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Originally Posted by Kaytee:

I have Virgin with a speed of 60...always been fibre optic here,so don't know what it's like without it..and I have never paid extra for it,it comes as standard

I have had Virginmedia for years now. Never paid for any upgrade, but they have upgraded me many times over the years and now it's also 60mb. Very fast, reliable and I would struggle to live without it.


Often I am watching a HD programme on my TV and using another computer to post here amongst other things and it never skips a beat.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:

I have Virgin with a speed of 60...always been fibre optic here,so don't know what it's like without it..and I have never paid extra for it,it comes as standard

I have had Virginmedia for years now. Never paid for any upgrade, but they have upgraded me many times over the years and now it's also 60mb. Very fast, reliable and I would struggle to live without it.


Often I am watching a HD programme on my TV and using another computer to post here amongst other things and it never skips a beat.

I heard their 'hubs' are rubbish. Any truth in that?

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:

I have Virgin with a speed of 60...always been fibre optic here,so don't know what it's like without it..and I have never paid extra for it,it comes as standard

I have had Virginmedia for years now. Never paid for any upgrade, but they have upgraded me many times over the years and now it's also 60mb. Very fast, reliable and I would struggle to live without it.


Often I am watching a HD programme on my TV and using another computer to post here amongst other things and it never skips a beat.

I heard their 'hubs' are rubbish. Any truth in that?

Not as far as I'm concerned.  I've never had any trouble.  Once I lost internet for about a day - because some rats had chewed through a cable outside town somewhere, but other than that the equipment is great.   I also 'heart' my Tivo box.



37.5 mb    60mb 


whatever would I do with it   I kid you not I am on half a mb [ 512] recent line boosts occasionally push me to 1mg but it isnt stable and doesnt stay that high for long 


the joy of living rural and at the end of the line from an exchange miles away 


my wish list for when I move is freeview and  fibre optic as I cant get either where I am 


I left BT because I was forever having trouble logging in - they kept insisting it was that I was using the wrong password but it wasn't - I think there was just too much traffic.


I'm with virginmedia now and all was good until the last 18 months, I've been finding that the connection from my house to the box outside drops out and it can be for hours.  The barstewards when I rang them made me believe it was because I needed a new router and then charged me for an engineer to come around - got the money back as it was proved that it wasn't the connection or router in my house, it was a problem somewhere in the box. My neighbours have had the same problem.  It's intermittent and annoying but still way better than BT 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:

I have Virgin with a speed of 60...always been fibre optic here,so don't know what it's like without it..and I have never paid extra for it,it comes as standard

I have had Virginmedia for years now. Never paid for any upgrade, but they have upgraded me many times over the years and now it's also 60mb. Very fast, reliable and I would struggle to live without it.


Often I am watching a HD programme on my TV and using another computer to post here amongst other things and it never skips a beat.

I heard their 'hubs' are rubbish. Any truth in that?

I'm on 20 soon to be upgraded free to 30 (tis all I need).  I rang about getting an ordinary hub as I still have old style modem and router. I was told I'd have to pay an extra ÂĢ14 a month   I said.......not on yer nellie! I'll stick with old stuff! (Bearing in mind I've been with them through the very first days when it was Telewest) 


I've read loads of people complaining about Superhub on DS but there are a few say they haven't had any problems. I often wonder what they do with tinternet that would cause THEM problems 

Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:

I have Virgin with a speed of 60...always been fibre optic here,so don't know what it's like without it..and I have never paid extra for it,it comes as standard

I have had Virginmedia for years now. Never paid for any upgrade, but they have upgraded me many times over the years and now it's also 60mb. Very fast, reliable and I would struggle to live without it.


Often I am watching a HD programme on my TV and using another computer to post here amongst other things and it never skips a beat.

I heard their 'hubs' are rubbish. Any truth in that?

I'm on 20 soon to be upgraded free to 30 (tis all I need).  I rang about getting an ordinary hub as I still have old style modem and router. I was told I'd have to pay an extra ÂĢ14 a month   I said.......not on yer nellie! I'll stick with old stuff! (Bearing in mind I've been with them through the very first days when it was Telewest) 


I've read loads of people complaining about Superhub on DS but there are a few say they haven't had any problems. I often wonder what they do with tinternet that would cause THEM problems 

What do you mean an ordinary hub sprouty?  why do you need one?  I admit I'm a bit thick about these things, but I had an old modem and my own wireless router - they upgraded to the faster wireless hub thingy that did away with both of them.. and I played thick (not difficult) and the guy who was fitting my new tivo box fitted it all for me.   (It had been delivered for me to set up by myself and being lazy it was still in the box months later)    I can't praise them highly enough - the guy tidied up all my yards and yards of cables at the back of the telly too and left everything all neat and tidy

Originally Posted by Sprout:

Superhub's for higher speeds I think Kaffy. (Those on 100 and getting free upgrade to 120 and price reduction)  


Some modems can't handle the extra speed. Ordinary hub is fine for the likes of my speed......just means one box and a bit more tidier 

Ah right..half gotcha.  I'm just on the 30 one - plenty fast enough for me too.  What were they charging you 14 quid for?

Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Kaytee:

I have Virgin with a speed of 60...always been fibre optic here,so don't know what it's like without it..and I have never paid extra for it,it comes as standard

I have had Virginmedia for years now. Never paid for any upgrade, but they have upgraded me many times over the years and now it's also 60mb. Very fast, reliable and I would struggle to live without it.


Often I am watching a HD programme on my TV and using another computer to post here amongst other things and it never skips a beat.

I heard their 'hubs' are rubbish. Any truth in that?

I'm on 20 soon to be upgraded free to 30 (tis all I need).  I rang about getting an ordinary hub as I still have old style modem and router. I was told I'd have to pay an extra ÂĢ14 a month   I said.......not on yer nellie! I'll stick with old stuff! (Bearing in mind I've been with them through the very first days when it was Telewest) 


I've read loads of people complaining about Superhub on DS but there are a few say they haven't had any problems. I often wonder what they do with tinternet that would cause THEM problems 

I am on 20 mb too Sprouty. When I had a problem with mine last time. They said I could have a Superhub and 30 mb but I had read on DS they where not very reliable. When I asked the engineer he said if my modem broke down I would have to have a Superhub because they didnt make modems anymore??? 

I have been with them since the Telewest days too 

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

Superhub's for higher speeds I think Kaffy. (Those on 100 and getting free upgrade to 120 and price reduction)  


Some modems can't handle the extra speed. Ordinary hub is fine for the likes of my speed......just means one box and a bit more tidier 

Ah right..half gotcha.  I'm just on the 30 one - plenty fast enough for me too.  What were they charging you 14 quid for?

I think because I wanted to have new equipment and would have to have a speed upgrade before they did it themselves. Still not sure whether I'll get a newer hub when they do my speed though 

Originally Posted by moonie:

I am on 20 mb too Sprouty. When I had a problem with mine last time. They said I could have a Superhub and 30 mb but I had read on DS they where not very reliable. When I asked the engineer he said if my modem broke down I would have to have a Superhub because they didnt make modems anymore??? 

I have been with them since the Telewest days too 

Check out the link I gave Kaffy, Moonie. Some say they're not good. Some say they are. As I said, it just makes me wonder if a load of d/loading's going on and it can't handle it 

Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by moonie:

I am on 20 mb too Sprouty. When I had a problem with mine last time. They said I could have a Superhub and 30 mb but I had read on DS they where not very reliable. When I asked the engineer he said if my modem broke down I would have to have a Superhub because they didnt make modems anymore??? 

I have been with them since the Telewest days too 

Check out the link I gave Kaffy, Moonie. Some say they're not good. Some say they are. As I said, it just makes me wonder if a load of d/loading's going on and it can't handle it 

I dunno I am bamboozled by it all 


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