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I need to pick your brains please. 


Am catching up with the episodes in the second series of the USA one [can't do subtitles with my eyes]  and they've just been to the Native American Casino/Gambling Island where they [The NA's] have autonomy as far as the Law etc. and where the guy cop got beat up  ... I  just wondered what or where they went to in the Danish version seeing as they don't have a Native Indigenous population with a separate area where they have autonomy, or do they?


i know the USA one is supposed to keep as true to the original as they can that's why I am asking ..



Cheers in advance

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they didn't Olly - this is one part of the US version that departs from the original Danish version.  I'm not sure if the US version added this for effect or because rather than do their version over one series, it's been dragged out over two.


Personally the first series followed the original fairly closely but the decision to drag it out over two meant they went off on a different tangent and I feel this is why they lost loads of viewers and why it's been cancelled 


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