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Police have been given until 5pm tomorrow to question the main suspect in the case of missing April Jones.


Officers revealed that police had been granted an extra 36 hours to question Mark Bridger.


Meanwhile, rain has hampered the search for the youngster this morning.


The mayor of Machynlleth, Gareth Jones, said bad weather in Wales was making it more difficult for rescuers, focusing on 20 sites in the area.



Grabs of Scott Williams, 19

Help: Scott Williams, 19, told reporters that he has  been looking for April ever since she disappeared

Scott Williams joined hundreds of volunteers scouring the rugged countryside around Machynlleth for the missing five year–old.

Mr Williams, 19, said that he had only met his father for the first time a few months ago, and that Mr Bridger's arrest was nothing to do with his family.

"He has never been in my life. I have only met him on a couple of occasions like down the local pub – he's been there a couple of times that I've been there," Mr Williams told Sky News.

"But it was a shock when we heard it on the news that he'd been arrested."

Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
I really hope they get some info before that bloke is released

Its reported on Sky that Bridger has only been in the village for a month.


A suspect in the abduction of five-year-old April Jones has been described as "a bit of a ladies' man" who has fathered a number of children with different women.

Mark Bridger was arrested on Tuesday, two miles north of Machynlleth, the small town in mid-Wales where April was last seen.

Police have until 5pm on Friday to question the 46-year-old, who is thought to have worked as a welder, mechanic and hotel porter.

One local, Glen Lewis, 50, said Mr Bridger had also harvested trees on forestry land close to Machynlleth.

A car drives towards MachynllethMr Bridger is known to many in the close-knit community of Machynlleth

He said: "I know him well enough to wave to. I've always thought of him as a bit of a ladies' man."

Mr Bridger is believed to have fathered at least four children with two different partners.

His children include Scott Williams, 19, who lives on the same estate as April and joined the search for the missing youngster.

However, a person living on the Bryn-y-Gog estate who asked not to be named said: "I know he has at least four children but I'm fairly certain he has two, perhaps three others."

Welsh Police Officers stand outside a house called 'Mount Pleasant' in the village of Ceinws, believed to be the last knows residence of Mark Bridger.Police are searching Mr Bridger's cottage, known as Mount Pleasant

Neighbours claimed Mr Bridger has two young daughters who are said to have regularly played with April.

He has lived at a number of addresses in Machynlleth and lived on Bryn-y-Gog until his recent move to a rented cottage in nearby Ceinws, a village of just 80 people.

Police used drills to unbolt doors at the rented property and forensic teams have been searching the house and garden.


Judging by the police having named him as a suspect, well the only suspect, it would seem they are confident he's done something, but it doesn't look as if they can tie him to anything yet. Whether that's a lack of forensic evidence in addition to the terrible weather hampering searches and his lack of communication (not saying anything).


Without evidence of April being found or of being in his house, I'm not sure what they can charge him with?   Although they could take the risk and charge him and hope they find evidence before he comes to trial 


I really hope for the sake of her parents, whatever the outcome, that she is found soon   it must be torture for them 


How To Donate To April's Fund Sky News

Updated: 9:37pm UK, Thursday 04 October 2012

Machynlleth Town Council has set up an appeal fund for the family of missing girl April Jones.

Councillor Mike Williams told Sky News: "We've set up the fund as a result of all the requests we've had - not just from the town but all across the United Kingdom."

The council will manage the fund and take donations, before deciding along with April's family how best to use the money.

The council says cheques should be made payable to MTC - April's Fund and posted to Y Plas,  Aberystwyth Road, Machynlleth, Powys, SY20 8ER.



On Sky News a few minutes ago I caught a glimpse of a headline in one of tomorrow's rags. It said "I saw a man with a binbag near the river" Whether true or not who knows. As the days go by the family's nightmare continues. It's beyond any reasonable's persons belief that someone would make a family suffer like this, it's heartrending.

Yellow Rose

Sadly a lot of the time in cases like this it's about power, and this is his final way of maintaining that power by not disclosing where she is.  Bastard.


It's just horrible to think her poor parents have to now come to terms with the fact that she is gone forever, but to not be able to say goodbye properly must be unbearable.

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Sadly a lot of the time in cases like this it's about power, and this is his final way of maintaining that power by not disclosing where she is.  Bastard.


It's just horrible to think her poor parents have to now come to terms with the fact that she is gone forever, but to not be able to say goodbye properly must be unbearable.

  he's a barsteward 


Kay Burley has been criticised after telling a member of the Machynlleth community live on air that the search for April Jones has now become a murder inquiry.
The Sky News host was approached by two search volunteers during her report, one of whom was yet to be told the news that Mark Bridger had been arrested on suspicion of the 5-year-old's murder.

"They [the police] don't expect to find her alive," Burley said. "I'm sorry to have to tell you in circumstances like this... would you like to say anything?"
Labour MP Tom Watson tweeted: "Kay Burley: Insensitive bordering on cruel. Is breaking news so important that you have to forget your humanity?"
Many other Twitter users also expressed their dismay at Burley's controversial actions, with Ofcom confirming that it has already received viewer complaints.


Erin I just watched that video & I watched another one earlier which shows the lead up to where that one starts, and while I am in no way defending Kate Burley, the woman who she is interviewing does say at the beginning that 'he has just told me the news' and then Kate goes on to say this is what we know from the police.  While I think asking for their reactions live on air when she was clearly upset was a horrible thing to do, she certainly didn't tell them live on air that it was now a murder investigation.


 Dyfed Powys police have until 5pm today to question Mark Bridger, with option of 24-hour extension

Mark Bridger's re-arrest does not 'reset' custody time.

Custody rules are maximum of 96 hours per person, not per charge

The mood in Machynlleth inevitably changes as police reveal suspect is now being questioned on suspicion of murder

Police are expected to ask magistrates for more time to question suspect Mark Bridger.

They may want to hold him until 5pm Sat.

Police are searching an area of steep river bank where witnesses said they saw a man with a bin bag.

Police are collecting vegetation and digging through shale with trowels in area of river bank the size of a tennis court.

Area of shrubland sealed off by police with spades close to murder suspect Mark Bridger's home.

3:05pm   More police divers going into the River Dovey

Originally Posted by stonks:

I think that we are not being told alot..April's mother was driven away in an unmarked police car lastnight but the police have'nt said anything about it....

There was kind of hints that clothing had been found, Maybe she had to look at something.
Police thanking people but not saying much tonight, except still looking for April  


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