An independant Scotland doesn't mean an SNP Scotland, there'll be a mix of parties in Scotland just as there are in the UK - the only difference will be that they'll not be run by Westminster. Also, if the vote should go in the YES direction, nothing will change overnight - any changes are likely to be a leisurely transition.
Exactly. If the vote is yes, the transition and negotiating period between the the Scottish Government and the UK Government will be over a period of 18 months. Independence day, if it happens, will be 26th March 2016. Weeks after that (can`t remember the date right now) there will a general election. The people of Scotland, for the first time in over 30 years, will have the Government they voted for.
What are we negotiating exactly ?Fiscal Policy/Welfare system/Defence/Crown.
Are telling me that we are being asked to vote YES on 18TH Sept then around 18 months later we will be told what voting YES really means for us!!
A Yes vote will put us out of Europe immediately..fact.
The independence details are in the White Paper. 602 pages. I`ve read it. If the vote is yes, the main negotations will be the Currency Union and entry into the EU. The scaremongering of the CU and EU have blown out of the water by experts far and wide. Research it. Both will happen...fact. Scotland is the 14th richest country in the western world. The UK is the 18th. Westminster and the elite rich boys in power only want to hold on to us for the revenues. They don`t give damn about Scotland (or the rest of the UK apart from London and the SE) or it`s people. Bedroom tax, Welfare cuts, NHS privitisation and more is heading our way if the vote is no. Osborne has promised his austerity plan will continue and Miliband if he gets in, promises to do the same. He`s a Thatcher fan..fact. We don`t have control over any this but we will if we vote yes. It`s up to you and everyone as to which way you vote but I don`t want to be ruled by London and the ermin clad pigs in the trough elite who don`t care about us. I don`t know what`s been posted while I was typing this..took me ages. I`ll try to have a look back later, my tea`s oot.
Alex Salmond wants a currency union which is very unlikely, do you honestly think the rest of the UK are going to agree a currency union,do they want to be on the hook for our debt? .Don't you think we should know when we go to the polls what the fiscal policy will be .
Dennis Canavan who is part of the YES campaign wants Scotland to have it's own currency!!
And Salmond has also hinted at a plan B.
Clear as mud then .
I think a currency union is going to happen if Scotland splits from the UK, UK is fairly desperate as is the USA, to keep the nuclear deterrent in Scotland, the price for that would be a currency union.
But if Scotland have a currency union with the UK, then they will have to give up control of large parts of any control over their own fiscal policy, otherwise we'll end with a mess like Greece.
So, that would beg the question, isn't that what Scotland has already?