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Originally Posted by Lori:


You guys?

I'm enjoying reading this thread (getting quite the chuckle, actually), but could SOMEone please report one of the PMs to me, so I can deal with it?


To be clear, when I say "report", I mean to click the little report button IN THE DIALOG.



I would Lori, but I'm still waiting in the alphabetical line   

If the rupture happens ,it looks like I'm going to be stuck  here !

Originally Posted by Lori:


You guys?

I'm enjoying reading this thread (getting quite the chuckle, actually), but could SOMEone please report one of the PMs to me, so I can deal with it?


To be clear, when I say "report", I mean to click the little report button IN THE DIALOG.



I can't find the report button, there's only a quote or multi quote symbol


Aimee, when I saw Lori's posts asking for people to report the spam dialogs, I had a look at my own dialogs and couldn't see the reporting red flag either. So earlier today I sent her a PM pointing this out as she might'nt pick it up if I posted that here. She won't get to see it until sometime late afternoon so I don't know what she will say. My guess is that she will suggest you send her a PM with a copy of the spam message you received and the sender's name rather than copying it on to this thread, but we should wait to see what she says either in reply to me or a posting here.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Aimee, when I saw Lori's posts asking for people to report the spam dialogs, I had a look at my own dialogs and couldn't see the reporting red flag either. So earlier today I sent her a PM pointing this out as she might'nt pick it up if I posted that here. She won't get to see it until sometime late afternoon so I don't know what she will say. My guess is that she will suggest you send her a PM with a copy of the spam message you received and the sender's name rather than copying it on to this thread, but we should wait to see what she says either in reply to me or a posting here.

ok thanks El

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Lori:


You guys?

I'm enjoying reading this thread (getting quite the chuckle, actually), but could SOMEone please report one of the PMs to me, so I can deal with it?


To be clear, when I say "report", I mean to click the little report button IN THE DIALOG.



I would Lori, but I'm still waiting in the alphabetical line   

If the rupture happens ,it looks like I'm going to be stuck  here !

You think you S's have got problems, what about us Y's?!


Having rashly told our saviours envoy to get ****ed I decided a rapprochement was needed.  For self preservation's sake, if nothing else.


Antiope Wrote:


...sorry for my reply earlier.  In retrospect it shows I probably do need saving.  What's my first step?
Jesuslovesyou Wrote:

Hi, I forgive everyone automatically when I get a bad comment.  I understand they probably have their reasons for being angry, but normally they are mad at the wrong one.  God brings good things to us, its the devil that steals, kills and destroys. I have a website where it explains how to receive the free gift that God offers, that Jesus earned for us on the cross.  Plus if you do receive this free gift then there is a link to a free video that is Welcome to the Family and will explain what to do next:  God bless you!!!



Antiope Wrote:


Okay thanks 


Anything I can do in the short term though?  Keep having immoral thoughts that am fairly certain will count against me when I roll up at the Pearly Gates.  Only this morning I found myself gazing intently at the well-turned legs on my table.  What I wouln'td give to get nasty with that filthy piece of furniture....with it's beautiful's blatant....*cough*..anyway!  Am sure it's leading me to sin.


I believe in days gone by we sensibly covered up these lascivious household accoutrements .  Do you recommend this option?  Or should I just toss it on the fire I'm helpfully stoking in the skip across the road?  Have plenty of petrol and tyres to help it go off with a bang. 


Any help gratefully received.  Hell does sound interesting but I dunno if it's the sort of interest that'll keep me contented for eternity.




Antiope.  xx



Originally Posted by El Loro: is based in the States and is run by a husband and wife Christian preachers. So if anyone ordering a DVD from them in the UK would probably find that the DVD was a region 1 DVD and woudn't run on a DVD player in the UK (region 2).


I wonder if the person sending out these spam dialogs realises this?


I'm not going to be very impressed if Jesus can't get that sorted.  If he can turn a few buckets of water into a mass piss up and conjure up a pile of fish suppers from thin air the least I expect is that he'll make my flippin DVD work.  My soul's at stake here! 


Jesuslovesyou Wrote:


actually we never know when the end comes. No one lives a sin free life. Not me not anyone, only Jesus.  The difference is when you truly love Jesus and give Him your heart. You will not want to sin. HIs Spirit,(Holy Spirit) is what will guide you. I believe He does loves us always, but getting into Heaven is what has conditions. We have to be sincere in our givng our lives to Him and trusting that Jesus death on the cross earned our salvation. When we give Him our lives and come to know Jesus personally you will want to please Him by following His commandments. Then when we do slip up and sin we ask for forgiveness. He is not mocked it says in the Bible. So if you are not truly sorry for the sin and not trying to live right. He knows what is in our hearts.  Trust me a place where God is not will not be any fun. Hell is the abscence of God. God is love.  Love is what everyone craves, well Hell will be a place with absolutely no love.  Forget the fire and brimstone, Hell is Hell because of the abscence of all love. It is not a joke, is the truth. Jesus is the way, the truth and life.

Antiope Wrote:


Mmmm, right.  Makes sense.  I did used to have a bit of a God-complex but looking around at the detritus of my sin-laden life I think it's safe to say that deity I am not. 



Anyhoo, onwards and forwards to the light and the future!  This DVD I'm gonna get - does it work in Europe or is it only American folk that can get into Heaven?  Pretty sure it'll help me on the road to the path of righteousness but I'm buggered if I get a blue screen.  That's not gonna tell me much.  Unless Heaven is blue of course.


Antiope xx


Jesuslovesyou Wrote:


Jesus died for everyone, He is no respector of persons.  Salvation is for everyone, Your a bit of a comedian arent you?  I love funny people as long as you realize your eternity is not a joke and what Jesus did for us was no joke.  I imagine Heaven is every color there is.  The Welcome to the Family should work everywhere God Bless You
Antiope Wrote:

I have seen The Life of Brian and that was pretty funny.  Was that not documentary then? 



Seriously though, my apologies.  I am trying very hard to approach this with due reverence. 


On that note; how long is eternity?  I mean, it sounds fairly long but I can't quite get a handle on it.  As a child I spent a week in Scarborough and to be honest I thought it'd never end.  Is it like that?


Antiopie xx




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