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Maybe Josie just didn't want to hear what Nadia had to say but I'd like to bet, given time, Josie will look back and realise that everything Nadia said was spot on

I'm sure she will... and I'm sure she'll still feel as small when she thinks about it as Nadia made her feel at the time.      Yes, it's what we all think and yes, she needed to be told BUT she should have heard it from someone close to her, who cares about her - not humiliated by a rant about it on national television by a person she's never met, who met has more hang ups and problems than Josie can ever imagie, in front of a load of 'celebrity' strangers on what should have been one of the happiest nights of her life.    Nadia speaks a lot of sense, she's obviously had a ton of therapy going by the quotes she comes out with, but she expects to be handled with kid gloves herself... she might have given Josie's feelings the same kind of consideration she would expect to be given to hers.
BUT she should have heard it from someone close to her, who cares about her - not humiliated by a rant about it on national television by a person she's never met, who met has more hang ups and problems than Josie can ever imagie, in front of a load of 'celebrity' strangers on what should have been one of the happiest nights of her life.
she might have given Josie's feelings the same kind of consideration she would expect to be given to hers.
As should McCririck then, as far as I saw it was a tag team effort and not all Nadia's fault.
As for Josie, she considered nobody's feelings but her own throughout BB11, maybe Nadia should have told her the home truths privately, but Mc Cririck certainly wouldn't have.
Nadia speaks a lot of sense, she's obviously had a ton of therapy going by the quotes she comes out with, but she expects to be handled with kid gloves herself... she might have given Josie's feelings the same kind of consideration she would expect to be given to hers.
I never thought of it like that before .... but yes, you are quite right, kaffy.
I can't believe he's got off so lightly in the whole of this, he was by far more vocal than Nadia about John James.
He does seem to have got off lightly, I think it was because John seemed to genuinely like and care for Josie whilst Nadia thought she needed  to give her some straight talking and tough love
He does seem to have got off lightly, I think it was because John seemed to genuinely like and care for Josie whilst Nadia thought she needed  to give her some straight talking and tough love

Probably Super, he did like her, but I actually think what Nadia said was pretty mild compared to his remarks about John James.
Good post Kaffy,  i think Nadia,s comments to Josie were out of order and not really needed. The only option left to Josie was to walk, perhaps that was Nadia,s game. After all Nadia has been thru she really should have showed a bit more decorum. She more or less implied JJ was gay. It sealed her fate with the JJJ fans IMO, plus the fact that she behaved like a prize bitch didnt help either
I think Nadia had quite a soft interview.... to the point of Davina consoling her. I think the fact that she wasn't on BBBM had far more to do with own own her arrogance and her disbelief that the GBP evicted her.

She must have thought she would stroll it again this time too, thinking herself as the queen Bee of the house, going on about how comes some of the others are getting paid more than her and they don't even want to be there.
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)
I was reading Marco's plea for Nadia on another place just now.  Marco said (for those who haven't seen it).
I am writing this as a deeply concerned friend of Nadia’s. She is devastated following last night’s eviction and returned home to find her car egged and abusive letters through the door. I have never seen her in this state.

It is most concerning that the public was misled in regards to the dispute with Coolio. He made deeply offensive, homophobic comments continuously to her and the other housemates regarding gender and sexuality for many days on end which were not broadcast. It was made to be seen that Coolio left the house after Nadia erratically confronted him about hiding her shoes. This was not the case. Coolio was on his third and final warning from Big Brother about abusive and threatening behaviour. By this point Nadia had suffered a panic attack and was mentally beginning to breakdown. Not broadcast. It was made to seem that Coolio asked BB to leave the house. He was in fact *asked* to leave the Big Brother house by Sharon Powers. If Coolio had made similar comments regarding race, BB would have been obliged to show the dispute in FULL. The transphobic slurs made and broadcast on Big Mouth and BBLB merely reinforce BB’s position that homophobia and transphobia is fully permitted and encouraged by the BB platform. As a result, it has been made to look that Coolio asked to leave the house on the flippant actions of Nadia enraged over a pair of shoes - instead of after days and days of abuse. Her moods following Coolio’s departure were a knock-on effect from his time in the house. It was also not broadcast that Coolio intimidated and threatened Nadia with talks of a stabbing earlier in his youth.

She feels her life is now ruined and the goodwill built from her earlier stay in the house has been destroyed. I am writing this as a deeply concerned friend in the hope that Endemol will do something to address this, please. I can only hope Nadia will forgive me for writing this on a public forum but there is no doubt in my mind that she is now at genuine suicide risk. She has understandably lost all trust in the producers and does not want to speak with Stephen Flett (the esteemed psychologist who approved and put through contestants such as Shahbaz and Alexandra). The only further reproach will be legal action and complaints to OFCOM regarding flagrant unfair portrayal. I am asking Endemol to help Nadia Almada.

I think Marco is telling a pretty one sided story though,although to be fair it is the one which Nadia told him.

I am sure Coolio was a sh1t but Nadia was a screeching harridan most of the time when she wasn't hysterically laughing in the pool with Makosi.

Nadia made some sh1t decisions. She was seen (rightly or wrongly) as browbeating Josie out of the house. She aligned herself with the universally unpopular Makosi. She spent all her time doing nothing and having 'fun'. Periodically she berated others for a variety of petty reasons.  She is probably in dire need of professional assistance.

Dear Marco, she got voted out because the public got p1ssed off with her behaviour. The fact that she fell out with Coolio did not really matter, he wasn't well liked either.  At the end of the day it was all about levels of misjudgment.  It wasn't the Nadia show - she got it wrong.
I didn't know that Supes
What the hmsthought:
Nick: "I think Nadia was arguing too much and upset too many people" "She has had a go at Victor, Ulrika, Preston, Josie and me- you can't continue to do it"
Victor: "Why come in and go bonkers? It's just not worth it. Nadia can be like the Incredible Hulk- smash, smash, smash" 
Nikki:"She did seem quite angry" 
Ulrika: the entire house seemed scared of her and her regular mood swings."I tell you one thing-she had no sympathy for anybody. She didn't care if she hurt anybody. All she'd say is,'That's my opinion,' and actually in the real world that's not how you function"  
Vanessa: "A celebrity that blunders in and tramples over a poor girl's dreams- what an insensitive bastard. You don't go around telling someone in love that the person doesn't love them back when you don't even know if they genuinely believe it. They should have shut the fuck up."
Nick:: "I think Nadia was arguing too much and upset too many people" "She has had a go at Victor, Ulrika, Preston, Josie and me- you can't continue to do it"
Victor: "Why come in and go bonkers? It's just not worth it. Nadia can be like the Incredible Hulk- smash, smash, smash" 
Nikki::"She did seem quite angry" 
Ulrika: the entire house seemed scared of her and her regular mood swings."I tell you one thing-she had no sympathy for anybody. She didn't care if she hurt anybody. All she'd say is,'That's my opinion,' and actually in the real world that's not how you function"  
Vanessa: "A celebrity that blunders in and tramples over a poor girl's dreams- what an insensitive bastard. You don't go around telling someone in love that the person doesn't love them back when you don't even know if they genuinely believe it. They should have shut the fuck up."
Nick:: "I think Nadia was arguing too much and upset too many people" "She has had a go at Victor, Ulrika, Preston, Josie and me- you can't continue to do it"
Victor: "Why come in and go bonkers? It's just not worth it. Nadia can be like the Incredible Hulk- smash, smash, smash" 
Nikki::"She did seem quite angry" 
Ulrika: the entire house seemed scared of her and her regular mood swings."I tell you one thing-she had no sympathy for anybody. She didn't care if she hurt anybody. All she'd say is,'That's my opinion,' and actually in the real world that's not how you function"  
Vanessa: "A celebrity that blunders in and tramples over a poor girl's dreams- what an insensitive bastard. You don't go around telling someone in love that the person doesn't love them back when you don't even know if they genuinely believe it. They should have shut the fuck up."
Nick:: "I think Nadia was arguing too much and upset too many people" "She has had a go at Victor, Ulrika, Preston, Josie and me- you can't continue to do it"
Victor: "Why come in and go bonkers? It's just not worth it. Nadia can be like the Incredible Hulk- smash, smash, smash" 
Nikki::"She did seem quite angry" 
Ulrika: the entire house seemed scared of her and her regular mood swings."I tell you one thing-she had no sympathy for anybody. She didn't care if she hurt anybody. All she'd say is,'That's my opinion,' and actually in the real world that's not how you function"  
Vanessa: "A celebrity that blunders in and tramples over a poor girl's dreams- what an insensitive bastard. You don't go around telling someone in love that the person doesn't love them back when you don't even know if they genuinely believe it. They should have shut the fuck up."
The hms views:

Nick:"I think Nadia was arguing too much and upset too many people," "She has had a go at Victor, Ulrika, Preston, Josie and me - you can't continue to do it."

Victor: "Why come in and go bonkers? It's just not worth it. Nadia can be like the Incredible Hulk - smash, smash, smash."

Nikki: "She did seem quite angry."

Ulrika:  the entire house seemed scared of her and her regular mood swings."I tell you the one thing - she had no sympathy for anybody. She didn’t care if she hurt anybody. All she'd say is, 'That’s my opinion,' and actually in the real world that’s not how you function."

Vanessa:  "A celebrity that blunders in and tramples over a poor girl's dreams - what an insensitive bastard. You don't go around telling someone in love that the person doesn't love them back when you don't even know if they genuinely believe it. They should have shut the fuck up."

The hms views:
Nick:"I think Nadia was arguing too much and upset too many people," "She has had a go at Victor, Ulrika, Preston, Josie and me - you can't continue to do it."
Victor: "Why come in and go bonkers? It's just not worth it. Nadia can be like the Incredible Hulk - smash, smash, smash."
Nikki: "She did seem quite angry."
Ulrika:  the entire house seemed scared of her and her regular mood swings."I tell you the one thing - she had no sympathy for anybody. She didn’t care if she hurt anybody. All she'd say is, 'That’s my opinion,' and actually in the real world that’s not how you function."
Vanessa:  "A celebrity that blunders in and tramples over a poor girl's dreams - what an insensitive bastard. You don't go around telling someone in love that the person doesn't love them back when you don't even know if they genuinely believe it. They should have shut the fuck up."
I actually think what Nadia said was pretty mild
He did say more, I agree, but Nadia also told her that he was gay!
The hms views:
Nick:"I think Nadia was arguing too much and upset too many people," "She has had a go at Victor, Ulrika, Preston, Josie and me - you can't continue to do it."
Victor: "Why come in and go bonkers? It's just not worth it. Nadia can be like the Incredible Hulk - smash, smash, smash."
Nikki: "She did seem quite angry."
Ulrika:  the entire house seemed scared of her and her regular mood swings."I tell you the one thing - she had no sympathy for anybody. She didn’t care if she hurt anybody. All she'd say is, 'That’s my opinion,' and actually in the real world that’s not how you function."
Vanessa:  "A celebrity that blunders in and tramples over a poor girl's dreams - what an insensitive bastard. You don't go around telling someone in love that the person doesn't love them back when you don't even know if they genuinely believe it. They should have shut the fuck up."
The hms views:
Nick:"I think Nadia was arguing too much and upset too many people," "She has had a go at Victor, Ulrika, Preston, Josie and me - you can't continue to do it."
Victor: "Why come in and go bonkers? It's just not worth it. Nadia can be like the Incredible Hulk - smash, smash, smash."
Nikki: "She did seem quite angry."
Ulrika:  the entire house seemed scared of her and her regular mood swings."I tell you the one thing - she had no sympathy for anybody. She didn’t care if she hurt anybody. All she'd say is, 'That’s my opinion,' and actually in the real world that’s not how you function."
Vanessa:  "A celebrity that blunders in and tramples over a poor girl's dreams - what an insensitive bastard. You don't go around telling someone in love that the person doesn't love them back when you don't even know if they genuinely believe it. They should have shut the fuck up."

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