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or am i the only sad person here  it makes me laugh, pete has said he wants his dog back, apparently they bought a dog for each other and she won't let him have his *these dogs are now shown in every episode*  and she takes out her new *so many tonnes horse truck* and is scared about driving it for the first time with her kids in it, so what does she do, drives with no seat belt and lets her kids seat in the back not belted in, even an alarm goes off and tells her she's not wearing her belt, does she put it on NO  i love these shows

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Sorry Aimee.  Not with you on this one.  Even the mere sight of Katie Price/Jordan makes me feel physically violent.  I cannot STAND the woman, and think everything that comes out of her mouth is crap.   SOMEone who is close to her (friend/mother/whatever,) should drag her away from the press and media and make her SHUT HER GOB.  With each passing day, she digs herself a deeper hole, and she is gaining more and more enemies .. 

And it's only a matter of time now before the name of her 'rapist' is revealed to the world, seeing as how she blabbed it on the set of 'what Katie did next...'  She did this deliberately of course; to cause a bit more controversy, as there is nothing she won't do for attention.  Unfortunately, she is getting the wrong kind of attention now, and more and more people every day are starting to despise her...

Can't actually stand these types of programmes; 'What Katie did next,' 'Peter and Katie,' 'Kerry Katona; what's the problem,' 'Jade's new PA' and so on, and all the other programmes that are based around the lives of some of the most pointless, vacuous, talentless, attention-seeking, annoying Z-listers that the country has to offer.   

It annoys me every time I see one of these people with their 'own' show, or gracing the front of Hello, OK, or Heat magazine.  (And for that reason, I stopped buying/reading those type of magazines several years ago.)  I can't believe that these publishers and programme makes PAY these people.  I mean, what do they actually do, except make reailty TV and sell their soul to trashy tabloids and 'celebrity' magazines.


I watch it (and every other mindless reality / docusoap TV show ) and I have to say, I really don't think her attempt to rebrand and reposition herself in the public's mind (proactive damage limitation stuffies) has worked at all. She's done herself no favours at all with this series whereas Pete's relative quiet is generally yanking in the GBP's goodwill.

She's undone any good PR spin / work she achieved with her marriage to Pete (whatever the truth of the situation). There's only so much bluff and fluff one can absorb without feeling repulsed.

subatomic partygirl
Hi partygirl.    AS I SAID earlier......

SOMEone who is close to her (friend/mother/whatever,) should drag her away from the press and media and make her SHUT HER GOB. With each passing day, she digs herself a deeper hole, and she is gaining more and more enemies ..

For the love of God why doesn't SOMEONE make her shut up?!  Surely someone close to her, should realise and see that she is destroying herself. 

Have to admit, I blame these kind of Z-listers and the people who promote them for so many kids these days having an ambition to simply 'be famous...'  They have no ambition to go to uni and get a degree, or to train to be a musicican or an actor or a dancer.  The have no ambition to be an author or a nurse or a teacher or a lawyer, or a police officer or a vet or an astronaut or whatever.... they just wanna be FAMOUS!  Because they know that is IS possible to become 'celebrities' these days with no actual talent!  It's sad, the amount of teenage girls I know (via my teenage daughter,) who simply wanna be famous!
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I always watch Aimee

That bloody horse box ..... it's never had a horse near it .... hideous thing it is

But I love to watch every week ..... It made me laugh when she was saying how fat she had become in her size 6 jeans ... good heavens love, I wouldn't worry about it

And those dogs are horrible .... I'd never have those kind of dogs in a million years ... ugly buggers they are

And what do you think to Alex ? ...... I'm not too fussed tbh ..... I'd rather have Andrew Gould any day of the week he's delish
i think they are using each other for publicity
More than likely .... moreso him, I would say

She's only known him a few weeks and she's talking love already

I'm not even sure if she is still with him as this we are seeing now was about 3 months ago ...... He's no Pete, that's for sure .... but I doubt she will ever find another Pete tbh.
all to wind pete up no doubt
Oh definitely

Imo, that is what Alex is all about ...... It's not so much about the relationship .... but more about she scored first 

I can't remember Kate's friends name but she often wears the: I'm a little teapot pink   t-shirt ..... I noticed she often looks bemused ..... I reckon it must be difficult to be a close friend of Kate's ..... everything is about her .... No room for anyone else.

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