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Reference:  Prom
She knows people don't love her. She has been pretty much psychotic in her behaviour during her time in there. My guess is she expected to win and is too gutted that her true personality came out and has nothing to gain from people talking to her 'straight' on BBBM.

Reference: Erin
She couldnt handle the fact that she was a winner and came out such a loser.

All the above. 
I missed the eviction - too busy socialising. 

Were they bad evictions? Did they not react well?
Both are of a type IMO - they operate within their own misconceptions and when faced with reality (how ironic they've made their names through a "reality" show) they simply cannot juxtapose their perception of who and what they are with such a public response.
After the way she was treated tonight, I really don't blame her.
Most of them get booed though. Why should she be any different? I really do think she has  an over inflated opinion of who she is TBH. i don't think she'll ever be at peace with herself until she gets her head out of her arse! So she is a BB winner ..........................BB5 was a very odd year, In all honesty Dan should have won but the vote amongst people who really and truly hated got split between Nadia and Jason.
Soozy Woo
After the way she was treated tonight, I really don't blame her.
Nor do I PC, BUT she revelled in 'straight talking' and ' tough love' until it bit on her the bum. Even in her darkest hour she still had to have a pop at John James and Josie to try and desperately retrieve something for herself at their expense. Seems to me that she values straight talking unless it's directed at her
Last edited by Former Member
I have no problem with people disliking how Nadia behaved. I just don't see why she should have set herself up for more mistreatment by the slugs on BBBM, expecially given their treatment of Makosi and Delightful Davina's oh-so-unclever remarks.

In fact, I'm going away from this right now because the whole thought of that odious cow Davina makes me (and I'm not just talking about tonight, she's been vile for years)
I just don't see why she should have set herself up for more mistreatment by the slugs on BBBM
BUT BUT Peter, that's what they all chose to subject themselves to as part of the 'show',,,Just give me a moment here, do you think that Nadia telling Josie what she did, when she did and how she did was in any way helpful?
have no problem with people disliking how Nadia behaved. I just don't see why she should have set herself up for more mistreatment by the slugs on BBBM, expecially given their treatment of Makosi and Delightful Davina's oh-so-unclever remarks. In fact, I'm going away from this right now because the whole thought of that odious cow Davina makes me (and I'm not just talking about tonight, she's been vile for years)
I agree wholeheartedly with you PC. BBBM is like a baying pit full of the most stupid people ever.
I am sure Nadia was shell shocked by the whole thing anyway.
I have always disliked Davina and the best thing about BB finishing is that she will probably struggle to find a programme that will showcase her so called talents and will probably end up doing some tacky reality show on one of the cable TV channels.

Rant over.
just don't see why she should have set herself up for more mistreatment by the slugs on BBBM

BUT BUT Peter, that's what they all chose to subject themselves to as part of the 'show',,,Just give me a moment here, do you think that Nadia telling Josie what she did, when she did and how she did was in any way helpful?
*Sticks hand up*
I have never had any problems with what Nadia told Josie - she was saying what a lot of us had been saying for weeks anyway.
And she is going to be proved sooooo right sadly.
I guess it was because she was so upset ..... I'm not defending her as I'm not her biggest fan, never have been,  but it looks to me like she's not in a good place right now. She's obviously in  some kind of  emotional turmoil &  when you think about the changes she must have been through in her lifetime, she's conquered quite alot .... but that's just my own personal opinion of course
I have never had any problems with what Nadia told Josie - she was saying what a lot of us had been saying for weeks anyway.
Absolutely! I totally agree .... & anyway, everyone has an opinion and that was obviously hers. Maybe Josie just didn't want to hear what Nadia had to say but I'd like to bet, given time, Josie will look back and realise that everything Nadia said was spot on, remember people in love only see what they want to see
Absolutely! I totally agree .... & anyway, everyone has an opinion and that was obviously hers. Maybe Josie just didn't want to hear what Nadia had to say but I'd like to bet, given time, Josie will look back and realise that everything Nadia said was spot on, remember people in love only see what they want to see
I think that is spot on. I hate the way people's feelings and emotions are trivialised in this show. We have this baying crowd - led by the chief bayer Davina who demand love, romance and all the rest of the stuff that goes with it.
I  am positive that Josie has talked herself into being "in love" with John James - it was put to her by the first Rachael in the very early days of the show that there was something more and Josie convinced herself there was.,
That man does not act like a man in love ( I use the term man lightly because he has yet to convince me that he is anything other than a nasty little boy).
Josie however, is "in love" ( or her definition anyway). Whatever it is, it is an emotion real to her and that is why she acted like she did,
I think Nadia was truly just talking before she thought and perhaps did not want to expose Josie to any more hurt.
Sadly though,  Josie will learn the hard way..
PeterCat offline 2,042 Forum Posts Today at 12:03 AM Last Edited: After the way she was treated tonight, I really don't blame her.
After the way she was treated?  What on earth do you mean?  She got of incredibly lightly with Davina and the crowd.  What she got she deserved for being such an arrogant, nasty vicious whatever.
I'm disgusted at how BB have edited the whole Coolio situation, now we've found out as to what the problem was I don't blame her for not doing it to be honest. He response to the whole shoe incident was way over the top and uncalled for, if only we had known what had led up to the outburst she may have had a little more sympathy.
It was hardly all Coolio's fault.

I think Coolio repeatedly asking Nadia if she had a penis was definitely his fault LL and that led up to the whole duvet incident, like I said earlier it was totally way over the top and uncalled for, but now we are starting to hear what led up to it. It should have been shown, it was edited out and we had no explanation as to what sent her over the edge. I really wanted Nadia out this time, but I think in all fairness her side should have been shown properly.
Both are of a type IMO - they operate within their own misconceptions and when faced with reality (how ironic they've made their names through a "reality" show) they simply cannot juxtapose their perception of who and what they are with such a public response.

I like using the word juxtopose, it makes me sound proper clever 

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