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I tell ya Scotty, these avvys won't budge.  They refuse to move at my command.  Avvy dragging is an art form, it must be

I think it's my browser that is stopping it tbh.  I can drag other things from place to place so I know my dragging technique is sound like a pound  The only way I can get the avvy to appear is to right click on the person's avvy, copy it, and paste it into the reply box.  That way works for me.  But I don't want to do that every time I quote, so I'll just type in the person's name after the reference bit at the top.  Maybe it's your browser that is stopping you doing it.  I use the AOL browser at all times. 

EA, thanks for bestowing VIP status on me.  I don't deserve it
Twee Surgeon
I have finally decided not to drag my avvys.  I will just look on in wonder and admiration at those who can drag without any problems, and stick to the old tried and tested way of typing the name.  Some may see that as a defeatist attitude but I know the truth.  I can't drag for the life of me.    Scotty, join the 'can't drag, won't drag Club'.  You can be number two lol 

NB .. It cannot possibly be me, it's the browser
Twee Surgeon
I have finally decided not to drag my avvys. I will just look on in wonder and admiration at those who can drag without any problems, and stick to the old tried and tested way of typing the name. Some may see that as a defeatist attitude but I know the truth. I can't drag for the life of me. Scotty, join the 'can't drag, won't drag Club'. You can be number two lol NB .. It cannot possibly be me, it's the browser
I didnt drag really Twee.    right click the avvy, choose copy. Place curser next too 'reference' right click, choose paste.
lainy m
Reference: Twee No1 of the `can`t drag, wont drag Club`
I have finally decided not to drag my avvys. I will just look on in wonder and admiration at those who can drag without any problems, and stick to the old tried and tested way of typing the name. Some may see that as a defeatist attitude but I know the truth. I can't drag for the life of me.  Scotty, join the 'can't drag, won't drag Club'. You can be number two lol NB .. It cannot possibly be me, it's the browser
Love it Twee

I`ll grab No.`s the only way forward!  

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