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I can't bear that crap tart, or any of the loudmouthed harpies on that show.
I'm not Gordy's biggest fan either, but I'd trust him to know his own mind better than Carole bliddy Malone.
It's a gross insult to people who are on anti-depresants, too. Millions of them manage to hold down jobs, take care of their families and function as effective members of societies - is she saying they're all basket cases whose judgment shouldn't be trusted?
yes toidy, that's exactly what I meant!  How dare she, oh blimey i'm soooo mad.  Has she ever looked at the stats, 1 in 20 people suffer and are probably on medication,(actually those stats are a couple of years old, its probably more now)  my god the country would come to a standstill!

Don't worry Lowy, i've just taken mine so am able to use the keyboard
I can't stand the woman ~ especially after seeing her on CBB.  She gives off that air of
"because I write for a redtop I'm totally right about everything."  Loathesome woman.
Only one  person more loathesome than her in this whole debacle and that's Andrew
Marr.  I'm no Brown fan, but how dare he ask that question!  And completely out of
context too ~ almost like "I need to get this in before the end of the interview."
Obviously out to cause huge embarrassment before the party conference.
What the hell is the BBC thinking about allowing that kind of questioning?
I agree that Andrew Marr seemed to 'pin' it on the back of the interview, but I disagree that he should not be entitled to ask the question. I also agree that taking 'pills' doesn't exclude anybody from doing their job, but I question that a Prime Minister who appears to have violent mood swings is the best for our country and as much as that might be gossip, it's persistant gossip.

Having said that, I don't like the Malones, Patells etc, either.
cologne 1
The more I think about this, the angrier I get. I'm not on anti-d's, but I know people close to me who have benefited from them. I'd trust their judgment over Carole malone's any day.
I bet Carole Malone would be the first to open her big trap, jump on the bandwagon and say how awful the case of Pilkington family was, who were harassed to their deaths because of the two kids' learning difficulties.
And yet, it's perfectly all right to label anyone with even a suspicion of any mental health issues as somehow defective.
Fecking awful woman. Burn her at the stake.

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