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Just had to share this post from DS with you all.

Another valid point against the christian that is void of humanity!!!!

Why is Dave part of the onslaught of the shower biches against sam. Doesn't he remember sam making himself look an idiot and not mention smell like a mouldy cheese board to cheer Dave up when he was missing his children. He went in the diary room willing to give up anything to make Dave feel happier yet Dave rallied against Sam and joined in the bitching session with no remorse whatsoever!!!!

Isnt one of the ten commandments of christ Do unto to others what you would want to be done to you

He doesn't have christian motives simple as
1.So your saying that its okay for him to villify Caiomhe for showing her breasts but its perfectly fine for him to initiate Mario getting his testicles out in front of the whole nation.

2. Its okay for him to twist Sams nipple that is borderline abuse not a very christian act to say the least. Suprise Suprise this was not shown on the highlights to save saint Daves reputation

3. Wasn't he the one that initiated the whole showdown between John James and Sam, by goading sam into confronting John James then just stepped back and watched the fall out.

4. So it's okay for Dave to be blatantly against same sex marriage and vocalise these views but then be really upfront about get up close and personal with Mario and Ben

Anyone else that can add to these acts of hypocrisy please add them to the thread ?

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I'm afraid I really dont'read that deeply into it. Whether he's a minister or not we are all human..........................I think many (socially accepted ministers) wouldn't come up to the expectations on here. FGS - he's a mre mortal ......he doesn't profess to be God himself. I fully accept he's not without faults but .............he's human.
Soozy Woo
Does Dave know it was Sam who got him that letter? I thought Sam was not allowed to say anything?

Now I'm not a Dave fan by any stretch ... but I will say I understand how the confined atmosphere in the house can encourage people to "bitch" about each other. What else can they do in reality? It's not unusual group behaviour and we are ALL guilty of doing it to some degree.  I work with 2 colleagues who drive me and 3 or 4 others absolutely crazy for various reasons and we do vent to each other when their behaviour is particularly bad. I'd call it venting - they'd call it bitching if they ever heard I guess.  But it allows us to get rid of our frustrations fairly safely and interact with them with a degree of tolerance.

I appreciate Dave calls himself a christian and as far as that goes he really should know better I guess. But he's human - my 2 great aunts considered themselves paragons of virtue and attended church twice on a Sunday and on Wednesday mornings yet spent the rest of the week bitching gossiping about everyone else. They could not see that their behaviour was far worse than her at No. 33 not having washed her front step for a fortnight. 
I just don't think he is a very nice person but because he plays the 'god' card he seems to think he can get away with it.
Sorry -  I am not going to make excuses and justify his behaviour,
The only difference between him and the others is that he seems to think because he is a man of God he  can get away with it.
Well I am sorry but he puts himself up as a man of God - well he should act like one.
Can someone clarify for me what they think a Christian is? Do Christians live totally 'good' and 'blameless' lives?
It's not that Soozy - of course they don't. Indeed many would argue that is why they are Christians because they are not perfect and find that the Xian teaching helps them with their less than godly traits.
BUT Dave has a real holier than attitude - he sets himself up as an example and therefore , as unpalatable as you may find it, he is a  role model to his so called flock.
And quite frankly he is a pretty poor specimen.
BUT Dave has a real holier than attitude - he sets himself up as an example a Does he?
Or do people on here assume that he does?
I don't think people on here presume anything,.
The fact is he preaches God'e word ( or his interpretation of it).
The fact is he went mad when Keeva showed a nipple, set himself up as being outraged when some of them went in for drinking games  and yet made an arse of himself in front of his wife.
He reads the Bible and yet does not appear to abide by one word of it,
I would say they are a few examples . I would even say that Steve with all the good works he does, is a bigger Xian than him.
I would say they are a few examples . I would even say that Steve with all the good works he does, is a bigger Xian than him.
REALLY? All the groping and ogling? I find Steve yo be pretty odious TBH,

Drinking isn't a sin you know .......................I think Dave has been supportive to a lot of HM's .............he's not Jesus Christ ............he's had a bit of a laugh in there but ....................has he really been terrible?

I really don't know why I'm sticking up for him as he really isn't my fave HM but ...............I can't agree with a lot of the flak that he's got on here. Some of it has been pretty disgusting IMO. He's just a human being like you and me ...........................don't think he's ever claimed to be anything else.
Soozy Woo
Drinking isn't a sin you know .......................I think Dave has been supportive to a lot of HM's .............he's not Jesus Christ ............he's had a bit of a laugh in there but ....................has he really been terrible?
Who said it was?
HE was the one who was condemning them for getting drunk and losing their dignity,
Defend him all you wish - it is a free country.
I really don't know why I'm sticking up for him as he really isn't my fave HM
Well you can hardly argue with everyone by agreeing with them can you Soozywoo? It's obvious why you're sticking up for him. Dave claims to be a Christian. He doesn't act like one. If he doesn't believe in the ten commandments he may as well throw his bloody bible in the bin. He's nasty, he's aggressive, he never stops insulting Sam, he bitches constantly, if this is Christianity he can damn well keep it.
Actually I give up. 

So the title of this thread 'dave - void of humanity'  or words to that effect. He should be judged as any other HM in there in my opinion. Heaven knows there are so many different interpretations of what is a Christian. i'm not feeling the 'evil'  I think if you simply judge him as a HM .....................he really hasn't done anyrthing so awful.
Soozy Woo
He should be judged as any other HM in there
If he was just any other housemate I would agree, but he's not. He claims to love everyone when his actions show otherwise. He claims this, so on this will he be judged, and so he should be. But there is also the little matter of the things he's done outside the house which no matter what you say can and should be considered when judging him if they are particularly distasteful or in this case, downright disgusting.

I'm referring of course to an incident well documented on here. I can't recite all of the ten commandments by memory but I'm pretty sure Thou Shall Mock The Disabled is not one of them.
I think if you simply judge him as a HM .....................he really hasn't done anyrthing so awful.
That is how I am judging him Soozy... and what I see is a man claiming to  feel God in his belly and  to be drunk on the Lord.....  It is he that has put himself forward to the public as a *God fearing* person who loves everyone, but who is one of the biggest baitchs in there...
It is he that has put himself forward to the public as a *God fearing* person who loves everyone, but who is one of the biggest baitchs in there...
Well I live in a small village and we have a 'church mafia' ................they bitch for England - that's just how it is. All clergy men are simply 'humans' they're all infallible .................what else would you expect?  I'm quite sure that he does have  'RELATIONSHIP' WITH gOD ..............that's his business. I can't believe that people think he should be 'perfect'.
Soozy Woo
Actually I give up.  So the title of this thread 'dave - void of humanity'  or words to that effect. He should be judged as any other HM in there in my opinion. Heaven knows there are so many different interpretations of what is a Christian. i'm not feeling the 'evil'  I think if you simply judge him as a HM .....................he really hasn't done anyrthing so awful.

I gave up trying to argue his case weeks ago. It is futile on the internet.

I will say this though. Dave is picked at for every single thing that he does in the house, no matter how minuscule. I vividly remember back near the start of the series, there were so many topics about how Dave "hates gays" and how he believed  homosexuals would "go to hell". Then there was one particular highlight show that aired in which Dave was cuddled up to Mario and Ben. Next thing you know, forums explode into an array of "Is Dave gay?" and "Dave is a closet homosexual!"

People were quick to do a complete turn around and switch from one extreme to the other, whilst still keeping the negative tone. That same type of contradiction has continued ever since. That is the nature of the beast, and so it is pointless even attempting to talk rationally at the best of times.

I've just come to accept that there are people who dislike him and who don't take things over the top (I appreciate their input), and then there are the people who blindly hate him and will twist any action or word to try and demonise him.

Like him. Dislike him. Everybody is entitled to an opinion. But when it comes to fabricating mistruths and putting absurd things out there (there was one particularly disturbing thing posted yesterday), I can only nudge my keyboard aside and conjure happier thoughts.

my point is that he has promoted himself  to the public as this *saintly* person, who loves everyone...... and failed to live up to that claim.... big time. IMO.
But is he evil? Is he a Christian devoid of humanity?

I'm not his biggest fan but ...............some of the posts on here are beyond ridiculous. And pretty offensive too,
Soozy Woo
I am not sure about evil Soozy..... but I do think, from what I have seen in the House, that he is a very duplicitous and nasty person, who may not have come in for so much flak had he not come in telling the GBP that he was the exact opposite.... It is he who  brought up the Christian thing, and is always going on about how much he *loves you Dude*, while acting in a totally opposite way.

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