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No you're right I just don't see it - I don't see al those people who have never contributed NI getting healthcare, I don't see al those kids who have never contributed NI gtting healthcare, I don't see all those people getting kicked out of hospital because their contributions have run out - you are spot on I just don't see it. Course it has to be paid for somewhere for crying out loud however we are not charged as we go so to speak - we have a situation whereby regardless of what you have contributed you get healthcare and are not discrimnated against - but it's ok I just don't see it.
Tax of all sorts is paid to the Government, this includes VAT, which everyone pays. Yes we are lucky in a sense we have the NHS, and yes i agree a review is needed. But i feel you dont have a clue, you only see things in a very simplistic view, and possibly arguementative, It would be a very cruel country if we refused kids healthcare and i am not very sure where you are coming from, We shall leave it there
I'll trade you.  We can do a swap, I'll get up at 6:00 am, go to work, contribute to society, etc. and you can:

1.  Get up at 6:00 am
2.  Sit on your bum to go down the stairs because your legs are too week to  manage the stairs,
3.  Make a cup of tea - careful not to use your left hand at all because of the graft at your wrist that was done to  connect your vein and artery together to make your veins stronger to enable the needles for dialysis to work.
4.  Clambor back up the stairs with your cup of tea, trying not to spill it or fall over.
5.  Get your clothes out that you will be wearing that day, making sure that you
 have enough warm clothes in case there aren't any blankets available on the dialysis ward.
6.  Get into the shower - lifting one leg while holding onto something to ensure that you don't fall and making sure you don't slip before lifting the other leg.
7.  Shampoo hair and wash, being careful not to slip and not to become too anxious about stepping out and slipping on the tiles.
8.  Dry off being carefull not to rub the vein graft.
9.  Dry hair and get dressed.
10.  Sit on your bum (again) to go down the stairs and wait for hospital transport to arrive in time to make your 8:00 am appointment.
11.  Apply cream to the area where the needles are to be inserted so that the needles don't hurt as much when they go in.
12.  Wait for transport.
13.  Call transport at 7:45 to ask where your transport is.
14.  Throw up (again) due to the stress of waiting.
15.  See the ambulance pull up and make your way down the drive.
16.  Notice the ambulance is full and the only seat available is facking backwards and ask the driver for a sick bowl.
17.  Throw up several times enroute.
18.  Arrive late and have to wait.
19.  After waiting 45 minutes for  a reduced staff, finally get a machine.
20.  Oppps, the nurse assigned to you can't find the vein and has to wait for another nurse to become available.
21.  Finally get connected to the machine and have to endure 4 hours of daytime television that you can't even see because the patient 3 seats down has his chair up and you can't even see the television.
22.  Your blood pressure drops towards the end of your treatment and you are forced to endure another half hour (on top of the four you have already done) while it's gotten under control.
23.  Go into the waiting room to wait for transport to take you the 40 miles home.
24.  Wait
25.  Wait
26.  Wait
27.  Ask the nurses about your transport and be informed that it is on the way.
28.  Wait
29.  Wait
30.  Wait
31.  Finally, your driver arrives and you get on the ambulance.  Again it's full and you are the last to be dropped off.

Let's swap, shall we?
You told Suzi, who posted about her dreadful health problems and in the same post said that she tended to laugh at herself to consider herself lucky because she had access to good healthcare and not to dwell on bad things. Have you any self awareness at all? Why did you feel it necessary to comment to her directly?
No I didn't - I asked her why she didn't consider herself lucky to have access to excellent healthcare facilites.
No I didn't - I asked her why she didn't consider herself lucky to have access to excellent healthcare facilites.
and why did you do that? And I wasn't aware that she said that she didn't have access to good heatlthcare, I have seen her earlier on this thread praising the NHS.

I am going to leave this now - I am sure Suzi will answer you herself should she feel the need,
sorry but I'd rather not say - I don't believe age should matter on a forum like this as everybody should be equal - giving you my age would only give some people more ammunition to have a go at me - sorry!
I think then perhaps you should be as selective with your comments to people. You can come across as cold and unfeeling. That also gives people who are looking for a fight the chance to have a go at you. You also hurt other people with your generalisations. so perhaps if you are more reserved and self edit then you wont attract people who want to have a go at you, or hurt other people by coming across as uncaring of there and or there friends and loved ones situations.
I'll trade you. We can do a swap, I'll get up at 6:00 am, go to work, contribute to society, etc. and you can: 1. Get up at 6:00 am 2. Sit on your bum to go down the stairs because your legs are too week to manage the stairs, 3. Make a cup of tea - careful not to use your left hand at all because of the graft at your wrist that was done to connect your vein and artery together to make your veins stronger to enable the needles for dialysis to work. 4. Clambor back up the stairs with your cup of tea, trying not to spill it or fall over. 5. Get your clothes out that you will be wearing that day, making sure that you have enough warm clothes in case there aren't any blankets available on the dialysis ward. 6. Get into the shower - lifting one leg while holding onto something to ensure that you don't fall and making sure you don't slip before lifting the other leg. 7. Shampoo hair and wash, being careful not to slip and not to become too anxious about stepping out and slipping on the tiles. 8. Dry off being carefull not to rub the vein graft. 9. Dry hair and get dressed. 10. Sit on your bum (again) to go down the stairs and wait for hospital transport to arrive in time to make your 8:00 am appointment. 11. Apply cream to the area where the needles are to be inserted so that the needles don't hurt as much when they go in. 12. Wait for transport. 13. Call transport at 7:45 to ask where your transport is. 14. Throw up (again) due to the stress of waiting. 15. See the ambulance pull up and make your way down the drive. 16. Notice the ambulance is full and the only seat available is facking backwards and ask the driver for a sick bowl. 17. Throw up several times enroute. 18. Arrive late and have to wait. 19. After waiting 45 minutes for a reduced staff, finally get a machine. 20. Oppps, the nurse assigned to you can't find the vein and has to wait for another nurse to become available. 21. Finally get connected to the machine and have to endure 4 hours of daytime television that you can't even see because the patient 3 seats down has his chair up and you can't even see the television. 22. Your blood pressure drops towards the end of your treatment and you are forced to endure another half hour (on top of the four you have already done) while it's gotten under control. 23. Go into the waiting room to wait for transport to take you the 40 miles home. 24. Wait 25. Wait 26. Wait 27. Ask the nurses about your transport and be informed that it is on the way. 28. Wait 29. Wait 30. Wait 31. Finally, your driver arrives and you get on the ambulance. Again it's full and you are the last to be dropped off. Let's swap, shall we?
I am not and never have for one second tried to suggest that you life is in any way easy or that what you are going through is nice in any way.  All I asked is do you not consider yourself lucky to have access to excellent healthcare facilities that you know will be there regardless.  For example if you lived in one of the so called third world countries you wouldn't have such acces, if you lived in America money may be an issue - that's is all I am saying.  That is why I agree with Lord Young - we are so lucky in this country to have such a service available - yes if we get really sick like yourself we are very unlucky however at least we have a fighting chance of recovering from illnesses that kill far too many people in other countries. 

I am not heartless - I wouldn't wish what you have been through on anybody - but I am a great believer of focusing on the positives in life as I believe that is what gets us through.  And believe me after the 18 months I have just been through I have more than enough experience of pain - I'm not going to go into details you will just have to trust me.
I think then perhaps you should be as selective with your comments to people. You can come across as cold and unfeeling. That also gives people who are looking for a fight the chance to have a go at you. You also hurt other people with your generalisations. so perhaps if you are more reserved and self edit then you wont attract people who want to have a go at you, or hurt other people by coming across as uncaring of there and or there friends and loved ones situations.
well said ding dong, i am off now x
Tax of all sorts is paid to the Government, this includes VAT, which everyone pays. Yes we are lucky in a sense we have the NHS, and yes i agree a review is needed. But i feel you dont have a clue, you only see things in a very simplistic view, and possibly arguementative, It would be a very cruel country if we refused kids healthcare and i am not very sure where you are coming from, We shall leave it there
I'm afraid you have lost me as I have absolutely no idea what point you are trying to make - sorry!
I think PP assumes we are Benefit lazy bums, having been on this and the other forum, i should know better than take the bait. Love to Suzi and Issyjinglebells(love your new name by the way)
don't put words into my mouth - I have said absolutely nothing that could possibly give anybody that idea - why can people not just debate a topic without resorting to personal attacke.  I am astounded that some people ahve had the audacity to call me the immature one when comments like this are being made by others.
 why can people not just debate a topic without resorting to personal attacke
Because PP, it's the nature and timing of your threads/posts. And perhaps if you thought about what and when you posted a bit more, you wouldn't get the reaction you do    you post to get a reaction, and that is exactly what happens. You love this really don't you
You know, I don't expect anyone to feel sorry for me, I don't ask for sympathy.  I don't WANT pity. I have never, ever expected or wanted anyone to treat me differently than anyone else because of my condition.

I have never started a thread asking for advice on my condition.  I never started a thread asking for sympathy.  The majority of the threads I have started have been lighthearted, fun, piss-takes and threads that I hope make people chuckle.

For me, this forum is supoosed to be fun.  When I started here a hundred years ago, it was to discuss Big Brother.  Sometimes, real life gets in the way.  For me, real life is my health and I try not to make a big deal about it.  For me, this forum has always been a way to get away from the crap life has thrown at me.

Do I wish things were different?  Hell yes.  Has my experiences changed me as a person?  Hell yes.  However, at the end of the day, I'm still the person I was 3 years ago - irreverent, sarcastic, fun-loving and I don't take myself seriously.  I laugh at things that I find funny and I cry at things that I find sad.

I see people who are worse off than me and I do what I can to make it better.  Sometimes, all I can do is smile at them or offer a cuddle.  Sometimes I just offer a shoulder to cry on.  Sometimes I offer an ear to listen.  Sometimes I am just thankful that I'm not having to go through what they are going through.  Sometimes just nodding and agreeing that life sometimes sucks, but it sure beats the alteranative.
Reference: Cologne
You could have fooled me. All your post are negative, moaning and belittling others

That's what I was going to say Cologne

Hevva, I have never had a cross word with you, I haven't agreed with a lot of what you have said over the time you've been in forumland but thought by and large you were ok, just someone who worded things unfortunately, and I have defended you and your right to your views.
However your behaviour in this thread has been so beyond the pale that I have wondered if someone had hijacked your account. Your crass and unfeeling responses to peoples heartfelt posts is astonishing, even for you.
And yet again.....she disappears and doesn't she deliberately trying to pit us against each other
I said that last night sprout and yet, here we are shouting the odds again just because she threw a crumb. I've seen a lot of people on here being deliberately crass towards other FMs and trying to wind up the forum, but I don't think I've ever encountered somebody less aware of the real world, which makes me think that this person is merrily taken the michael. In which case, I will merrily give it back.
cologne 1
Reference P
have never attacked anyone personally or made some one feel likeapieceof s*it unlike you and your pathetic little cronies - you are a viscious littel bully who really should not better - you reckon you've had life experience - what a joke you are nothing but a bully!!
I believe you posted that to me yesterday.,

Correct me if I am wrong, is that not a personal attack?
I believe you posted that to me yesterday., Correct me if I am wrong, is that not a personal attack?
are you being serious - did you actually read the part of my last post where I said "other than the point when I snapped last night"!!!!!! Do you know what I have had enough - yes you are all right and I am completely wrong - how dare I disagree with any of you - of course you are all perfect and know absolutely everything - I m a sick little individual and deserve to die - happy now??????????????
Suzi you don't have to justify yourself on here because someone who's obviously just trying to get a rise out of people disrespects your situation. Don't sweat it, seriously
I really am not trying to justify myself.  I don't expect anyone to respect me or what I have gone through.  I do consider myself lucky in regards to what a lot of other people have to face. 

What I don't feel is lucky or appreciative or thankful about is the millions of people that Lord Young dismissed with his comments.  All you have to do is watch an hour of the Children in Need telethon to see what some children face everyday.  Add onto that what their parents face and have to go through.

It amazes me that there are people in this country, in this world, who sit in their heated homes, with their wide screen plasma televisions, with more food on their table (that goes in their bins) and refuse to see people that are suffering.  People that could buy food for a week on what they spend on one meal, and tell them they are "lucky".
Suzi - I was going to send this to you in a PM but I don't know how.

I wouldlike to apologise if I have offended you in any way I can assure that was never my intention - all I was trying to do was make a point thatI believe we are very lucky in this country to have the services available to us that we do.  If this means I am disrespecting your situation by saying so then I apologise.  I am not the heartless piece of c*ap that people on here are trying to make me out to be - I just have an opinion that I was trying to express and I thoroughly believe that had it not been for certain people on here we could have had a good healthy converstaion about this topic.  So once again i would like to apologise and hope everything goes well for you in the future.
I don't expect anyone to respect me or what I have gone through
I know you're not fishing in any way but you can see from the posts on here that people have a lot of admiration for your outlook on life despite the obstacles you face. I hope I didn't appear condescending I just wanted to say to the decent people on here you need never ever justify anything you say in regards to that particular subject.
I wouldlike to apologise if I have offended you in any way I can assure that was never my intention - all I was trying to do was make a point thatI believe we are very lucky in this country to have the services available to us that we do. If this means I am disrespecting your situation by saying so then I apologise. I am not the heartless piece of c*ap that people on here are trying to make me out to be - I just have an opinion that I was trying to express and I thoroughly believe that had it not been for certain people on here we could have had a good healthy converstaion about this topic. So once again i would like to apologise and hope everything goes well for you in the future.
That's a very nice thing to post PP. Can you please extend the same courtesy to the rest of us who have indulged you every time you do this. Nobody is after your guts, we all just want a decent debate.
cologne 1
This is my one and only post in here and it's just to say that I have nothing but admiration for you Suzi - what a strong person you must be to deal with your situation Like most people, I have loved ones and people close to me that also fight daily battles - none of us should ever take our health for granted.
Thank you.  I don't see myself as strong, far from it.  My mother was strong - she had 3 children that she brought up on her own, without government help.  My cousin, who died from breast cancer last year and left two young children was strong. My friend who just got the all clear after having breast cancer is strong.  My husband who has had to take over all the household chores whilst holding down a job and taking care of me is strong.  Me?  I just get on with it.

I don't moan (well, I do, but not about my health), I don't whinge (much), I laugh and I tease and I stick two fingers up at those that try to bring me down.  Life is too short.

If Lord Young expects us all to eat cake, well, I'll have a slice or two.  At the end of the day, all my gadgets and mod cons mean nothing if I'm 6 feet under.  At least when I meet him in the afterlife I won't be laden down with the chains that he has forged in life (A Christmas Carol allergory).

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