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My grandfather died just before Christmas at the grand old age of 96. Today we scattered his ashes on Marine Drive in Fishguard, a spot overlooking Cardigan Bay and halfway along his favourite walk. I can see him now strolling along with his Jack Russell in tow and the memory makes me smile and a bit teary.

But it made me think about where I'd fancy being cast adrift (assuming I don't get snorted by idiotic teenagers who have confused me with drugs )

Anyone have this all thought out? Where is your chosen spot?

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My will states that my ashes will be scattered over a particular area which if the prevailing wind is normal then I may spoil soop's washing.
I'm taking an educated guess ...however, I would be honoured if one or more of your champagne socialist/failed marxist ashes besmirched my high thread count egyptian cotton bed linen
My family have refused point blank to have me cremated even thought they know I do not believe in burial, so I'm leaving my body to science where they will feck about with it for 6 months then return it to the family in ashes form where I want to stay on the shelf in the warm somewhere in the house....
When I said I'd like to be cremated my eldest was so shocked,he stated not a chance of that happening Mum,he's since said if that's what you really want make sure you put it in writing as left to us it won't be happening.... Seeing his reaction forced me to rethink tbh,I'll be gone so it won't matter to me,they'll be the ones left to live with it all so if they've an issue with cremating me I'll just make it easy for them and make it known they can bury me.
When I said I'd like to be cremated my eldest was so shocked,he stated not a chance of that happening Mum,he's since said if that's what you really want make sure you put it in writing as left to us it won't be happening.... Seeing his reaction forced me to rethink tbh,I'll be gone so it won't matter to me,they'll be the ones left to live with it all so if they've an issue with cremating me I'll just make it easy for them and make it known they can bury me.
I just can't go against my beliefs that the land is for the living and not the dead but I'd never go against anyone elses wishes, my dad wants to be buried with my brother so buried he will be but for me I will kill 2 birds with one stone, I will help out the medical profession and get my cremation at the same time....
I was listening to Jeremy Vine last week and one of the items discussed was a new way of dispensing of bodies. I can't remember what it's called, but we would end up as a bit of amber liquid which is thrown down the drain and some ashes which are purer than cremation and can be given to relatives. It was received with mixed reactions, but I think it's a good idea, we will run out of space eventually and, as I will be dead, I don't really care.
cologne 1

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