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Former Member

I simply cannot BELIEVE how much I utterly LOATHE this guy!


I think I detest him more than anyone who has ever been on.... There have been plenty of annoying and dislikeable people on BB,  Bea was a manipulative cow, and Grace was a bitch and Rex was an arrogant git (although quite hot and sometimes amusing LOL) and so were a few others, but this bloody ANTON is just ARRGGGH!    SO BLOODY ANNOYING! 


I think it's coz he tries to be pals with everyone and pretends he is nice, while he is stabbing them in the back, and he thinks he is a sex God, and all da wimmin fancy him (ain't got a snog yet though eh?!) And he has a really horrible, sneery face and horrid eyes and a sly smile and I JUST DESPISE HIM!!!  I want to punch the telly when I see him. 


Sorry, rant over... Anyone feel the same...?

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I don't like him either but what i think is this: I believe he's trying to be 'entertaining', to 'mix it up a little' and 'play the game'.  I think by talking to the viewers behind the backs of the other people in the house he thinks he's building a rapport of being in the know between him and the BB crowd and I genuinely think that he thinks that people will applaud him giving people their comepuppance if you see what I mean.  I think he's trying to be like Makosi in BB6 and almost act as a mole or as a viewer in the house and a separate entity from the rest of the HM's - outwardly on the side of the rest of them but on the side of no-one.


Sadly, he lacks either the charm, charisma or ability to pull this off and is coming across as a backstabbing, lying and two faced oxygen parasite.

Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

When he does hid Diary Room monologue, I just see a pathetic attempt to be Victor. It's somewhat cringy.

so true...Victor had humour,intelligence, and charisma..Anton has no redeeming qualities..

Maybe one.


He's four hundred miles away 


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