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Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by stonks:

Thing that gets me with this is the man was'nt seen only the vehicle..the only eye witness is a 7 year old girl who could only state that the vehicle was smaller at the front than the back..the police gave out 2 vehicle descriptions..and why were the 2 girls so far away from their homes, thats a good walk for a 5 yr still keeps crossing my mind the police have the wrong man and thats why its taking so long....

I keep hoping that they've got the wrong man, because if it IS him, then it looks like poor little April is dead. However if someone else took her, then there is still hope...


Its all very odd.

Thats how I felt Rosie..the family must be in limbo with the charge of murder but still no sign of their daughter....

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

The CPS say they have enough evidence to charge him. If he's guilty he's continuing to pile on the grief to her family by not saying where April was taken to, so very very cruel and callous.

That's how I feel too YR.  Horrible horrible horrible.


I wish for the parents sake he would just say where she is, so at least they can then start the grieving process and be given the opportunity to lay her to rest properly.

Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I know this is very, very wrong, but if I was the mother of this child, I would like to start pulling out his fingernails to get him to talk. I just can't help my venom in this case.

Really just his finger nails?  If I were the mother I would start with hooks, his manhood and objects that move fast.

There has been a culture change over the years. In the past they draped suspects with blankets, anonymity, and a fair trial. It looks like this gadje is probably guilty, however one goes back to that guy in Bristol who was deemed guilty by the press because he didn't fit into their predetermined approved appearance. Through my footie site I see that there is a Facebook "hang him" group. I despair. I hope that this is cleared up quickly.
Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
One other point....... Supposing that he is guilty? Since the press have already found him guilty then might he get off with it due to the lack of a fair trial?

I dunno about that GJ. .I find this case reporting  seems to be different from that one where they sourced loads of info and printed it re that guy in Bristol. [tho must admit I've not seen any of the rags just the news and occasional links posted in here..]


my feeling is they only seem to be reporting what the cops are doing. .ie  searching the blokes home. ..searching the river etc... then arrested in connection with. .  then arrested on suspicion of. . then charged with murder, abduction.. no great background detail of the bloke.. and it's usually that last bit that can affect a fair trial..


I get the feeling the media have been told to not try the bloke in public pre trial.. which includes not bringing up his past..


I may be wrong tho . .usually am

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
There has been a culture change over the years. In the past they draped suspects with blankets, anonymity, and a fair trial. It looks like this gadje is probably guilty, however one goes back to that guy in Bristol who was deemed guilty by the press because he didn't fit into their predetermined approved appearance. Through my footie site I see that there is a Facebook "hang him" group. I despair. I hope that this is cleared up quickly.

Someone has been charged over a FaceBook offensive post in regard to this case.


"A man from Lancashire has been charged with making an offensive post on Facebook about missing five-year-old April Jones."

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Mark Bridger has appeared in court looking tearful as he faced charges of abducting and murdering five-year-old April Jones.


The 46-year-old stood in the dock at Aberystwyth Magistrates Court where the charges were put to him.


As well as abducting and murdering April, Bridger is charged with the unlawful disposal and concealment of her body with intent to pervert the course of justice.


Bridger was tearful as he spoke to confirm his name, age and address. He also confirmed he understood the charges.


He was remanded in custody and will next appear at Caernarfon Crown Court on Wednesday.


Sky's Nick Martin said: "He looked very emotional. At one point he looked very tearful, very emotional. He looked tired, he was unshaven."

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

By not saying anything about this is he not just confirming in most peoples thoughts that he DOES have someting to do with it, or know something about it?

Thats the way i see it, the police must be certain it's him or they wouldn't have charged him surely, i wonder if we will ever find out why he did it

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
That's fair enough! I was assuming that the press were doing a job on him but I haven't actually read any of the scratter stuff.

Neither have I 


Also due to my aggy problem I am never in a newsagents to even see headline garbage either

Here you go Olly: 

its like an online newsagent. I've ruined it for you!



I'm sure they must have quite a bit on him if they've been able to charge him.


The lack of info in the press in unsurprising really - I'm sure I read somewhere that they weren't giving out info to ensure a fair trial. Sounds sensible really - with anything like this we're all gagging for info - it's human nature really but I think it's right to let it come out at the trial.

Soozy Woo

Because he's not been found guilty yet we can only go by the assumption he is. So on that assumption when I saw on the news he was emotional/tearful in Court all I could think of was the ocean of tears April's family have probably shed in the last week. One thing I still don't understand is why he won't say where little April's body was taken to. It's not like the family are strangers to him so feels no empathy for them. He must know, can picture, imagine, how much they're suffering.

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Someone has been charged over a FaceBook offensive post in regard to this case.


"A man from Lancashire has been charged with making an offensive post on Facebook about missing five-year-old April Jones."

Dreadful. I hope he gets convicted.

A man from Lancashire has been charged with making an offensive post on Facebook about missing five-year-old April Jones.

Matthew Wood, 20, of Eaves Lane, Chorley, is accused of sending a public electronic communication which is grossly offensive.

He is in custody and will appear before Chorley Magistrates' Court today.

Mr Wood, who was arrested on Saturday, has been charged under section 127 of the Communications Act.

UPDATE: Matthew Woods has been jailed for 12 weeks for 'despicable' Facebook posts about April Jones.

Matthew Woods, 20, made a number of derogatory posts about April and missing Madeline McCann.

He appeared at Chorley Magistrates' Court to admit sending a public electronic communication which is grossly offensive.

Woods, of Eaves Lane, Chorley, was handed the maximum sentence.

Chairman of the 
bench Bill Hudson said his comments were so serious and "abhorrent" that he deserved the longest sentence they could pass, less a third to give credit for his early guilty plea.

'Changed it slightly'

Woods, who is unemployed, was arrested for his own safety on Saturday night and remanded in custody ahead of his appearance in court.

Chorley magistrates heard members of the public were so upset about his posts they reported them to the police.

About 50 people went to his home address and the defendant was arrested at a separate address.

Members of the public reported the offensive online post about April Jones to police. The court heard his comments mentioned April and also Madeleine McCann, who vanished five years ago from her family's holiday apartment in Praia da Luz in the Algarve, Portugal.

Martina Jay, prosecuting, said: "When interviewed by police he fully admitted he posted messages about the two missing children."

She said he had been drinking at a friend's house when he saw a joke online and changed it slightly before posting it on Facebook.

"He said he did it in a bid to make people think his account had been hacked. He said it got out of hand," she said.

Woods conceded to police that his account had not been hacked and that he was responsible for all the posts made on 3 and 4 October.

David Edwards, for Woods, said: "He did seem genuinely remorseful and regretful for what he had done.

"At the time he posted these comments not once did he think he would find himself where he is today.

"He fully accepts he was the author of his own misfortune."

(Source: BBC News)

my source

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Because he's not been found guilty yet we can only go by the assumption he is. So on that assumption when I saw on the news he was emotional/tearful in Court all I could think of was the ocean of tears April's family have probably shed in the last week. One thing I still don't understand is why he won't say where little April's body was taken to. It's not like the family are strangers to him so feels no empathy for them. He must know, can picture, imagine, how much they're suffering.

Perhaps if they don't find her he thinks he can get away with it - once the body is found it yields more evidence - forensic and otherwise.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Because he's not been found guilty yet we can only go by the assumption he is. So on that assumption when I saw on the news he was emotional/tearful in Court all I could think of was the ocean of tears April's family have probably shed in the last week. One thing I still don't understand is why he won't say where little April's body was taken to. It's not like the family are strangers to him so feels no empathy for them. He must know, can picture, imagine, how much they're suffering.

Perhaps if they don't find her he thinks he can get away with it - once the body is found it yields more evidence - forensic and otherwise.


also and I hate to say this, but the longer the body is exposed to the elements or water (and we can only guess where her little body is) the more degraded the forensics will be - if he can string them along for enough time, he may hope that any usable forensics will be lost 

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Because he's not been found guilty yet we can only go by the assumption he is. So on that assumption when I saw on the news he was emotional/tearful in Court all I could think of was the ocean of tears April's family have probably shed in the last week. One thing I still don't understand is why he won't say where little April's body was taken to. It's not like the family are strangers to him so feels no empathy for them. He must know, can picture, imagine, how much they're suffering.

Perhaps if they don't find her he thinks he can get away with it - once the body is found it yields more evidence - forensic and otherwise.

Yes Soozy that's the only reason I've thought of too. If he's guilty I really hope they have conclusive proof.

Yellow Rose

There is another reason he may not have told the cops where she is. .  perhaps he doesn't know. .


just wanted to put the cat among the pigeons.. 


but, it has been said that he and his kids have had contact with her in the past so there may be forensics linking her to his car and home from previous encounters..


then again he may be doing an Ian Brady and thinking he'll be famous the longer he holds out telling where he put her..


Whatever, tis a dreadful thing all around


and cheers for the link Rosie. .think I may pass. .am happier not seeing most headlines I think

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

There is another reason he may not have told the cops where she is. .  perhaps he doesn't know. .


just wanted to put the cat among the pigeons.. 


but, it has been said that he and his kids have had contact with her in the past so there may be forensics linking her to his car and home from previous encounters..


then again he may be doing an Ian Brady and thinking he'll be famous the longer he holds out telling where he put her..


Whatever, tis a dreadful thing all around


and cheers for the link Rosie. .think I may pass. .am happier not seeing most headlines I think

Olly that's what I am thinking, he didn't in court admit the charges, just recognised them.  


I said it the other day, I have an awful feeling there is a lot more to this case than what we are being told.

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

There is another reason he may not have told the cops where she is. .  perhaps he doesn't know. .


just wanted to put the cat among the pigeons.. 


but, it has been said that he and his kids have had contact with her in the past so there may be forensics linking her to his car and home from previous encounters..


then again he may be doing an Ian Brady and thinking he'll be famous the longer he holds out telling where he put her..


Whatever, tis a dreadful thing all around


and cheers for the link Rosie. .think I may pass. .am happier not seeing most headlines I think

You're welcome Olly, I admire your willpower 

It does seem strange. Maybe he's just another Ian Huntley or Suffolk Strangler - both went into complete denial about their crimes. One made up an absurd story that it was an accident, the other still maintains his innocence. They're the worst type of liar - a liar to themselves.


At least let the little girl rest in peace in a proper grave where her poor family could mourn.




charged with abducting and murdering five-year-old April Jones.

He is also accused of unlawful disposal and concealment of her body with intent to pervert the course of justice.


He also confirmed he understood the charges.



why hasnt he or his family asked for legal representation though if there is a chance he is innocent  

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

There is another reason he may not have told the cops where she is. .  perhaps he doesn't know. .


just wanted to put the cat among the pigeons.. 


but, it has been said that he and his kids have had contact with her in the past so there may be forensics linking her to his car and home from previous encounters..


then again he may be doing an Ian Brady and thinking he'll be famous the longer he holds out telling where he put her..


Whatever, tis a dreadful thing all around


and cheers for the link Rosie. .think I may pass. .am happier not seeing most headlines I think

Olly that's what I am thinking, he didn't in court admit the charges, just recognised them.  


I said it the other day, I have an awful feeling there is a lot more to this case than what we are being told.

It doesn't sit right with me neither....the man appears to be guilty to most...but hasn't been found guilty by a court!

I like a few on here..haven't read anything of the story...only what I see on here!

God forbid if I were to be charged & you's lot were my jury! 

Just saying like! 


As a mother of 5...all types of child abuse sickens me...but we have a judicial system (not perfect) which is there for the benefit of all....if adhered to!


Why if they have enough evidence, have we not been told...are we not usually??

Originally Posted by MrsH:



charged with abducting and murdering five-year-old April Jones.

He is also accused of unlawful disposal and concealment of her body with intent to pervert the course of justice.


He also confirmed he understood the charges.



why hasnt he or his family asked for legal representation though if there is a chance he is innocent  

I think he must have a solicitor, even a duty solicitor? Though it doesn't say it there Mrs H.


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