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Reference: Xoc
I've been trying to figure out what you meant Twee... either way, by leaving a page and returning to it again, you are refreshing the page you want to quote, so it has the same result. But you should have a 'refresh' or 'update' page button on your browser. This stops you having to leave the page. Otherwise, just highlight the multiple quotes you've got on your reply box and delete until you get to the one you want to quote. When the site is running slow I often find this quicker. I'm Mac on Safari, so can't help if you're pc though.
I don't seem to be able to refresh my page (F5) on this site.  If I do the whole thing freezes on me.  I used to use F5 all the time over on the old site.  It just doesn't work for me on here and I don't know why.  So I overcome the problem by going onto another page, or out of the thread altogether and then coming back in. 

I don't do multiple quotes.  I only do one quote at a time, and then it has gone out of my comment box altogether when I post, so I don't understand what you mean about multiple quotes Xoc.  I use the AOL browser all the time for everything.  I wonder if that is why I may be having problems with my 'refresh' button?  Thank you for taking the trouble to explain this to be Xoc, I really do appreciate it.
Twee Surgeon
I use the AOL browser all the time for everything.  I wonder if that is why I may be having problems with my 'refresh' button?
OK Twee... but this may be worth reporting in the LiveCloud support forum (in the Sites on the green bar). There are folk having probs with other browsers I think, and either way Admin will really want to know if you're having difficulties. They want this place to be user-friendly for sure!  
Reference: real
Well said Twee. And besides that we are all now meeting new folk that we may have not spoken to before. -- An added bonus
Tis all good real.  We are learning new things and helping each other and, in the meantime, making friends with FMs we may not have met with before.  So many people have taken the trouble to help me on here that you end up just being grateful to them for taking the time to explain things.  Not one person has made me feel stupid, although I have asked some really stupid questions to try and fathom it all out. 
Twee Surgeon
Reference: real
Twee-- is there not a circular arrow on the top bar of your browser?? On Firefox, this is the page refresh button. You should download Firefox and give it a try- its free.
This will sound stupid real, but I have always used F5 to refresh, instead of the 'refresh' button on my browser.  Well, what do you know?  After reading your post, I decided to use the proppa 'refresh' button on my browser and guess what?  It works!  Real, I think you are my newest, my bestest, most cleverest friend in the world.  I am now refreshing with a passion.  I would never have found out where I was going wrong had I not come in this thread tonight. 
Twee Surgeon
Reference: Xoc
OK Twee... but this may be worth reporting in the LiveCloud support forum (in the Sites on the green bar). There are folk having probs with other browsers I think, and either way Admin will really want to know if you're having difficulties. They want this place to be user-friendly for sure!
Read my last post to real, and all will be explained.  Not using the proper refresh button on my browser was what was causing the problem.  I was using F5, and it obviously does not work the same on this site as it did on the old forum.
Twee Surgeon
Ooo! Ooo! Oooo!
And I've just discovered that if you drag the smiley's out of the reply box you're using you can stretch it to full size and it stays there until you refresh... it does mean you can't refresh or get rid of the quotes that way, but at least it means you don't have to do all the stretching and dragging or scrolling on each reply, especially if you're a bit smileytastic!

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