Jade Goody saying, "how can I be racist, I'm mixed race myself"..she just did'nt get it....

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:

I used to work with guy he was in his 50's, and he whenever he talked to me he used affect a Jamaican accent(badly)...I speak with an London accent and was born in Bromley...

Yeah , I heard all abaht you bromleyites comin over here and taking our jobs,makin our women feel desirable...

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:

Scott had an earlier warning for spraying cologne or something into his mouth, Possibly he has had another warning as well. Caroline and Conor must also be on final warnings at this point. Maybe we will see someone turfed out by the end!

allegedly or so Benedict is supposed to have said, this is related to Scott's problem with alcohol.  They stopped giving the house alcohol for a bit as Scott's drinking was a problem and he decided to get alcohol from the perfume 

I noticed that he necked back as much champers as he could during the dating task!

Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:

I used to work with guy he was in his 50's, and he whenever he talked to me he used affect a Jamaican accent(badly)...I speak with an London accent and was born in Bromley...

A Patois Pr@t.  They're about as funny as Colin Hunt from the Fast Show.


I used to go to school in Bromley - along Masons Hill.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:



Small world!

Indeed.  We're all lovely from that part of the world 


I'm with Yellow Rose, but I'd show them on the big screen.

If they've been pulled up for because it's a break in the rules (or human decency) then the house should be told.  There's gameplaying and then there's this kind of unacceptable attitude and behaviour.

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by stonks:

I can just imagine Scott..

Oh Beeee Beeee I feel utterly mortifieddddddd..*throws head back and rubs hair*..surrrrrely you don't think that IIIIIII could be a racisttttttt, why one of my bestesttttt frondsssss is from BurrrrmingHam....

Yep the racists that don't even realise it.


I remember chatting with the mother of a friend Master Cinds, and she was complaining to me about how her son had been warned off the school for his racist language for using the term 'chinky', when she told me that I recoiled and said 'well it's wrong to use that and you as his parent should tell him'.


 She obviously didn't hear me as her next statement was 'well I told the school, how can *kids name* be racist when his best mate is one".  


I said what do you mean by one, her reply 'you know a darky like *insert my kids name*' 

That's shocking, Cinds. The ignorance of some people just leaves me speechless.

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

suggests to me senora, that they were impersonating her with an indian accent, for it to be  called racist.


when  in fact she has a brummie accent.


I think she has a lovely accent but then I have a brummie accent with lilt of Irish 

there is a bit of middlesbrough in there as well... 


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