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Hyperion by Dan Simmons is a classic if you persevere with it (it takes a while to get going but hell is it worth it). I just finished The Damnation Game by Clive Barker. Great writer, copout ending. He should stick to writing screen plays for movies (the Hellraiser films were excellent).

Look out for The God Delusion and if you're into sci fi anything by Isaac Asimov. Fever Pitch is a good read unless you absolutely hate footy.
I think that Richard Dawkins must lead such a sad pitiful existence - wrapped in a bubble of scientific self righteousness

Nope, he just tells the troof innit
Whose truth? Or the truth as he sees it? Cos no one actually knows the truth. We can disprove the Bible - i am not disputing that. We can disprove organised religion - I am not disputing that.
BUT we cannot disprove whether there is a higher being..... we can make assumptions, but we cannot disprove it categorically.
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo about a quarter of the way though ... it's building up nicely
I've read all three, and enjoyed them all. The first was bought for me as a present, and it's certainly not the type of book I would normally choose. But I really got stuck into it, and couldn't wait to get and read the other two!
The Time Travellers Wife.... I thoroughly enjoyed this too, though the way it was written did get on my nerves at times.
Did you post about wombles in the music thread
I used to know one of the blokes who'd been in one of the costumes on Top of the Pops...he was uncle Bulgaria as I recall...
 You knew a womble

I have a Great Uncle  Bulgaria hand puppet and also a soft toy..

I had better stop with the Womble talk now.. poor Evelyn..

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