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ahhhh - I can speak from an expert perspective on this

In the winter I am a driver, in the summer I am a cyclist - cycling 7 miles to work and back.

I live in Oxford - which is a big cycle city. I have to say that as a motorist I am very careful of cyclists, and as I cyclist I appreciate the way that motorists treat me

So - a bit of a mutual admiration society for me
Some cyclists really take the piss on the roads, weave in and out of cars, don't stick to their cycle lanes.....then get the hump when they get run over.

As a driver (and a careful enough one who checks the mirrors and all that gubbins), sometimes cyclists have a way of creeping up on you. One of me peeves is when cyclists go through red lights. They don't pay tax to use their bike or need any specific insurance to use it on a public road and some of them treat the road (and everyone on it) with no diligence whatsoever. Everyone who uses the road has a responsibility to be aware and courteous of everyone else using it.
I don't drive and like Cologne don't have enough puff to cycle.   When I did cycle, I gave up because of the amount of times car drivers swerved in front of me in the cycle lanes indicating they were going to make a left turn but really their intention was beat the queue of traffic.  

I haven't seen as many cyclists go through red lights here as I noticed when I was in London not so long ago   do cyclists there understand what a red light is?
Reference: Rexipoos!
ahhhh - I can speak from an expert perspective on this In the winter I am a driver, in the summer I am a cyclist - cycling 7 miles to work and back. I live in Oxford - which is a big cycle city. I have to say that as a motorist I am very careful of cyclists, and as I cyclist I appreciate the way that motorists treat me So - a bit of a mutual admiration society for me
Classic case of sitting on the fence !! 
I agree that some cyclists can be a pain, but most of them seem to be OK.  But I think that British roads need to be more cycle-friendly, as I would consider cycling a lot more if the roads were safer.  Thing is, where I live, my 10 mile round trip to work consists of either cycling down dangerous A roads, or down lonely paths.  Neither are appealing.  We need to be more like France and Holland etc where cyclists have their own little 'roads' and even their own traffic lights and it's much safer and better. We would all save a fortune on petrol and help the environment if the roads were made more cycle friendly.

Its 'motorcyclists' who piss me off to be honest, and I have lost count of the amount of times I have been waiting at traffic lights, and there are maybe 30 cars in front of me, and some to$$er on a motorbike weaves in and out of the traffic to get to the front of the queue like they're entitled to budge to the front.  Also, they overtake on bends and weave in and out to get to the front 'just because they can,' and one day last week when I was turning right, and pulled over to turn, one even pulled up at my right hand side, and tried to turn right BEFORE me, as I was turning.  Wanker.
Its 'motorcyclists' who piss me off to be honest, and I have lost count of the amount of times I have been waiting at traffic lights, and there are maybe 30 cars in front of me, and some to$$er on a motorbike weaves in and out of the traffic to get to the front of the queue like they're entitled to budge to the front.

That is what they are taught to do.   If they can safely do it, they are taught to get to the front, and get away from the cars...   

its their bubble of safety apparently!

Dirtyprettything: that's mad.  It's dangerous IMO

I used to think so...   motorbikes used to terrify me (I am a car driver)...   til I married a biker & found out their side of it.

The problem is...  when we learn to drive we should be taught, what they have been taught...  

I know there are idiots out there on bikes...  as there are behind the wheel of a car...   but having been on the back of the bike I can say its scary out there...    and I am all for them getting to the front at the traffic lights.

(I am less for them weaving between two lorries on the A12... so close that my knees were virtually touching each lorry each side!)
Definitely on cyclists side.  I am both, and the inconsideration many motorists give to cyclists is frightening. I had a car go past me so fast and so close once it almost sucked me under it's wheels. (If you've ever had one go past you or gone past a heavy goods vehicle in a car at speed you get the same effect)
Hmmm, most cyclists are okay, however, near me alot of cyclists tend to ride 2 and 3 abreast on the country roads and won't budge...that annoys me.....then again, those motorists who are either too lazy to flick their indicators/ don't actually have indicators or simply think you are a feckin mind reader pee me off even do the motorists who indicate 5 turnings too early or indicate AFTER they have cut you up rather than before to let you know what they intend to do.....overall, I have more issues with bad drivers than cyclists....
The Devil In Diamante
What pees me off is motorists who get caught speeding, driving whilst using a mobile phone etc and then bleat about how hard done by they are.

I agree but then there are cyclists who listen to music through headphones which is very dangerous and also who do not have adequate lighting on their bikes.

That said I am one of the good guys where bikes are concerned...
I've lost count of the number of times I've been nearly hit by cyclists jumping red lights at crossings....they always get a right of these days i will manage to hit one (i've swung for a couple!)

I've never had to jump out of the way of a car on a crossing.

BTW I neither drive nor cycle.

Same - and also when they ride on the pavements - that really bugs me.
QUOTE dirtyprettything:
I know there are idiots out there on bikes...  as there are behind the wheel of a car...   but having been on the back of the bike I can say its scary out there...    and I am all for them getting to the front at the traffic lights.

(I am less for them weaving between two lorries on the A12... so close that my knees were virtually touching each lorry each side!)

Well I wonder why motorcyclists were taught to drive this way?  Weaving in and out of the cars to get to the front, is both dangerous as one of the cars/vans/lorries could swerve into them, and also it's bloody annoying when they go to the front, as why should they have the right to buzz straight to the front when everyone else is waiting patiently?  How is them coming to the front 'safer' for them? 

And also, as I said earlier in the thread, I had motorcyclists whizzing past me and overtaking on bends and driving up my arse trying to get past, every time I go on the road, and also when I was turning right (and indicating to do so,) one overtook me to turn right first.  I have experienced some appalling and dangerous driving habits from people on motorbikes, more so than I have with any other vehicle.

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