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Hi all

thought I would run this past you lot before I actually take the plunge and make the order.

Its my daughters birthday on Monday, and its the first time I won't actually see her on the day cos she is at boarding school.  

She has rescheduled her birthday for the following Saturday when she is next home, but I want to send some balloons and a teddy to the school...   to help make the day special (ok... so her day will be special anyway... its cos I feel the need to have some sort of connection on the 17 year anniversary of the day I nearly died giving birth to her!

I've had a browse through a few sites that do this... and am thinking of using one called

Anyone used them?  Or... anyone recommend a better one, or used such a service successfully that they would recommend?

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I can't find anything from next except flowers or booze (she ain't getting booze!) 

or a gift card...  but I'm not doing anymore gift cards for her...  seems most of her pressies are on paper this year...  tickets to see The Prodigy, iTunes voucher, Petville cash (yeah... I know!)... ,

and she has instructed all relatives (my parents, uncles & aunties etc) to just deposit cash directly into her account!

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