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Then firstly, Why didn't you let Scotty do just that, if SHE is offended? And secondly, An opinion is just that, hardly "unfair" just because you disagree
Firstly, as I already said, I would have said the same if it were anyone.

Secondly, I think the comments in the post by Frosty are unfair and that's my opinion, I can think an opinion is unfair and disagree with it if I so choose, because that's my opinion!
Firstly, as I already said, I would have said the same if it were anyone. Secondly, I think the comments in the post by Frosty are unfair and that's my opinion, I can think an opinion is unfair and disagree with it if I so choose, because that's my opinion!
Well i think your jumping in at the defence of a forum member who is more than capable of defending themself is unfair....They will call gang mentality on your behind if you aint careful
Prince CharMING
Well i think your jumping in at the defence of a forum member who is more than capable of defending themself is unfair....They will call gang mentality on your behind if you aint careful
Ok prince then I accept your opinion!  I would voice my opinion if anyone was being slated, no matter who it was/is.

I don't do gangs, have always posted here independently and always will.
Hey Moonie We're all good here tah...I'm just about to dig him out of his pit and give him his lunch How are you? Dare I ask about the renovations?
Awww very pleased to hear it Temps Yey feeding time

I'm good thanks
Well i'm still waiting to be finished off I keep ringing them. They promise to sort it. Nothing gets done. I'm on to me local councillor. So hope it will get sorted. Got me family coming for Christmas. The place looks like a hovel
For LACEY:  Yes *I* don't see why you have to defend Scotty either...  But I am sure you have your reasons... The reason why my post was aimed more so at Scotty, is because HERS was the only one which was patronising and condescending and that basically said that I don't know what the hell I am talking about.  How DARE she say that?

My post wasn't 'frankly weird,' and YOU seem to be the only one that thinks that, and you are the only one who is feriociously defending Ms Scotty.  I wonder why?  I was angry though and although I have calmed down a bit, I am still very pissed off with her post. 

Anyone reading all the posts before I posted my last one, can see why I 'singled out' Scotty, because her post was frankly horrible, and the way she talked down to me like I was some kind of simpleton who had never lived and 'didn't know jack sh*t' about anything, was patronising and arrogant. 

I've popped out for my lunch break now, and won't be back this afternoon.  I am sure this will end up in the troll tank later, thanks to Scotty's provocative post to me.  As I said, I will not speak to her again, so congratulations Scotty, you have made ANOTHER enemy on here! 

I don't particularly care if it does end up in the troll tank, as it happens every day on here.  I am sure someone has reported me, but then you can't please everyone can you?!

Thanks very much to the posters on here that have constructed sensible and intelligent posts, (including Temps and Karma and Prince Charming,)    including the few that disagree with my points, and are putting their own points forward.  I appreciate most posts on here...   and I know most people are cool, and nice, but the few trouble makers and people who HAVE to talk down to you if you DARE to say something they disagree with, just spoil things... I won't be posting on this thread again.  In fact, I don't know ifI can be arsed to post on this forum again at all.  As I said, no WONDER people have left this forum; they are sick of being berated and attacked for having an opinion.

Merry Christmas to you all, as I seriously doubt I will be back for a long time; if at all.  I thought it had changed and you could post opinions on here without being attacked;  seems I was wrong...
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What are you getting done Moonie?  Why is it taking so long?

Usually I find over here that if you pit the parties against each other things get done quicker.  So if your local councillor isn't getting things moving for you, is there some one who might be keen for your votes next time around, who might be willing to help?
I appreciate most posts on here... and I know most people are cool, and nice, but the few trouble makers and people who HAVE to talk down to you if you DARE to say something they disagree with, just spoil things... I won't be posting on this thread again. In fact, I don't know ifI can be arsed to post on this forum again at all. As I said, no WONDER people have left this forum; they are sick of being berated and attacked for having an opinion
noooooooooooooooooooo!!!  Frosty don't go....who's gonna get me through the Janine/Archie debacle
"Police, who had to protect Tartaglia from an angry crowd as they detained him, say the suspect has a history of mental illness."

Would the 'angry crowd' have had an excuse, if the police hadn't been able to protect him?
They were Berlusconi supporters, so maybe that, in itself, is proof of disturbed minds.

I'm with Scotty on this, if that is allowed! 
Anyone reading all the posts before I posted my last one, can see why I 'singled out' Scotty, because her post was frankly horrible, and the way she talked down to me like I was some kind of simpleton who had never lived and 'didn't know jack sh*t' about anything, was patronising and arrogant
Maybe she will use mental health issues as an excuse, I would
Prince CharMING

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