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Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Karma_:
Sree was quite abusive too when he was moaning about him to the others

Listen to the names Marcus uses when referring to Sree, hardly in the same league.

How is Marcus calling Sree 'Toerag' and 'Little ****er' any worse than Sree calling Marcus 'Stupid moron' and 'Ugly idiot'?
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Karma_:
Sree was quite abusive too when he was moaning about him to the others

Listen to the names Marcus uses when referring to Sree, hardly in the same league.

not to his face though ......and it's really only what we're all thinking isn't it?

Sree is a complete and utter twat ............i only see the HL's don't have to live with him 24?7.

It's all been bought down to PC'ness isn't about that. The guy is godamn annoying!!!!!!!!!!
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by jonono:
I agree that Marcus is full on agressive and has been at Sree from day one. Sree is annoying but Marcus doesn't have any right to treat him in such a bullying fashion. so there

I find Lisa and Marcus terrible examples of older HM's they should be ashamed of themselves, both of them are so aggressive and ignorant, niether of them have a drop of class.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
To use such agressive language, when referring to Sree?
Who the hell does Marcus think he is?
How is it possible, that Marcus cannot see how agressive he is? There you have it, Freddie having to break it down and explain to the ignoramous.

it's not acceptable and that's why the wanker was warned
Originally posted by strike:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
To use such agressive language, when referring to Sree?
Who the hell does Marcus think he is?
How is it possible, that Marcus cannot see how agressive he is? There you have it, Freddie having to break it down and explain to the ignoramous.

it's not acceptable and that's why the wanker was warned

The voice of reason. Clapping
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Mathematics:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Karma_:
Sree was quite abusive too when he was moaning about him to the others

Listen to the names Marcus uses when referring to Sree, hardly in the same league.

How is Marcus calling Sree 'Toerag' and 'Little ****er' any worse than Sree calling Marcus 'Stupid moron' and 'Ugly idiot'?

It`s not. It seems there`s one rule for Sree and another for Marcus.
Originally posted by jonono:
I agree that Marcus is full on agressive and has been at Sree from day one. Sree is annoying but Marcus doesn't have any right to treat him in such a bullying fashion. so there

I posted as much on here too. He threatened him outside the house. So what is he going to do, hunt him down? Does anyone think this is a good look? Do they??????
Rev. Dim Dale
Originally posted by Shiver:
I think its fully acceptable for Marcus to call BB and Sree out on their behaviour in the only way he knows how...hes a basic bloke with no flowery language and a no blusshit attitude, and its great to finally see a housemate answer how they really feel without fear of a backlash or getting thrown out of the house.

Nod Clapping
Sree is a shit stirring little arsehole.

Freddie has just summed him up nicely...Awful.

I detest people that play the race card as a tool to win an argument...which Sree most certainly did.

Not liking Marcus is no reason to defend Sree's disgusting behavior in my opinion.

Sree is disgusting and has the type of personality that I keep well away from in RL.

I don't like Marcus, but I applaud him for telling BB to eff off.
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
To use such agressive language, when referring to Sree?
Who the hell does Marcus think he is?
How is it possible, that Marcus cannot see how agressive he is? There you have it, Freddie having to break it down and explain to the ignoramous.

Oh senora, we all rushed to support Marcus because BB was insinuating the racist term was used. I don’t think it was on this occasion.

However, I agree with Marcus being pulled up for his threatening behaviour. It is not right to intimidate anyone; I personally think a few of the others should have had warning for the way they treat Freddie too.
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)
Originally posted by Mathematics:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Karma_:
Sree was quite abusive too when he was moaning about him to the others

Listen to the names Marcus uses when referring to Sree, hardly in the same league.

How is Marcus calling Sree 'Toerag' and 'Little ****er' any worse than Sree calling Marcus 'Stupid moron' and 'Ugly idiot'?

I’d really like you to answer this question, Senora Reyes. I’d like some insight into why you believe Marcus’ name calling to be any worse than Sree’s. I am genuinely interested.
Originally posted by shar69:
6 of one 1/2 a dozen of the other. But BB only called one in. Stinks of double standards and there is no doubt in my that if Sree was not of ethnic race he would have also been called into the diary room and warned. Both deserved warnings so why was only one given a warning?

That's exactly how I feel...Nod
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
To use such agressive language, when referring to Sree?
Who the hell does Marcus think he is?
How is it possible, that Marcus cannot see how agressive he is? There you have it, Freddie having to break it down and explain to the ignoramous.

I thought Freddie's analogy of men in a pub and one says let's take this outside was spot on, if it's wrong on the outside world it's surely as wrong in the house
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Blue Diamond:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
To use such agressive language, when referring to Sree?
Who the hell does Marcus think he is?
How is it possible, that Marcus cannot see how agressive he is? There you have it, Freddie having to break it down and explain to the ignoramous.

Oh senora, we all rushed to support Marcus because BB was insinuating the racist term was used. I don’t think it was on this occasion.

However, I agree with Marcus being pulled up for his threatening behaviour. It is not right to intimidate anyone; I personally think a few of the others should have had warning for the way they treat Freddie too.

Let me make myself clear I was pointing out the agressive name calling that Marcus has been calling Sree for the past couple of weeks, coupled with needling, and put downs which culminated into the huge argument as it would.

For weeks Marcus has been belittleing Sree, calling him a little shit, and so forth, my point is why is a 35 year old man behaving in such a disrespectful and immature manner?

I know Sree is annoying, and can also be rude, but Marcus at his age seems to let Sree get under his skin more than the other HM's and takes it to an agressive level that I would expect from a 15 year old boy. I was not and am not interested in starting any kind of race row, because to be honest there isn't one.

Marcus didn't even listen to BB properly he just got aggressive, and assumed that BB were calling him a racist when they did not.

I found his agression offensive that is what I am talking about here.
Senora Reyes
BB were in the wrong to use the race card,Marcus was not being racist.
Marcus should have been given the warning just like Lesley( bb4)got when she insinuated she would "see" another HMS on the outside.
BB showed their double standards as Kris and Co constantly ridicule Freddie's accent and class but nothing is said because Freddie is white or it presents itself that way.
Originally posted by erinp:
BB were in the wrong to use the race card,Marcus was not being racist.

They didn't, strictly speaking. They warned him not to make cultural references that might offend viewers or other housemates and reminded him about the rules he signed up to. Rules which were presumably made explicit after the Shilpa Shetty and the old Charlie affairs. The sub-text, to me at least, was "for god's sake don't get people riled up and ringing ofcom and causing the Sun to get involved again".
when marcus said he would see sree after the show there is only one way to take that,and it wasnt for a cup of tea

Now on the other hand when marcus asked why no one was being called in for all the mickey taking out of accents and where they are from he had them bang to rights

and i loved the way he stood up for the above.Such a valid point he had and they had no answer.

And sree well he just isnt not the nicest character in the world he will play anyone to look a victim and poor me is his game when anyone argues with him he runs to lisa and the gang for the backing
Originally posted by cup:
when marcus said he would see sree after the show there is only one way to take that,and it wasnt for a cup of tea

Is that really true? Could it have been very effectively pointing out that Sree was behaving in a way which he might never dare do if he was outside and away from the protection of the show?
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by cup:
when marcus said he would see sree after the show there is only one way to take that,and it wasnt for a cup of tea

Is that really true? Could it have been very effectively pointing out that Sree was behaving in a way which he might never dare do if he was outside and away from the protection of the show?


I said that very thing in another thread earlier....
Originally posted by Lacey:
Originally posted by KARISSEA:
Originally posted by Karma_:
Sree was quite abusive too when he was moaning about him to the others

i did not see sree showing any agrression or making any threats to marcus ....

He was the one that actually got up and approached Marcus....

Yep...and was waving his arms all over the place and shouting whilst Marcus stayed sitting where he was.

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