Originally posted by little_mrs_bb:
I'm sorry but for me he's selfish to the end.
Selfish because he left David's party half way through and selfish because he hasn't even considered those who have voted to keep him in, even despite his wrong doing with Noirin.
Wanting to leave 2 days before the final, that's extremely selfish when there are others who would have loved to have been there.
He should have laughed it off this week and stood up at the interview on Friday and told everyone he'd made a very big mistake and that he will take responsiblity for it and apologise to whoever he'd upset.
And what was the throat all about anyway? One minute he's squealing away to songs in the task room the next his voice is going. Jeez Siavash what do you expect?
And thenhe lied to his best friend, Sophie. Not very nice, that.
Siavash is just a big girl's blouse who runs away whenever things don't go his way. He needs to face up to his mistakes and deal with them.
I'd rather Charlie won to be honest, and that's saying something.
He's not selfish. He's worried. He said in the DR that as he was to be in the final, he had a good chance of winning the show. But, out of respect to his ex-girlfriend, to show her how much he cared and how sorry he was over Noirin, he was willing to give up that chance and walk out.
BB tried to persuade him not to go and then laid a guilt trip on him about David's party. He immediately realised that the party was important to David, so he went along to it, but still determined to go when the time was right after the party.
Siavash's character is not one which could laugh off shame and regret. He has laughed off the terrible outfit he has to wear, but the Noirin thing has been playing on his mind the whole time. He had calmed down about it, but BB cruelly brought it up again.
He has had a cold, hence the jumper he now wears which BB gave to him. Bhs standard issue and not a Siavash jumper at all, but he wears it. He sings at the party and loses his voice. Not unusual during a cold on a day when he's had to stand in the rain for some time doing a task.
Sophie isn't his best friend. He's a loner and a floater. What is he supposed to have lied about?
He has tried to face up to his mistakes and he has tried to deal with them. But you call him selfish for doing so.