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Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Isn't it horrible/terrible that they've still not found her. Heartbreaking

it is a very sad situation  it has dropped off the main news pages today 

I always think when it goes quiet like that it's because the police know something very significant and want to keep it under wraps.

Originally Posted by MrsH:


Meanwhile it has emerged that children as young as seven will provide key evidence in the trial of Mr Bridger which is expected to take part next year.


The young witnesses, who have already provided video interviews about what they saw, are expected to provide further evidence via video link at the full hearing.

Poor little kids having to go over it all again


this is just so depressing  every day you hope for news and nothing ....


The search for missing April Jones could continue into Christmas and beyond, police have said.

Major search efforts to find the five-year-old schoolgirl are ongoing, and Dyfed Powys Police say the hunt could continue for months.

"We said goodbye to 150 officers this morning and they've been replaced by another 150 specialists," Superintendent Ian John said, speaking from Machynlleth.

"Numbers may fluctuate a bit on a daily basis. But whilst we still have viable lines of inquiry, we will continue to search.

"We could still be here at Christmas or the new year, we could be finished in two weeks."

He added: "The numbers involved in searching are always under review.

"Hopefully we will find April soon. We are not going anywhere until we have done our job.

"We are here for the long-term if we need to be."


I keep seeing new posts to this thread and open it up hoping that she's been found 


Someone said earlier in the thread that the river that they were searching was very close to the Irish Sea (I think) and that it's likely that her body has been washed ot to sea. Her poor, poor parents ............and that poor little girl  Just too horrible.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I keep seeing new posts to this thread and open it up hoping that she's been found 


Someone said earlier in the thread that the river that they were searching was very close to the Irish Sea (I think) and that it's likely that her body has been washed ot to sea. Her poor, poor parents ............and that poor little girl  Just too horrible.

Thats what my dad said, she could be miles away by now i don't know how any parent could get over that

Originally Posted by Cinds:

I do hope they find her, for the parents sake.  It must be awful just not knowing where she is.  Just listening to the radio that 21 years on and police are digging up somewhere in Kos, still searching for Ben Needham.  Imagine that, 21 years of not knowing what happened to your child.  Too awful.

Its tragic 

Originally Posted by Cinds:

I do hope they find her, for the parents sake.  It must be awful just not knowing where she is.  Just listening to the radio that 21 years on and police are digging up somewhere in Kos, still searching for Ben Needham.  Imagine that, 21 years of not knowing what happened to your child.  Too awful.

Its a long time to wait for answers


missing but not forgotton another day another year and the search still continues

We been told there will be 16 teams and 12 dog handlers from all over Britain coming back this weekend and we hope that they can find April for us. The way they keep searching despite our dreadful weather is amazing.

Mark Bridger, 46, has been charged with April’s murder. He is also charged with child abduction and perverting the course of justice.

He is due to appear at Caernarfon Crown Court on January 11 for a plea hearing.

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

I can't believe they still haven't found the poor little thing.

I think it's unlikely that they ever will - very, vary sad 


I'm not sure how parents ever get over something like this ..............too terrible to even contemplate. Makes you appreciate what you have doesn't it?

it must be terrible not having a body to bury when you know they died but do not know where they are, I wonder if he has given the police any information yet

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

I can't believe they still haven't found the poor little thing.

I think it's unlikely that they ever will - very, vary sad 


I'm not sure how parents ever get over something like this ..............too terrible to even contemplate. Makes you appreciate what you have doesn't it?

it must be terrible not having a body to bury when you know they died but do not know where they are, I wonder if he has given the police any information yet

That's it, on some level they must know she's not coming back, but I just wish for them they would find her body so they can put her to rest.


The man accused of the abduction and murder of April Jones has pleaded not guilty, though his barrister says he is "probably responsible" for her death.

Mark Bridger, 47, sat in the dock at Mold Crown Court flanked by two security guards as details of the charges were read out. 

He clearly replied "not guilty" as five-year-old April's parents stared into the glass-fronted dock.

The judge made an order under the Contempt of Court Act that none of the evidence mentioned should be publicly reported.

But he added that Bridger's barrister's statement that the former lifeguard was "probably responsible" for April's death could be reported.

Earlier the murmurings from people gathering in Court One were silenced as Mr and Mrs Jones walked in with police family liaison officers.

Mrs Jones shook her head as Bridger was led back into custody by court officers after the hearing.

As well as facing charges of abducting and murdering April, he is also accused of unlawfully disposing of and concealing her body with intent to pervert the course of justice.


Bridger, who appeared in court wearing jeans and a navy sweater, will face trial next month.

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

"Probably responsible" ..

That was my reaction too skylark.  It's just bizarre that he would plead not guilty yet his legal team are putting out a statement like that.

Looks like her parents will never get the answers they are looking for

Very sad, and now they have to sit through a trial. Are they trying to say it was an accident?? Very odd thing to say

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Aimee, as a parent you know yourself to imagine losing a child in that manner must be horrendous, but to never get the answers and to have her back to at least put her to rest must make the torture of it all unbearable.

I don't think I could live if it was me and to know that someone DOES know the answers but is refusing to tell you must be horrendous to live with

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

legally lawyers can't lie if their client has confessed they are guilty - so perhaps you're right Cosi...    perhaps he has said something to them that has made them unable to put in a not guilty plea...   but not an out & out confession...  


That's exactly what I was thinking Ditty (Hello btw )

I'm just hoping it's enough to make somebody somewhere find a way of pressing them on it.

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

legally lawyers can't lie if their client has confessed they are guilty - so perhaps you're right Cosi...    perhaps he has said something to them that has made them unable to put in a not guilty plea...   but not an out & out confession...  


That's exactly what I was thinking Ditty (Hello btw )

I'm just hoping it's enough to make somebody somewhere find a way of pressing them on it.


Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Aimee, as a parent you know yourself to imagine losing a child in that manner must be horrendous, but to never get the answers and to have her back to at least put her to rest must make the torture of it all unbearable.

I don't think I could live if it was me and to know that someone DOES know the answers but is refusing to tell you must be horrendous to live with

Me neither.  I know one thing if someone had done something so horrendous to Master C, I would personally want to torture it out of them.


Cosi I agree, that's the way the statement came across.  They might as well have thumbed their noses and said 'ner ner ne ner ner' 


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