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Blizzie  and Yogi  you are two people that could never be called negative, Yogi we all worry about things that go on in life we would not be normal if we did not worry, my interpretation of someone being negative is that they are always negative no matter what and are never happy always complaining and never see the good side of anything that happens, being optimistic or pessimistic about certain situations  is different from being a negative person, we are all allowed to be happy and sad that is part of life and does not make us negative, I have said in above post there are people who thrive on being negative if they won the lottery they would turn it into a negative
Reference: Marge
Blizzie  and Yogi  you are two people that could never be called negative
 Thank you, Marge.

I don't see myself as particularly negative, but I do have low expectations of myself and, to some extent, others. I think it comes from hating to be disappointed and preferring to be pleasantly surprised.

I do have to be careful in how I speak to my kids, as I don't want to pass this on to them, but I often catch myself doing so, without thinking. I really don't want them to lower their expectations and end up not aiming high, as a result. I worry that they could end up doing nothing with their lives, as I feel I have done! 

Apart from that, I am actually quite cheerful, most of the time, and happy living a simple life. If I do get down, it is mostly as a result of other people's moods, and I snap out of it quite quickly. 
they could end up doing nothing with their lives, as I feel I have done!

Blizzie...  I know how it feels like that at times...   but bringing up kids does not count as having done nothing with your life...    its a bloody hard job...   with crap wages, and bugger all recognition.     Don't undervalue your contribution....   bringing up kids to be assets to society is a contribution in itself. 

And...  then there is the whole "behind every sucessful man..." thing.    I know that when I was a single mum with a full time career job...   I desperately needed a wife!!   In fact, juggling home & work was almost impossible without one.

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