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I thought it was strange she never mentioned Coolio's behaviour towards her once, she basically blamed Endemol and Ch4 for not looking after her, she thought the show was mean't to be about fun and giving it a good send off, but it was the worst experience ever and she had declined to go on the show a few times before they talked her round, when asked about the plate inccident, she said she was worried as Ulrika had spat some plate out of her mouth and she wasn't happy that they was plate in the food, she also said she thought Ulrika was very camera savvy as she had been on TV too long

She also said that alot that went on wasn't shown, especially about her gender and if it was racial it would have been but she never mentioned him once  i wonder if he has lawyers on to this

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I watched it - one of the few times I have watched This Morning. 

I thought it was interesting that Nadia said that she didn't want to go in because of what happened with Jade and they talked her round.  Also that they never mentioned Coolio at all, seemed a bit suspect to me, but if there is litigation involved, there might be a reason for it.

I do see both sides of the story - I know that Big Brother can't show everything that happens in a 24 hour period, but why show the aftermath of stuff (LIke Nadia going off on one but not showing Coolie taunting or Ulrika spitting out a bit of porcilen plate?)

Nadia is still one of my favourite housemates though - not up there with Science or Aisleyne, but I never thought Nadia was playing up to the cameras like so many have done.
I didn't see the CDWM so I can't comment.  Nadia has always had a temper though.  I think that she expects that is what people want to see from her - if that makes sense?

I wanted to hear what plastic surgery she was going to have - it was mentioned in the lead up to her interview, but was never discussed.  I don't think she needs anything, I thought her skin looked beautiful and she is an attractive woman.
I saw it and I thought she was honest if not nervous. What I didn't like was the way the presenters were trying to push her into admitting she was wrong about the plate thing. Maybe they did it to help her win back some support, I don't know, but she felt she had her reasons for reacting the way she did at the time and I haven't seen them drag Ulrika on the sofa to see things from Nadia's point of view. (Not that I agree one way or the other cos I didn't see the plate incident).

Problem with Nadia is there's no where for her celebrity career to really go now. She was famous for being on BB and at the time changed the minds of thousands, of people re transgender. Personally I liked her for her personality. But what else can she do? Maybe, in time, she could maybe write a book or become an ambassador to encourage transgender to be more accepted (it must still be a problem going by the amount of venom she said she has received)

But she didn't look totally over the whole BB thing to me though, the psychiatrist was still giving her encouragement towards the end of the interview. I like her, always have and hope she sorts herself out and manages to be left to live in peace.
and i was watching LF and didn't see anyone complain about plate in the food)
Which is weird.  Ok, they're possibly gagged over the whole Coolio thing but why not show the clip of her concerns about the plate..?  If she was telling the truth about that, then I can't see why they don't show it and vindicate her on that point at least.
Reference:  Karma
Problem with Nadia is there's no where for her celebrity career to really go now.
Personally I liked her for her personality. But what else can she do?

The problem is, is that there's no longevity in just being Nadia.  I believe she craves the spotlight - the attention, and whilst your suggestion of being an ambassador is a really good idea, I do wonder if it's enough for her?  Of course it would raise her profile and others like her would benefit, I don't think it's 'bling' enough for her.

I don't mean that disparagingly - I honestly believe she wants the frivolity without too much of the more serious stuff.
They would have had to pay rights to C4 and Endemol for the usage of the clip and probably thought it wasn't worth it. But you raise a good point though.
Wouldn't it take the heat off of Ch4 and Endemol too?  They're copping an earful from Coolio (allegedly) and Nadia's not letting it go without a shout, so it would at least be seen as a token gesture. 

I know it's a few weeks ago now, but I'd never heard of the concern over Ulrika spitting out a piece of broken plate until today. 
I don't mean that disparagingly - I honestly believe she wants the frivolity without too much of the more serious stuff.
Isn't that true for most of the "celebrity for celebrity sake" people?  Jordan, for example, is quite happy to whore herself out on ITV - Jordan and Peter, What Jordan did next, Jordan and Alex, etc., but as soon as the Sun posts pics of her drunk getting out of a taxi, she goes off on one.

I never thought of Nadia as a publicity hound, not in the same way as say Nicki or some of the other BB housemates.  Nadia would appear occassionally on some BB spin off programme, but my impression has always been that she has gotten on with her life away from Big Brother.  The fact that BB had to talk her into appearing says a lot to me and is something that I didn't know before.

Nadia has always liked the "glammour" of being a woman - the whole dressed to the nines and the high heels.  I just can't picture her slouching around in a trackie.
This was the point i made the other day, how do these people make money? she won in 2005 (i think) so how has she lived since then? she now say's she has a jewellery range on line
I have no idea, Aimee.  She got the ÂĢ100 K, plus the stipend that they all get.  She did a few mags (I think) and that paid some money.  Then some PA's.  She might have gotten a real job or something - I really have no idea!
The problem is, is that there's no longevity in just being Nadia. I believe she craves the spotlight - the attention, and whilst your suggestion of being an ambassador is a really good idea, I do wonder if it's enough for her? Of course it would raise her profile and others like her would benefit, I don't think it's 'bling' enough for her. I don't mean that disparagingly - I honestly believe she wants the frivolity without too much of the more serious stuff.
Totally agree, and maybe the bling factor has to take a back seat if she wants to regain her popularity and show people she's not a one trick screaming banshee and has in fact, got a more sensitive and compassionate side. Those who liked her from the beginning and still like her don't need that confirmation that she is more than one-dimensional, but to those who have jumped on the bandwagon and maybe teenagers who were too young to have known of her previous appearance on BB and could only judge based on this one maybe need to understand the true persona behind the mask.

I do believe her when she said that some things were left out, leaving her to look like the unreasonable one. But she went back in knowing full well what the editing was like, how the dynamic of the show had changed since her last appearance and that will always be her responsibility to shoulder. I just wanted to give her a hug today
Reference:  Suzi-Q
The fact that BB had to talk her into appearing says a lot to me and is something that I didn't know before.
I wish someone from Ch4 or Endemol would confirm this as we've only got Nadia's word on it so far.  Or has it been confirmed and I missed it (as per usual..!).

Reference: Suzi-Q
Nadia would appear occassionally on some BB spin off programme, but my impression has always been that she has gotten on with her life away from Big Brother.
And again, we can only wonder whether she declined or wasn't invited.  You can almost guess and make a valid argument for either side on that one. Perhaps she's a nightmare to work with - perhaps she's been used by Ch4 and now shunned for no good reason?

By the way, I'm not picking your posts apart here.  I was really just showing how much of a gap Endemol have left by not clarifying what's true (or not).
Sorry if I'm a bit slow in replying, ladies (and gents).

Great post, Karma.  I've loathed many a HM (too, too many) and I've always been glad to see the back of them.  That said, I've never enjoyed watching anyone become so wrecked by this show.  Put in their place - yes.  F*cked up mentally - no.

Sorry cosmo, it won't let me quote but after the plate comment she said that Ulrika had been on TV TOO LONG, which Phillip said i think she would disagree, i wonder what really went on between them two

Ulrika's been backwards in coming forwards surprisingly.  I can only guess that it's the litigation stuff that's thrown a cloud over a few who were in the house with Nadia and Coolio.
And it's a bit laughable to moan about Ulrika;  she's been on the telly since Noah was a boy!  She's hardly knicking a surfeit of gigs from Nadia
By the way, I'm not picking your posts apart here. I was really just showing how much of a gap Endemol have left by not clarifying what's true (or not).
I know you're not!

We have all seen it with the editing process - how things are not always what they appear.  The whole situation with Coolio leaving (by mutual consent) was never explained and nothing really was shown - other than Nadia's rant.  We never saw Ulrika spitting out a bit of plate (if we are to believe Nadia saying that is what she did).

I can remember watching something on live feed a few years ago (BB7) and the way it was shown on highlights made it completely different to what actually happened.  Charlie Booker did a bit one time on a programme that showed how things are edited to show things in a totally different light than what actually happened.

Something that fascinated me during Ultimate BB was when Brian went into the DR and read the fairy tale to BB and then they "edited" to show him getting a "bad edit".  HIs bad edit was very clumsy, but it did give me pause to think about how much editing went on in a high light show.

The only time Big Brother was totally unbiased was when we had the live feed and could pick the camera we wanted to view.
whilst I can understand Nadia being pee'd off that the editing didn't show the lead up to her flipping her lid. .did it never occur to her that she was boo'd and disliked for the way she screamed like a banshee about everything,  also her Diva like behaviour and her expectancy of 'special' treatment and maybe the fact she should think before opening her gob, on many occasions, and being forthright isn't always the way to go.. she always came across to me as someone who  cares nothing for others feelings, only her own..

to me she is a huge I am and it's all about me me me Diva type person.. always was and  always will be unless she learns she can't throw a kiddie strop every time something upsets her and learns that there are more adult ways to deal with things.. [remember the way Shilpa dealt with a screeching Jade. .nothing but decorum and she came off way better] you can be angry about things without resorting to fishwife status... to me she seems like a permanently angry person  altho some things warrant being angry some other things she gets angry about don't, yet they all get the same level of screechines.. that's why I never liked her back then and still don't like her now.. as far as I am concerned even if they had shown what lead up to all her screeching [a lot of which we found out later on LF as BB let us hear the others talk about it] I still wouldn't like her behaviour off the back of it.. too full of herself that one and deluded about her 'fame' as well...

She lived in a house for a summer a few years back and got voted the best of a lousy bunch.. she's not a celeb. .can't see she has any talents of a celebrity nature so why does she expect such celeb treatment and adoration?  and even if she did have a talent why do some celebs think it's ok to throw Diva tantrums anyway, ,  to me it's just downright rude behaviour.... . .

oh blimey I dont; post for ages then I go have a right old rant waffle. .   tho I can assure peeps  there is no fishwife stroppy  screechiness involved in my rant
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I watched it, and obviously they were told not to mention Coolio. I didnt understand her dig at Ulrika, when she said she was very camera savvy and had been around for a while. She said somewhere else that Ulrika called her a fat tranny or something, which if she is so camera savvy she wouldnt have said that. Anyway i agree with Olly,s post, Nadia just isnt what she thinks she is i.e some kind of superstar Maybe getting a real job will bring her back to earth......
I may be totally off the mark - I usually am - but I don't buy into the whole Nadia/celeberity wannabe scenario.

Why?  Granted, I don't buy any of the celeb mags, but I don't remember Nadia going that route.  I don't remember Nadia appearing at the opening of every envelope in London - not like so many of the other formerr BB housemates.  I have seen Nadia on a few BB related programmes, but not as much as I have seen other housemates (Brian Belo and Nicky Graeme).

Yes, Nadia is a total drama queen.  So is Brian Dowling. So is Nicky Graeme.  So is Chanelle. So are a bunch of others.  Nadia would be the first to admit that she is a drama queen - truth be told, I can be a bit of a dram queen myself and if people expect me to be a drama queen, that is how I will react.  I think the same goes for Nadia AND a lot of other people in the public eye.

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