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I have lots of stuff relating to horse racing and undercover investigations which document appalling cruelty in the training yards but I can't get to it at the moment but I know that (for example) horses were beaten severely the first time they had blinkers put on so that in future they would be terrified every time they had blinkers put on and this would make them run faster as horses have a flight response to fear

Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by Geordi:

What really needs to happen is animals should not be kept as pets to amuse, console, or to be shown off by humans, or to race and win us money.....they should be free as we are.....

I agree in a way but I've had pets all my life and they have always ruled the house. Life of riley springs to mind 

Cagney, this is not personal, but animals should either be free.......or continue to be bred for our foibles....

Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by Geordi:

What really needs to happen is animals should not be kept as pets to amuse, console, or to be shown off by humans, or to race and win us money.....they should be free as we are.....

I agree in a way but I've had pets all my life and they have always ruled the house. Life of riley springs to mind 

See, that's where I can't compute. Yes they're part of the family but they also should know their place. Pets in bedrooms or on beds/furniture I can't abide  

Originally Posted by Geordi:
Originally Posted by Cagney:


Also a bird can live quite happily in a cage as long as it's fed, watered, loved, talked to and not beaten

How do you know?.....have we bred the freedom of flight out of the winged creatures?

I don't mean locked in a cage. That's different. My parrot always had his cage door open. He had free reign of the house (once found him it kitchen but that's another story) 


Ive had this argument on the bengal forum (yes im a member of a cat forum ) If i didnt live on a main road i would let my cats out. I hate that they cant climb trees or chase butterflies. But as im smack back on a main road i keep them in, but i do let them out in the garden and they have an outdoor enclosure (that is getting bigger).   They really do rule the roost, they go wherever they want, they do whatever they want, they can have whatever I can give them.  I do think though they should be free to play in the great oudoors.

Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

Ive had this argument on the bengal forum (yes im a member of a cat forum ) If i didnt live on a main road i would let my cats out. I hate that they cant climb trees or chase butterflies. But as im smack back on a main road i keep them in, but i do let them out in the garden and they have an outdoor enclosure (that is getting bigger).   They really do rule the roost, they go wherever they want, they do whatever they want, they can have whatever I can give them.  I do think though they should be free to play in the great oudoors.

This is where I have a problem. Sorry Gyps, but I do 

Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

Ive had this argument on the bengal forum (yes im a member of a cat forum ) If i didnt live on a main road i would let my cats out. I hate that they cant climb trees or chase butterflies. But as im smack back on a main road i keep them in, but i do let them out in the garden and they have an outdoor enclosure (that is getting bigger).   They really do rule the roost, they go wherever they want, they do whatever they want, they can have whatever I can give them.  I do think though they should be free to play in the great oudoors.

You're not abusing them though. I'm the same. My one remaining cat gets priority over my kids. She's my baby. She's 16 this year. She gets free reign of my house 

Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

Ive had this argument on the bengal forum (yes im a member of a cat forum ) If i didnt live on a main road i would let my cats out. I hate that they cant climb trees or chase butterflies. But as im smack back on a main road i keep them in, but i do let them out in the garden and they have an outdoor enclosure (that is getting bigger).   They really do rule the roost, they go wherever they want, they do whatever they want, they can have whatever I can give them.  I do think though they should be free to play in the great oudoors.

This is where I have a problem. Sorry Gyps, but I do 

Is that because they are just animals and we are the higher beings?  Well, im glad that I dont see it like that. 

Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

Ive had this argument on the bengal forum (yes im a member of a cat forum ) If i didnt live on a main road i would let my cats out. I hate that they cant climb trees or chase butterflies. But as im smack back on a main road i keep them in, but i do let them out in the garden and they have an outdoor enclosure (that is getting bigger).   They really do rule the roost, they go wherever they want, they do whatever they want, they can have whatever I can give them.  I do think though they should be free to play in the great oudoors.

You're not abusing them though. I'm the same. My one remaining cat gets priority over my kids. She's my baby. She's 16 this year. She gets free reign of my house 

I really, really have a problem with this! 

Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

Ive had this argument on the bengal forum (yes im a member of a cat forum ) If i didnt live on a main road i would let my cats out. I hate that they cant climb trees or chase butterflies. But as im smack back on a main road i keep them in, but i do let them out in the garden and they have an outdoor enclosure (that is getting bigger).   They really do rule the roost, they go wherever they want, they do whatever they want, they can have whatever I can give them.  I do think though they should be free to play in the great oudoors.

You're not abusing them though. I'm the same. My one remaining cat gets priority over my kids. She's my baby. She's 16 this year. She gets free reign of my house 

God no, and id kill anyone that hurt them. I love them, and therefore cannot understand anyone who says they love their horses and yet let them  race knowing the risks.  I would never put my cats at risk.

Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

Ive had this argument on the bengal forum (yes im a member of a cat forum ) If i didnt live on a main road i would let my cats out. I hate that they cant climb trees or chase butterflies. But as im smack back on a main road i keep them in, but i do let them out in the garden and they have an outdoor enclosure (that is getting bigger).   They really do rule the roost, they go wherever they want, they do whatever they want, they can have whatever I can give them.  I do think though they should be free to play in the great oudoors.

This is where I have a problem. Sorry Gyps, but I do 

Do you have pets? 


I think the difference we're talking about here is having an animal because you love it and having it because it might make you money. IMO having a pet is as big a decision as having a child. They depend on you for everything and they trust you to look after them. If you take them into your life you should treat them like family

Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

Ive had this argument on the bengal forum (yes im a member of a cat forum ) If i didnt live on a main road i would let my cats out. I hate that they cant climb trees or chase butterflies. But as im smack back on a main road i keep them in, but i do let them out in the garden and they have an outdoor enclosure (that is getting bigger).   They really do rule the roost, they go wherever they want, they do whatever they want, they can have whatever I can give them.  I do think though they should be free to play in the great oudoors.

You're not abusing them though. I'm the same. My one remaining cat gets priority over my kids. She's my baby. She's 16 this year. She gets free reign of my house 

  Yeah...   AJ is No.1 dependent in our house...   we tell the kids this on a regular basis..    he out ranks the kids!  


and both him & the cat can go wherever they want (though we do try to discourage the cat from sneaking into & sitting in the fridge ).



Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

Ive had this argument on the bengal forum (yes im a member of a cat forum ) If i didnt live on a main road i would let my cats out. I hate that they cant climb trees or chase butterflies. But as im smack back on a main road i keep them in, but i do let them out in the garden and they have an outdoor enclosure (that is getting bigger).   They really do rule the roost, they go wherever they want, they do whatever they want, they can have whatever I can give them.  I do think though they should be free to play in the great oudoors.

You're not abusing them though. I'm the same. My one remaining cat gets priority over my kids. She's my baby. She's 16 this year. She gets free reign of my house 


Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

Ive had this argument on the bengal forum (yes im a member of a cat forum ) If i didnt live on a main road i would let my cats out. I hate that they cant climb trees or chase butterflies. But as im smack back on a main road i keep them in, but i do let them out in the garden and they have an outdoor enclosure (that is getting bigger).   They really do rule the roost, they go wherever they want, they do whatever they want, they can have whatever I can give them.  I do think though they should be free to play in the great oudoors.

You're not abusing them though. I'm the same. My one remaining cat gets priority over my kids. She's my baby. She's 16 this year. She gets free reign of my house 

  Yeah...   AJ is No.1 dependent in our house...   we tell the kids this on a regular basis..    he out ranks the kids!  


and both him & the cat can go wherever they want (though we do try to discourage the cat from sneaking into & sitting in the fridge ).



ours like a fridge ... and the thick one is quite partial to an oven

Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

Ive had this argument on the bengal forum (yes im a member of a cat forum ) If i didnt live on a main road i would let my cats out. I hate that they cant climb trees or chase butterflies. But as im smack back on a main road i keep them in, but i do let them out in the garden and they have an outdoor enclosure (that is getting bigger).   They really do rule the roost, they go wherever they want, they do whatever they want, they can have whatever I can give them.  I do think though they should be free to play in the great oudoors.

You're not abusing them though. I'm the same. My one remaining cat gets priority over my kids. She's my baby. She's 16 this year. She gets free reign of my house 

I really, really have a problem with this! 

Why? I chose her. I paid for her. I owe it to her to give her a good life. My kids make a hell of a lot more mess than she does and give me so much more stress. She's my silent saviour in an otherwise hectic life 

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

Ive had this argument on the bengal forum (yes im a member of a cat forum ) If i didnt live on a main road i would let my cats out. I hate that they cant climb trees or chase butterflies. But as im smack back on a main road i keep them in, but i do let them out in the garden and they have an outdoor enclosure (that is getting bigger).   They really do rule the roost, they go wherever they want, they do whatever they want, they can have whatever I can give them.  I do think though they should be free to play in the great oudoors.

You're not abusing them though. I'm the same. My one remaining cat gets priority over my kids. She's my baby. She's 16 this year. She gets free reign of my house 


If I really have to explain myself again what I mean is you don't buy an animal to abuse it. You don't buy one to earn money from it's suffering. My post above was highlighting that Gypsie WASN'T abusing her animals. 


AJ's constantly famished at the moment (cos of the huge doses of steroids he's on)...   so he is constantly on kitchen watch...  with his big puppy begging eyes.


Its soooooo hard to ignore him, but I have to...   tis tough love & its heartbreaking at times.


I have bought him a little pack of smoked salmon trimmings (ÂĢ1 smartprice Asda)...   so I can give him something when I am through there..   and the omega 3 from the oily fish is good for him 


The cat can smell it though...   so she has one eye constantly on the fridge too.    My kitchen has never been so "observed" 


Im currently feeding them boiled chicken... ÂĢ6 worth of chicken they have eaten in one day   only because she has a dodgy tummy and i cant put her food down without them eating it or vice versa so they end up eating the same thing. I had to 'cook' dinner for them (lil gyps got mcdonalds) JOKE 


no.. she got some boiled chicken JOKE AGAIN!

Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

Im currently feeding them boiled chicken... ÂĢ6 worth of chicken they have eaten in one day   only because she has a dodgy tummy and i cant put her food down without them eating it or vice versa so they end up eating the same thing. I had to 'cook' dinner for them (lil gyps got mcdonalds) JOKE 


no.. she got some boiled chicken JOKE AGAIN!

     we had to do the boiled chicken thing with the dog when we were on the Norfolk Broads...   cos he ain't got right good sea legs!


I remember Ickle moaning that all she got was a sausage sandwich & she wanted what the dog was having 

Originally Posted by Geordi:
Originally Posted by Cagney:


Why? I chose her. I paid for her. 

I hate to point this out Cagney, I know you love your pets, but.....look what you typed, a commodity bred and sold by humans for money.

I know that. I found her in a pet shop in Glasgow with her litter tray 2 inches from her bed, cage with a tiled floor and an eye infection. 3 days from getting put down. Her and her sister in the same state. I paid ÂĢ50 for them but I would've paid anything NOT to leave them there. 


People will always make money from animals but it doesn't have to mean they suffer in the process

Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by Geordi:
Originally Posted by Cagney:


Why? I chose her. I paid for her. 

I hate to point this out Cagney, I know you love your pets, but.....look what you typed, a commodity bred and sold by humans for money.

I know that. I found her in a pet shop in Glasgow with her litter tray 2 inches from her bed, cage with a tiled floor and an eye infection. 3 days from getting put down. Her and her sister in the same state. I paid ÂĢ50 for them but I would've paid anything NOT to leave them there. 


People will always make money from animals but it doesn't have to mean they suffer in the process

Im glad she found you.

Originally Posted by Gypsie~:
Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by Geordi:
Originally Posted by Cagney:


Why? I chose her. I paid for her. 

I hate to point this out Cagney, I know you love your pets, but.....look what you typed, a commodity bred and sold by humans for money.

I know that. I found her in a pet shop in Glasgow with her litter tray 2 inches from her bed, cage with a tiled floor and an eye infection. 3 days from getting put down. Her and her sister in the same state. I paid ÂĢ50 for them but I would've paid anything NOT to leave them there. 


People will always make money from animals but it doesn't have to mean they suffer in the process

Im glad she found you.

Yeah...  me too 

Originally Posted by Cagney:

When I looked round there my cat is laying on the floor with her paws in the air. She's a diva 


ours has toddled off to bed with my daughter (her mummy)...    she spends most of the day up on our bed...    whenever she glimses anyone walking past our bedroom she starts purring & they have to go in & see her.


She then likes to stretch & show us all how long she is getting 


She is my daughters cat...  and I have never really been into cats before... but I have fallen in love with her (even if I don't totally understand her at times )

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Cagney:

When I looked round there my cat is laying on the floor with her paws in the air. She's a diva 


ours has toddled off to bed with my daughter (her mummy)...    she spends most of the day up on our bed...    whenever she glimses anyone walking past our bedroom she starts purring & they have to go in & see her.


She then likes to stretch & show us all how long she is getting 


She is my daughters cat...  and I have never really been into cats before... but I have fallen in love with her (even if I don't totally understand her at times )

She's female. You're not meant to understand her 


I think the golden rules are "comfort, food, water, pet me, kiss me, sleep on your legs, sniff what you're eating, take it away,,,let me sniff it again...nope don't want it. WAIT....nope don't want it. Just checking." I know who the boss is

Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

Ive had this argument on the bengal forum (yes im a member of a cat forum ) If i didnt live on a main road i would let my cats out. I hate that they cant climb trees or chase butterflies. But as im smack back on a main road i keep them in, but i do let them out in the garden and they have an outdoor enclosure (that is getting bigger).   They really do rule the roost, they go wherever they want, they do whatever they want, they can have whatever I can give them.  I do think though they should be free to play in the great oudoors.

This is where I have a problem. Sorry Gyps, but I do 

Do you have pets? 


I think the difference we're talking about here is having an animal because you love it and having it because it might make you money. IMO having a pet is as big a decision as having a child. They depend on you for everything and they trust you to look after them. If you take them into your life you should treat them like family

Just read back and saw this. Yes, I've had a good few pets, and while I loved them and gave them the best I could, they still knew their place 


Oh, and while we're on the subject, I had to have my two cats put to sleep because they were old and failing and to keep them alive any longer wasn't fair on them 

Originally Posted by zazz:
I didnt start this thread to cause friction..i really didnt . I often dont think further than the end of my nose. sorry, i should think more carefully before starting threads . hope no damage isdone with forum relations.

nah...  it wasn't your fault...  this one had been simmering anyway.


Out of respect for those that like the national I had stayed out of Lal's sweepstake..  but then when the other threads appeared (this & another one) discussing the national appear..   then it provided a platform for those of us that really hate the National to speak.


and for those that think its all fine & dandy cos its sport to make the argument that its comparable to keeping much loved domestic pets! 

Originally Posted by zazz:
I didnt start this thread to cause friction..i really didnt . I often dont think further than the end of my nose. sorry, i should think more carefully before starting threads . hope no damage isdone with forum relations.

Zazz don't apologise, you're perfectly entitled to start a betting thread about the Grand National. Opposing views will always be posted and rightly so, but perhaps it would have been more respectful of others to start another thread discussing their views on cruelty in horse racing and the Grand National.


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