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Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Blue Diamond:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
To use such agressive language, when referring to Sree?
Who the hell does Marcus think he is?
How is it possible, that Marcus cannot see how agressive he is? There you have it, Freddie having to break it down and explain to the ignoramous.

Oh senora, we all rushed to support Marcus because BB was insinuating the racist term was used. I don’t think it was on this occasion.

However, I agree with Marcus being pulled up for his threatening behaviour. It is not right to intimidate anyone; I personally think a few of the others should have had warning for the way they treat Freddie too.

Let me make myself clear I was pointing out the agressive name calling that Marcus has been calling Sree for the past couple of weeks, coupled with needling, and put downs which culminated into the huge argument as it would.

For weeks Marcus has been belittleing Sree, calling him a little shit, and so forth, my point is why is a 35 year old man behaving in such a disrespectful and immature manner?

I know Sree is annoying, and can also be rude, but Marcus at his age seems to let Sree get under his skin more than the other HM's and takes it to an agressive level that I would expect from a 15 year old boy. I was not and am not interested in starting any kind of race row, because to be honest there isn't one.

Marcus didn't even listen to BB properly he just got aggressive, and assumed that BB were calling him a racist when they did not.

I found his agression offensive that is what I am talking about here.

I knew that was the point you were making I just wanted you to know why I was happy with Marcus, it was for standing up to BB.

I don't like the aggression either; he was the same when he argued with Lisa too. I still say it is not acceptable regardless of who it is and who it is directed at. Smiler
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by cup:
when marcus said he would see sree after the show there is only one way to take that,and it wasnt for a cup of tea

Is that really true? Could it have been very effectively pointing out that Sree was behaving in a way which he might never dare do if he was outside and away from the protection of the show?

I can see bb point of view the way marcus said it that they seen it as threatening and you automatically would,when he explained fair enough explantion,but the way he said they had to make it clear that those words would not be accepted and i think they had no choice but to call him up on it.

Now i can see marcus point of view and i think he was outstanding in diary room and had them bang to rights over the others behaviour and taking the mickey out of accents etc was ok for sree and others to do on other housemates but not to be done on sree

so i think he was great to put his point across but unfortunately the way he choose to word that to sree i feel they had no choice.
This is what I don't understand. By making concessions based on a person's race, creed, colour, culture, class, etc., in itself being racist?

If I don't like a housemate, it's because I don't like their character or personality. Nothing to do with their culture, or the colour of their skin. The same goes in RL.

I think it does a disservice to the Asian community by demanding that we accept Sree because he is Asian. Most of the Asians I have met and know are nothing like he is.

Perhaps I live in a dream world where we accept people based on their character rather than what others tell us.

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