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presents all bought and wrapped.......(some since october!) that have to be posted have that i hand out to rellys etc written and just got to be given out.....turkey and other bits in freezer....

tree and decs up since end of november.....

did buy loads of bud cos it was on offer in sainsbury's......but i seem to be minus alot of bottles already........
You must come on here to read all our nonsense to remind yourself that people are actually a right pain in the arse
 I remember last year Prom..I was banned from here just before Christmas, but Lori allowed me on for Christmas day! 
I might go into work if they call Rapid Response, that will definitely help me appreciate my peace & quiet 
Tree's up but I can't stop tweaking at it. I keep doing that poncy wannabe art critic thing of looking at it, changing summat, standing back, stroking chin, changing again...this even interrupted Corrie earlier

Decs are up (although I don't do tinsel, just little Christmassy things around the house) and I don't really bother with cards (only for my mum and my boy). Son's main present bought today - every year it gets more and more bleedin expensive

Dinner will probably be at mine this year so me and mother will be doing the cooking (well, I'll help where I can but I'll probably be told to sod off out of the kitchen when I start shouting at the veg), although I am buying a stuffed boneless turkey joint and cheating cos I can't be doing that chopping it up and stuffing the bird business (M&S usually do a divine lattice topped one that you just bung in the oven and it is trÃĐs lurrsh)

I'm looking forward to the pigs in blankets. And even better that I won't be waking up with one on Christmas morning
Renton & I were comparing good looking women....mine happened to have extremely pert and very naked breasts which upset our American hosts somewhat

I am quite good at upsetting Americans. Not deliberately of course. I was in Orlando on a business trip and got absolutely blasted and back at the hotel some PR woman joined me in the karoake bar where we did You're The One That I Want but we were so pissed we got mixed up and I sang the pink bits and she sang the blue bits. The looks we got, I felt like I had to explain we weren't going to eat their firstborn. (not that we could speak at the time) 
PR woman joined me in the karoake bar where we did You're The One That I Want but we were so pissed we got mixed up and I sang the pink bits and she sang the blue bits.
I did that with my mate's husband at our children's school disco.Neither of us were drunk just having a laugh.
His son and my daughter were horrified - we did the whole thing - it was so funny
It does baffle me sometimes, the priorities of right from wrong that some folk have!

Some people are so serious about things that are meant to be fun. Some guy got up after us and sung a Rick Astley song and got huge applause. We found out from the barman that he does that every night. Goes to a f*cking hotel bar karaoke to sing Rick Astley and was some kind of local 'star' because of it.

I fail to see how us flailing about incoherently singing all the wrong lines was less entertaining
Could you not have claimed self defence....that works in the US doesn't it!

No, what would have worked would have been my ears were damaged on the premises by his constant monotonaul wailing and I could have sued the hotel. I wish I'd thought of that at the time. You can sue for anything over there. I sometimes wonder if it's worth going back just to work as a full-time suer of various establishments 
I did my cards about 3 weeks ago Tree has been up over a week Ive made the christmas cake and am feeding it drambuie. Ive made mince pies, bought and wrapped most of my presents and posted the ones that need to go to Scotland, I reckon i will be completely done by the weekend. Ive written the list for the food that needs to be bought for the main event (which other half is cooking) so between now and then i will be just 'enjoying' the Christmas spirit. We have a list of places we want to go and christmassy things we want to do
I have written my cards but haven't sent them yet.
The tree and decs are going up at the weekend.
Some of the Christmas food is already in the freezer/cupboards. We'll still go out on the 22nd December and buy enough food to last a month.
I haven't bought many pressies yet but I have a very good excuse. I can't get out to the shops due to the Artic conditions we are having up here in Scotland.
I am determined to have everything done by 15th December.
Have you put up your tree and your decorations?

Have you sent out all your cards?

Have you bought all your presents?

Have you ordered your turkey?
Yes..!   Boned, stuffed and rolled and weighing in at approximately 22lbs.
Ordered my chipolatas and streaky too, and a large tub of goose fat for the roasties.

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