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Reference: erinp
My head hurt with all the Mario has a secert
No need for your head to hurt anymore

Mario has actually said out loud that he didn't really have a secret. .

I said to you before that he was on a wind up when someone in there first mentioned 'the secret' . .  he rolled with it to wind them up.. . .   but I got ignored

and Ife is sleeping in Mario's bed cos she wants company and as he's gay it won't upset her BF..  <------------ that is from the mouth of JJ this morning as he explained to Ben why he is now in a single bed. .he moved so ife could have company..

No doubt  that  bit ^^^^^  will be ignored as well
Mount Olympus *Olly*

Ife and Mario got out of bed in the early hours and after playing a prank for the HM's to see in the kitchen this morning they had a long talk. Mainly Mario telling her about how troubled he was in his early twenties about having to admit to himself and friends that he was gay. It was obvious it was a natural convo with all her questions and his answers.

Also he can't be he bf of Keeva as has been suggested (although I liked that theory lol). He was chosen at random from the tombola. Although it's been suggested that could have been rigged we were told on the night than an Adjudicator had overseen the tombola all day and we saw her standing by as his number/name was chosen. It was interesting to think he might have a secret so we could look for clues and make guesses and I wish it was true but if not it was fun while it lasted lol.

Yellow Rose
Can anyone remember if when he was randomly chosen was he called out by name or a number. If it was by number...and here's another conspiracy theory involving BB lol.

On the first night we couldn't have been seeing it Live as it was daylight far longer than it should have been if we'd watched Live, so some editing could have been done by the time we saw it and him entering the house. If he was chosen by number they could have given him another identity to use. Last night he mentioned his FB a/c to Ife and said he regretted shutting it down before he went in as it would be nice to see what comments had been left while in the house. If he hadn't shut it down we could have checked out his Mario name thingy. Oh well just something I was pondering lol.
Yellow Rose

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