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I found Anthony very cheesy, he wasn't as good looking as he thought he was, he was orange, had shit dance moves, he was thick and boring....The only thing I would say in his favour is that he had the patience of Job when dealing with creepy Craig....I suppose in a funny sort of way, if it were not for creepy Craig, Anthony may not have won.
Senora Reyes
It would be - especially if he had his Myra Hindley wig on use the over effusive jargon...I really did nearly pee myself at that comment .That Craig looked like Myra Hindley in that blonde wig!  I can't actually remember who he was meant to be.I recall Anfonee was in a wet suit and Craig was salivating etc.
I hated the Craig so much I loved him - he was a genius hm but he made me chuck things at the tele. There have been a few that made my blood pressure go off the scale but I think he was the only one that I found watchable - although in a 'peering between your fingers from behing the settee' way
Hiya Veg!
Pretty much how I felt about Monk Dave... Except I hated Monk Dave's guts!
Senora Reyes
anfonee's face was a picture when eugene took the money.........i agree with senora.....if it hadn't of been for craig.......and maybe the makosi thing he wouldn't of won.........i still remember when he heard he'd won it ...running round with his finger pointing in the air like he was alan bloody his non stop 'that ticks the boxes' and 'schoolboy error' crap he did my top bollocks in........

i'm not a fan of the oompa loompa...........

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