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I've just downloaded an app called Dream Talk, and it records things you say or noises you make in your sleep.  Hilarious and scary all in one. I've been wetting myself laughing listening to the recordings.  


Oh yeah and I snore 


I also saw an app called iPoo, you take your phone to the loo when you go and click the app which connects you to other people who are pooing and using their iPhone at the same time.  Why, seriously why?  (I only saw this app and did NOT download it (scuse the pun)).


Can any of you recommend any good apps or ones that I should steer well clear of?

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Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

oooh I love scrabble, I'll look for that one.


I also like my night sky one, it helps you identify planets and stars when you are out at night.

Be careful, or WWF will take over your life Cinds... trust me, I know

I've got the scrabble app now.  But how do I get to play against other people?

Originally Posted by Cinds:

I've just downloaded an app called Dream Talk, and it records things you say or noises you make in your sleep.  Hilarious and scary all in one. I've been wetting myself laughing listening to the recordings.  


Oh yeah and I snore 


I also saw an app called iPoo, you take your phone to the loo when you go and click the app which connects you to other people who are pooing and using their iPhone at the same time.  Why, seriously why?  (I only saw this app and did NOT download it (scuse the pun)).


Can any of you recommend any good apps or ones that I should steer well clear of?

I read that out to my daughter...   she is off to download it right now 

Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

She's just pointed her phone at me... 


it has a map of our area... with lots of little red tags representing people currently having a poo 

 Saz that's how I feel as well.  Why are people doing this?  (Not the pooing, I mean the app part of it)

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by zazz:

I love the Zedge app, and the barcode app..... and gyps has a really handy app on her phone which blocks numbers from calling or texting you!! (I dunno what its called)

Handy for debt collectors.  Ask her to let me know it 

it is called "call control" Handy for ex husbands too also you can report any telemarket type people so that other people can block them also...dead impressive

Originally Posted by Cinds:

 Saz that's how I feel as well.  Why are people doing this?  (Not the pooing, I mean the app part of it)

I wonder if they're the same people who answer the phone when they're in the loo, I don't understand that either Seems to be happening at work a lot recently, go in to the loo and someone is in there happily chatting away on the phone Can't their phone call wait 2 mins til they leave the damn loos?!


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