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Originally posted by Dora:
No never supported her.

I thought she might be ok at first, but when freddie got those glasses and tash off her, she changed overnight into a moose
That has been brought to my attention by someone, whose opinions I hold in very high regard, and I have to agree now - in hindsight.

Also interesting that those who cannot see through her lies didn't at least admit to how she 'spun' the story about the whole glasses and tach matter.

She's just thoroughly horrible, and I wonder if any of those who actually like her, would want her as a daughter, friend, sister, lover or whatever.

I know I wouldn't.
Originally posted by *KG*:
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
I gave her chance after chance until the night of Marcus/Siavash/Tom. It was only then that I realised how selfish she is. Last night confirmed this further.
This is apparently one of the priviledges of being born attractive Wink

It can be such a curse ...*sigh*

I have never been a fan, but sympathised somewhat with the whole men throwing themselves at you and choosing not to read the signals when you signpost them in neon lights thing. In the beginning there did seem to be an element of that and I admit to sticking up for her. I gave her the benefit of the doubt.

However, all that started to slowly wane as time in the house moved on and totally went for a burton when she moved onto Siavash. At first it seemed like she was naive and just ignorant.. but then it became obvious she was in fact the opposite.
Originally posted by *KG*:
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
I gave her chance after chance until the night of Marcus/Siavash/Tom. It was only then that I realised how selfish she is. Last night confirmed this further.
This is apparently one of the priviledges of being born attractive Wink
If she was ass-ugly, I doubt it if she would have had a support group....
Originally posted by tupps:
I have never been a fan, but sympathised somewhat with the whole men throwing themselves at you and choosing not to read the signals when you signpost them in neon lights thing. In the beginning there did seem to be an element of that and I admit to sticking up for her. I gave her the benefit of the doubt.

However, all that started to slowly wane as time in the house moved on and totally went for a burton when she moved onto Siavash. At first it seemed like she was naive and just ignorant.. but then it became obvious she was in fact the opposite.
I saw straight through her when she admitted, after the Sree debacle, that she 'always ended up in those situations' That's when I realised that she knew exactly what day it was.

She used Marcus, for protection.

She used Siavash to mainly 'prove' in some manner that she was top bitch (in terms of getting the men - not overally, that Crown is firmly sitting on The Ming's head) and admitted that as much as she didn't want him, she didn't want anyone else sniffing around him.

I'm really disappointed with Siavash because after all the Bunnygate business, and when she told him he was a show-off and that his manner of dressing was shite, I'd never have believed that he'd give her a second glance!

She's well got some gold or diamonds stashed up there Nod
I have to admit KG.. I didn't pay much attention to the Sree thing. This is mainly because Sree made me want to hurl things at the TV and I like my TV.

The Marcus thing, well.. where to begin. He did not help matters by partially masking her manipulation with his own man-boy teenage like angst and emotional intelligence (or lack thereof).

It was when she made a play for Siavash it was glaringly obvious. Up until then she'd played a blinder.. because even if you suspected she was a praying mantis, she had chosen her 'victims' so well that she could manage transference. It was all down to them and yes.. they were acting a bit potty.

Tbh she probably wouldn't have been able to get away with it for so long if we had LF.
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
i liked her and still do....she's a bloody good h/mate and that's all i'm worried about.....someone who gets us the viewers talking......

a house full of kris' or rodrigos' lounging in the sunshine day after day is boring.....we need the likes of noirin and marcus to keep us watching imo.....

Noirin IS good entertainment value

BUT do you still feel happy to support her?
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
i liked her and still do....she's a bloody good h/mate and that's all i'm worried about.....someone who gets us the viewers talking......

a house full of kris' or rodrigos' lounging in the sunshine day after day is boring.....we need the likes of noirin and marcus to keep us watching imo.....

Thumbs Up It all depends what you want to see happening and those two have made the show so far for'll be interesting to see what new storylines develope without them at war.

Bea and Isaac have the potential to stir it up....the others seem more interested in radar long as siavash doesnt walk it's all good.. Big Grin
Originally posted by RENTON:
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
i liked her and still do....she's a bloody good h/mate and that's all i'm worried about.....someone who gets us the viewers talking......

a house full of kris' or rodrigos' lounging in the sunshine day after day is boring.....we need the likes of noirin and marcus to keep us watching imo.....

Noirin IS good entertainment value

BUT do you still feel happy to support her?

i don't support any of em......i still feel happy to like her for the entertainment she brings to the show.....i'm not in there...she's done bog all to i'm not viewing it on a personal level
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
i liked her and still do....she's a bloody good h/mate and that's all i'm worried about.....someone who gets us the viewers talking......

a house full of kris' or rodrigos' lounging in the sunshine day after day is boring.....we need the likes of noirin and marcus to keep us watching imo.....

High Fives the Sponge Wave
If I wanted Puritan I would go to church. Laugh
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
i liked her and still do....she's a bloody good h/mate and that's all i'm worried about.....someone who gets us the viewers talking......

a house full of kris' or rodrigos' lounging in the sunshine day after day is boring.....we need the likes of noirin and marcus to keep us watching imo.....
that mirrors my thoughts too spngey, and it's like a pick you favourite fault for people on here,because they all have them, and i still can't see that noirin's are any better or worse than the others' faults.
the other reason i support her, is because of the foul mouthed abusive threads there have been about her, how anyone can post that way and then get all holier than thou about noirin is laughable, tbh.
Big Grin
I don't support any h/m. As most stuff happens in the daytime and we are not privvy to it, then why the heck would I. I have defended Noirin, and will continue to. I am not going to slate a girl for daring to kiss someone, or flirt with people, not when I have done the same thing in the past. I am amazed how many fm's have gone through their live never flirting or kissing someone that they weren't going to have a relationship with.
I find myself defending her (in my head) due to some of really cutting judgements I have seen on these forums.

"Slut, predator, whore" being the most common.

I've seen some comments along the lines of 'she's says no but means yes' and that doesn't make me feel particularly comfortable.

It's a bit medieval and unbalanced. I find it hard to agree with people that blame everything on Noirin, when I haven't really seen her be particularly overtly sexual. She's a manipulator without a doubt and very selfish, but so are Marcus and Siavash.

The men are the ones that have chased her, she's just relished it.

I wouldn't say I supported her, but I likely to defend her just because some comments border on extreme and just wrong.

In my humble opinion of course.
There has always been something about Noirin that didn't sit well with me. She is a beautiful young woman, no doubt about it, but IMO, she was never clear with Sree and how things stood with them. The first week, none of the other housemates had any use for Sree, especially with the inappropriate comments made to the other women in the house. But Noirin did, and I have to ask my self why? Especially when she would talk aobut him behind his back. It was the Noirin and Sree show for the first couple of weeks - Noirin giving Sree mixed messages, telling him they were "friends", asking for cuddles, knowing how Sree felt about her. When she was sure Sree was totally enamoured, sure the other housemates KNEW that she was uncomfortable, she tells him "I DON'T FANCY YOU".

She ran to Marcus - another housemate that was a bit out of the socially acceptable group - for protection. She knew that Marcus had a problem with Sree, not because of her, but because he thought he would get a free ride and not have to put in any effort. She twisted Marcus around her little finger, told him about her 'party trick' - giving just enough away to keep his interest. She allowed him to paint her back, gave him the cuddles that she proclaimed only a few days before that she didn't like. She spent hours with him and became his best friend. She knew she had him where she wanted him.

She then kissed Siavash and the new housemates arrived. She had targetted Siavash as her next conquest but there was Tom - a housemate that Marcus had a problem with as soon as he entered the house. So what does Noirin do? She tells the house gossip (Sophie) that she fancies Tom. Then Tom leaves and she goes running back to Siavash. Then her "EX" comes into the house and Siavash is dumped.

I don't care who a person supports. I just find it interesting that *some* Noirin supporters just can't see what she is doing.
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
There has always been something about Noirin that didn't sit well with me. She is a beautiful young woman, no doubt about it, but IMO, she was never clear with Sree and how things stood with them. The first week, none of the other housemates had any use for Sree, especially with the inappropriate comments made to the other women in the house. But Noirin did, and I have to ask my self why? Especially when she would talk aobut him behind his back. It was the Noirin and Sree show for the first couple of weeks - Noirin giving Sree mixed messages, telling him they were "friends", asking for cuddles, knowing how Sree felt about her. When she was sure Sree was totally enamoured, sure the other housemates KNEW that she was uncomfortable, she tells him "I DON'T FANCY YOU".

She ran to Marcus - another housemate that was a bit out of the socially acceptable group - for protection. She knew that Marcus had a problem with Sree, not because of her, but because he thought he would get a free ride and not have to put in any effort. She twisted Marcus around her little finger, told him about her 'party trick' - giving just enough away to keep his interest. She allowed him to paint her back, gave him the cuddles that she proclaimed only a few days before that she didn't like. She spent hours with him and became his best friend. She knew she had him where she wanted him.

She then kissed Siavash and the new housemates arrived. She had targetted Siavash as her next conquest but there was Tom - a housemate that Marcus had a problem with as soon as he entered the house. So what does Noirin do? She tells the house gossip (Sophie) that she fancies Tom. Then Tom leaves and she goes running back to Siavash. Then her "EX" comes into the house and Siavash is dumped.

I don't care who a person supports. I just find it interesting that *some* Noirin supporters just can't see what she is doing.
Great post Clapping Thumbs Up Nod Big Grin

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