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Originally Posted by Saint:

Call me a cynic but i reckon they're doing it cos it looks right and feels good and in 10yrs time they'll all have settled down into the rat race.

After all most were gonna pass by

Yes maybe most were going to pass by, that's what a lot of people do, a shame some needed to be prompted. Whatever any of that group do in the future I won't get to hear about but I saw what they did in that moment, they reached out.

Yellow Rose

To me it looks like an idealistic, loudmouthed 'leader' demanding that others agree with his opinion ... and then they capitulate.

Shouty leader then reveals his 'anonimity' for the cameras assuming a modern day Jesus role.

I reckon he's doing it to gain support for his views rather than truly caring about the homeless guy.


Anonymous are a Group of people, started in the US a while ago to protest about the Corporate greed among other things. Legimate members of Anonymous wear the white masks with moustache, as some did in this vid, whether they are legitimate members or not I don't know but I still don't see why a good deed for someone in need should go unnoticed, only those taking part know their true motive.

Yellow Rose

Because i think they are using this guy as a pawn for their own ends.

Remember they were marching against coporate greed - not for the homeless.

Its telling that he comments, "We're all being ripped off mate"

And not,

"Where are you gonna sleep tonight?"


They give him a couple of quid then leave him.

I find it a cynical gesture and nothing more.

Originally Posted by Saint:

Because i think they are using this guy as a pawn for their own ends.

Remember they were marching against coporate greed - not for the homeless.

Its telling that he comments, "We're all being ripped off mate"

And not,

"Where are you gonna sleep tonight?"


They give him a couple of quid then leave him.

I find it a cynical gesture and nothing more.

Yes they were marching for one agenda and then took time to notice someone who most people want to ignore, they didn't do that, they could have. I come across a lot of cynicism online about all kinds of things, I prefer not to get caught up in it, whether that makes me naieve or not, I'd rather that than become cynical

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Saint:

I hope for a better world where people genuinely care.

But we don't have it here.

We have a bunch of people feeling better for themselves by offering the briefest regard to a guy with a long term problem.


Then they walk away - leaving him behind.

So do most genuinely caring people. We have to start somewhere, with something, or what's the point. In the end we can only be responsible for our own integrity

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Saint:

But we don't have it here.

If they were genuinelyy concerned they would not have just given him a couple of quid and walked away.

They used him to make a point and nothing more.

So what is that really saying, that no one cares about anything but themselves? I just don't believe that everyone is so self absorbed. What else could they have done for him, carried him off to a shelter? would he have let them? they can't be responsible for him for the rest of their lives, they just helped him have a better moment of feeling cared about than he would feel most days I bet.

Yellow Rose

That's wot i'm saying is happening here.

They were marching against corporate greed in the hope that the countries wealth trickles down - inevitably into their own pockets.

So its a self serving cause (it just happens to serve others too).


One says, "We'll look after you mate" then walks away.

Right at the end someone asks, "What's your name".


They don't care - they use him to boost their campaign.


Originally Posted by Saint:

That's wot i'm saying is happening here.

They were marching against corporate greed in the hope that the countries wealth trickles down - inevitably into their own pockets.

So its a self serving cause (it just happens to serve others too).


One says, "We'll look after you mate" then walks away.

Right at the end someone asks, "What's your name".


They don't care - they use him to boost their campaign.


I've been aware of the Official Anonymous for some time so I know their agenda, if some Brits have joined that alliance to me that's a positive. Whatever that particular group of people's motives were isn't my main concern or business, that's up to them. My focus was seeing a man who sadly represents so many others around the world feeling cared about in "that" moment.

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Saint:

And its all being filmed in glorious technicolour

With a touch screen phone (possibly iPhone, can't tell), a cannon DSLR camera and a camcorder that I noticed... against corporate greed??


I'd be interested to know if they did this to EVERY homeless person they passed, cos there are more than this guy in London that need help

Last edited by SazBomb

Every little helps


Yes it may have been a publicity stunt but at the same time it may have given them food for thought and some people will keep that with them forever (including those that watch the VT) I'm a cynic about a lot of things but I do believe that one good deed can change peoples lives.



Edited to add I haven't watched the link yet - just sticking my nose in as per usual 

Soozy Woo

Shut yer face Moonie  ... although you're right 


Soozy - you shameful bugger, get it watched !!


Saying that it "might" just do this or that is clutching at straws when it comes to this man's life.

He deserves better than to be 'used' in this way.

Aint their actions just as cynical and manipulative as the coporates they claim to hate?

Originally Posted by Saint:

Shut yer face Moonie  ... although you're right 


Soozy - you shameful bugger, get it watched !!


Saying that it "might" just do this or that is clutching at straws when it comes to this man's life.

He deserves better than to be 'used' in this way.

Aint their actions just as cynical and manipulative as the coporates they claim to hate?


Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

I posted the vid on another site and the members have reacted totally differently. I've learnt what kind of vids to not post here,


I would not stop if I were you YR, one of the things on here is everyone seems to have their own opinion and that makes for interesting debate. It would be rubbish if everyone agreed with every topic raised.


I watched it, the thing which stood out for me was that he seemed a bit embarrassed by all the attention. There is no doubting that once the kerfuffle died down he certainly had a good day in terms of raising money.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Hi EC by posting it on 2 different Forums I saw a complete contrast in responses. All Forums give everyone a chance to air their own views and on the other Forum the members saw it how I did but on here not so much, different strokes for different folks as the saying goes I guess lol

 Yellow Rose


I thought that was genuine and well meant. You have to start somewhere...

Whoever saves one life saves the world entire

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Hi EC by posting it on 2 different Forums I saw a complete contrast in responses. All Forums give everyone a chance to air their own views and on the other Forum the members saw it how I did but on here not so much, different strokes for different folks as the saying goes I guess lol


Hi, I'm quite sure you would find different reactions on other forums too. As you say, different strokes. Keep on posting YR.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Saint:

Am I the bad guy for having a different view?


It was never my intention to upset - its just i don't agree.

That's all ... it doesn't make me your enemy.


No, you are not the bad guy. You just have a different opinion.


I from time to time find that I may modify my first thoughts after reading someone else's opinion.


Personally I find all contributions in the main add to the discourse.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Saint:

And its all being filmed in glorious technicolour

With a touch screen phone (possibly iPhone, can't tell), a cannon DSLR camera and a camcorder that I noticed... against corporate greed??


I'd be interested to know if they did this to EVERY homeless person they passed, cos there are more than this guy in London that need help

I spotted a v nice Stella McCartney handbag I also saw a big mouthed, self important git, several people who were playing up to the camera, followed by lots of people who seemed to show genuine compassion and care. For the first two mins or so I thought bugga me, I agree with St.Renton, that's a first, I'd better take a rare opportunity to say that, then I watched the rest and thought differently! So, I agree with everyone there's bits of both... Mind you,never have a problem with anyone protesting, at least it shows some fire in their belly and passion, yeah they may capitulate and get drawn in to the rat race at some future point, but better temporary apathy than total apathy! 

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Hi EC by posting it on 2 different Forums I saw a complete contrast in responses. All Forums give everyone a chance to air their own views and on the other Forum the members saw it how I did but on here not so much, different strokes for different folks as the saying goes I guess lol

 Yellow Rose


I thought that was genuine and well meant. You have to start somewhere...

Whoever saves one life saves the world entire

 that's how I was seeing it, whatever the true intentions were from all who took part I doubt the man thought deeply about that, he just seemed humbled and emotional to be shown some caring and physical contact which he probably doesn't experience too many times.

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Saint:

Am I the bad guy for having a different view?


It was never my intention to upset - its just i don't agree.

That's all ... it doesn't make me your enemy.

You're not my enemy Saint, I like you just in case you were in doubt.  We just have different perspectives of what we saw. We both gave our views and hopefully it was seen that we stayed rational without getting into a big kerfuffle

Yellow Rose

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