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Long read.

Lacey (Of course, her responses to Frosty could have been a defence of the argument offered by Scotty rather than a blind defence of the person themselves? Just a thought)

 "A few" could be suffering mental health issues. Indeed, (though I'd question what consitututes "a few").Sure, some pull it as a criminal defence...always have done but (quite commonly) others are diagnosed as a consequence of such actions. Why didn't they come forward for help earlier? Isolation, anxiety, fear, confusion, avolition, perceived lack of empathy, stigma (who'da thunk it?) or, in the case of personality disorders, they simply don't recognise that their way of thinking, feeling or behaving is aberrant... they've always been like that; they were born like that.

Personally, I always utlise a simple heuristic when considering such issues / cases; don't generalise because I know no real details of the person's history and "there but for the grace of God".
subatomic partygirl
Personally, I always utlise a simple heuristic when considering such issues / cases; don't generalise because I know no real details of the person's history and "there but for the grace of God".
That's why I found this thread difficult to reply to in the beginning, it's very difficult to make a call on it because you haven't a clue what a person might be effected by.  But I do think the mental health card is a last chance for some to avoid prison so they jump at it, but again that's not worth a sod because the only person can be sure is the person themselves and the one assessing them.
But you can get onto Forummer's Wives? What kind of establishment do you work in?

One day I will be arrested for murder, but I already have my defence.
'I caught mad cows disease from the never-ending beef casseroles I had to endure from his crock pot m'lord'
I will throw myself on the mercy of the jury hoping they can understand the pain of endless crock pot casseroles during the winter period.
Thanks everyone.  OK, I will not stop posting on here, as most people seem to be fine and I have had very few people having a go at me about this, and most people have given fair and decent responses and have had the decency and common sense to realise that people are entitled to their own opinions and views.  it's only the odd 2 or 3 that jump on you from a great height for having an opinion on here. I was just UBER mad yesterday!  So I retract my flounce. 

Anyway, why should I be driven away by a very small amount of people who think you're nasty or a troll, or talking crap, because you have the temerity to disagree with them, when most people here are pretty nice.  See y'all later.  I will still post here. (now and again.) 

Haven't seen one certain poster who fervently attacked me, since yesterday morning by the way.  Strange. 

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