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I'm here but having a lot of problems, pictures/avatars not always showing up for me, something to do with ActiveX (error message) saying I don't have all the componeents but I haven't touched anything, hope everyone finds their way over here eventually, it can only get better
There's a post to solve this somewhere...easy to mine showing..
Bringing back where you could click to find previous posts, would help. It`s hard to remember which threads you`ve posted in...especially at my age.   Tickers not the same
Yeh, on the old forum the threads you visited would stay in a lighter print/ type, here, as soon as someone posts in them they go back to bold...I forget which ones I've been in, my memory isn't what it was!
The Devil In Diamante
I'm not liking the format at all, its not easy on the eye - the original layout was much better The page holds fewer subjuects so things fall away to page 2 much quicker. So many people are missing  - and why have some changed their names? Its only adding to my confusion!! I knew this wud happen
All for one and one for all, we shall not be defeated...
The Devil In Diamante

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