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Reference: pretty_p sometimes apologies are just meaningless And sometimes a sense of humour is quite useful.
A sense of humour when you are constantly being attacked - being told you have your head up you own a*se, being called all sortsof obscenities etc - and you want me to have a sense of humour - it is nothing more that bullying pure and simple.
Reference: pretty_p
A sense of humour when you are constantly being attacked - being told you have your head up you own a*se, being called all sortsof obscenities etc - and you want me to have a sense of humour - it is nothing more that bullying pure and simple.
Maybe your threads tend to paint you as a bit of a bully.
What with showing no empathy towards others?

Sometimes people resort to humour, instead of blowing their top.
It can be useful.

It's obvious that the majority of people in this country now are better off than people in many parts of the world and better off than most people were in the past.
However, the only way to judge poverty and the impact of it on those suffering it is in this place at this time. It is grossly insensitive of a man as rich and privileged as Lord (emphasis on Lord) Young to tell the populace (most of whom are considerably worse off than him) that they have never had it so good. Especially as he has been drawing a salary well above the average wage in this country paid for by the taxpayers
No wonder Cameron was embarrassed, there he is trying to shake the Eton schoolboy tag and one of his cronies comes out with that.

Sorry Cagney - I do not think anyone has been out of order particularly on this thread. PP has been judgemental and as usual does not  take anyone's view point but her own. How anyone could be not be moved by Suzi 's testamonial is beyond me...
Sorry but I do. This thread and many others. 

So many times it's been said she's a WUM but the same people always bite. The same people always in her threads. Even if you all know she doesn't  take peoples views on board it's  childish to resort to calling her names and ganging up on her. Put whatever spin on it you like but it's what happens everytime she posts.
You are nasty and viscious and seriously need to get over yourselves.  You makeme sick - I face so much goading on here and never take the bait - I am a far better person that a number of youon here will ever be and I possess a hell of a lot more empathy and compassion.  Just grow up children!!!!
tsk tsk name calling again
Sorry but I do. This thread and many others.  So many times it's been said she's a WUM but the same people always bite. The same people always in her threads. Even if you all know she doesn't  take peoples views on board it's  childish to resort to calling her names and ganging up on her. Put whatever spin on it you like but it's what happens everytime she posts.

I have to agree ................I don't always agree with PP (mostly don;t) but I make my point and move on. I really don't understand the nit picking mentality going on ............a lot of what PP says os controversial but's food for thought and I hate the way people gang up on her TBH.
Soozy Woo
Everyone has a right to an opinion, but there's a difference in having strong opinions and downright sheer ignorance. I do not know why Hevva continues to try to 'debate' anything on this forum, given that from the outset there is no intention of a debate in mind, just her opinion and only her opinion that matters, and if anyone tries to disagree or offer an alternative viewpoint it is met with aggressive retorts from her, along the vein of 'how DARE anyone disagree' attitude.

Given that every single thread she starts always has the majority of the forum disagreeing and with Hevva ending up calling adults older than her 'children', I am baffled as to why she continues to want to use this forum as a platform for 'discussion' on topics (as she claims she wants to do).

I purposely haven't addressed this directly to the OP as I get purposely ignored, so am therefore expressing a 'viewpoint'.
So many times it's been said she's a WUM but the same people always bite. The same people always in her threads. Even if you all know she doesn't  take peoples views on board it's  childish to resort to calling her names and ganging up on her
I wasn't ganging up on her -that would imply that I was complicit with other people.
I have a daughter roughly the same age as PP and I would be horrified if she had views like her.,

If I am guilty of anything it is of perhaps trying to get her to see that people have  huge life experiences that affect how they think and what they say about things. I also think that it is sometimes important to know when to back off.
PP hasn't learnt that yet.
Very frustrating when you hit a brick wall though.
In real life though Blizz nobody on here would go that far. It would lead to at the least a fat lip and the worst hospital. It's all safe doing it from behind a keyboard. Treat it like you would real life and if you see it getting heated..........walk away 

ps...yeah I should have learnt that lesson long ago 
To go from 'Woe is me, I can't find a job, and yet they're offering help to disabled people, although I do actually have a job, but I hate my boss', to 'God, this country is a joke, letting people claim allowances for mental health issues. There should be help to get these scroungers unemployed disabled people into jobs and off our backs', to 'Why the hell are we moaning. We've never had it so good', is quite a skill.

I'll give her that.
Reference: Cagney
In real life though Blizz nobody on here would go that far. It would lead to at the least a fat lip and the worst hospital. It's all safe doing it from behind a keyboard. Treat it like you would real life and if you see it getting heated..........walk away ps...yeah I should have learnt that lesson long ago
I don't think I have ever walked away!
But thankfully people in such situation are in the minority
But the minority represents our common humanity. "we have never had it so good" make us turn our back on the lost and the destitute.... and that is when another Baby P happens or if possibly worse.

If we ignore some, how does that fit with Cameron's "big society"?

Or is it the "big society" minus the people we don't want to see. That is a smaller society.
Maybe PP is the secret love child of Maggie Thatcher and Michael Hesiltine?

In the middle of a debate............this was uncalled for. Kind of blows any argument with her about maturity out the water
Absolutely right Cagney and it was a light hearted remark which perhaps was not appropriate.
However I did apologise for it later... only to be told my apology was worthless.
I have a daughter roughly the same age as PP and I would be horrified if she had views like her

.,i can understand that but ...................we really aren't all the same - just because you are horrified doesn't make you right and PP wrong does it?  In the same way that people try endlessly to put PP straight - she won't see it because she sees that she's right - just as you do. Just because you have the might of the majority of the forum behind you (often I'm with you) - it really doesn't make your opinion more valid IMO. There is far too many personal insults directed to PP (I'm not getting at you) - if people have an alternative view - can we not live and let live? I really don't see PP getting personal .............why do people think she is easy prey to take a dig at?
Soozy Woo
I'm really not sure about this C lique thing though Meaty - or should that be Mincey?

Most of the people on the old C4 forum (and so here) were of a left wing leaning and quite committed to a view of society that encompasses the Welfare State, NHS etc. So it's natural that a lot of people would disagree with the views that Hevva posts.

I think that Blizzie, Saz, Ding, Leccy, Carnelian, Joe, Issy, myself etc would disagree with the kind of views expressed re  politics etc by Hevva no matter who was saying them. It's not ganging up to disagree with a point of view.

Btw apologies to anyone I named if I offended them by listing them: I was just trying to make a point that it's not because it's Hevva that that people don't agree, it's because they don't agree with the viewpoint offered
............why do people think she is easy prey to take a dig at?

Soozy, (my opinion) but I think its the nature of the posts she posts all the time. If she posted something light hearted every now and again, people might take to her. Instead she posts inflamatory threads (in some people's eyes) and expects nothing to be said on the matter
Reference: Cagney
Neither should you. What is the barrier between banter and bullying though? Screen or face to face what's going on here is ganging up and attempted bullying. I say attemted coz I don't think it's working
I don't think I would ever attempt banter with pretty_p!

I do attempt to debate with her, though, and when I am either ignored, or met with her brick wall, I resort to humour, usually sarcasm.
She knows that she will be met with a majority opinion against her, and she loves it, so why not?

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