No you're right I just don't see it - I don't see al those people who have never contributed NI getting healthcare, I don't see al those kids who have never contributed NI gtting healthcare, I don't see all those people getting kicked out of hospital because their contributions have run out - you are spot on I just don't see it. Course it has to be paid for somewhere for crying out loud however we are not charged as we go so to speak - we have a situation whereby regardless of what you have contributed you get healthcare and are not discrimnated against - but it's ok I just don't see it.
Tax of all sorts is paid to the Government, this includes VAT, which everyone pays. Yes we are lucky in a sense we have the NHS, and yes i agree a review is needed. But i feel you dont have a clue, you only see things in a very simplistic view, and possibly arguementative, It would be a very cruel country if we refused kids healthcare and i am not very sure where you are coming from, We shall leave it there