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Come on folks.. Let's have em!  There is always at least one or two people on your Facebook that grate on you right?


Here is a few things that people on yahoo put as their pet Facebook peeves, so do you agree with any of them, and do you have any of your own?


Me personally, I detest the luvvy duvvy gushing couples who piss me off like you wouldn't BELIEVE!  Why the hell do people have to rant on all over facebook about how much they LUURRRRVE each other, and answer each other back and all about how they love each other so much and go on about what they are gonna do to each other BLEH!


What are they trying to prove?!  I love my hubby but don't need to tell him 23242 times a day on facebook!


So what pisses you off?



Replies sorted oldest to newest

People who say:


"I'm really pissed off!"


but don't give an actual reason. They only do it to elicit others to ask:


"Aww, what's wrong mate"


Its sly attention seeking that's blatantly obvious! 


Also people who say: "FML" (f**k my life), when something really trivial has happened to them 


Oh, and LOL NAZI's get on my wick!!!!!  (people who use LOL for everything, not necessarily just on facebook.




Now you've got me started sparkles..... 


The following acronyms should be outlawed: LOL, PMSL, LMAO, STFU, WTF, OMG, ZOMG, ZOMGBBQ, FML and many others!!!!! 


But not ROFL...that can stay because I actually like to use ROFFLE as it actually sounds like your laughing. Sometimes I'll put copter on the end like ROFFLECOPTER, y'know, just for shiz and giggles 

Last edited by Rawky-Roo

The ones (and I have one of these, ive unsubscribed so i dont have to read it anymore), but the ones who just want constant sympathy, I dont think they could have got much attention as a child ... "'I'm ill" "I'm ill again", "I've hurt my leg" "ive had a splitting headache for a year"  "more meds from doc" "docs again tomorrow"


Then there is the one that is a terrible mother , we al know she is but she thinks if she says how much she Luvs (not loves) her 'babies' we will all be convinced otherwise. 

"I luv my babies" "i live for my babies" "my babies are drinking hot chocoate WIV (always wiv, never with) marshmallows, happy happy dayzzz"  *Errrrmmmm no, not happy dayz, just hot chocolate, you daft mare, Its fairly common practice, and while were at it, you dont look cool saying everything with a z and a v you just look like an illiterate arse*

(I've unsubsribed to her too, she does my head in)

Originally Posted by Rexi:

What does ZOMG and ZOMGBBQ mean?


God Rexi! Get wiv da timez sista!



They were just adapted from OMG.  The Z was the emphasise it initially, try it saying it now: Zoh my god! And it kinda stuck around internet land.  The BBQ bit was just added for fun, i think, and that seems to have stuck around too.

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Rexi:

What does ZOMG and ZOMGBBQ mean?


God Rexi! Get wiv da timez sista!



They were just adapted from OMG.  The Z was the emphasise it initially, try it saying it now: Zoh my god! And it kinda stuck around internet land.  The BBQ bit was just added for fun, i think, and that seems to have stuck around too.

Oh - now I understand  


Doesn't BBQ mean barbeque 

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Rexi:

What does ZOMG and ZOMGBBQ mean?


God Rexi! Get wiv da timez sista!



They were just adapted from OMG.  The Z was the emphasise it initially, try it saying it now: Zoh my god! And it kinda stuck around internet land.  The BBQ bit was just added for fun, i think, and that seems to have stuck around too.

Oh - now I understand  


Doesn't BBQ mean barbeque 

Was thinking that too  I am not on Facebook, thank God ! 

Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

The ones (and I have one of these, ive unsubscribed so i dont have to read it anymore), but the ones who just want constant sympathy, I dont think they could have got much attention as a child ... "'I'm ill" "I'm ill again", "I've hurt my leg" "ive had a splitting headache for a year"  "more meds from doc" "docs again tomorrow"


Then there is the one that is a terrible mother , we al know she is but she thinks if she says how much she Luvs (not loves) her 'babies' we will all be convinced otherwise. 

"I luv my babies" "i live for my babies" "my babies are drinking hot chocoate WIV (always wiv, never with) marshmallows, happy happy dayzzz"  *Errrrmmmm no, not happy dayz, just hot chocolate, you daft mare, Its fairly common practice, and while were at it, you dont look cool saying everything with a z and a v you just look like an illiterate arse*

(I've unsubsribed to her too, she does my head in)

  Made me ROFFLE that did! Also get irked by folk like this.  And people who have 'counters' that document the time that they have til baby is born - and how they have lost 34 pounds and have 44 more to lose, and how there is 37383 more hours til they and Aaron tie the knot!  On SOME forums (like ivillage) people have it in their 'signature) and it appears with EVERY post!  ARGH!


Also Gypsie, my cousin's daughter updates her FB status like 20 times a day with updates about how she loves her kids soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much and what they're doing at any one time and when they are on the bus and how cute little so and so is gurgling and blah blah blah!  STFU!  It seems like they are trying too hard to make people think they love their kids TBH.


I know and you think, if you bloody love them so much get off  facebook and go and enjoy snuggle time with them or some such sickly activity !!!! 


this same girls husband recently joined facebook. He posted on her wall the other day "I love you to the moon and back" she commented "I love you lots like jelly tots"


Someone put them out of their misery for the love of god!

Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

I know and you think, if you bloody love them so much get off  facebook and go and enjoy snuggle time with them or some such sickly activity !!!! 


this same girls husband recently joined facebook. He posted on her wall the other day "I love you to the moon and back" she commented "I love you lots like jelly tots"


Someone put them out of their misery for the love of god!

      they're married?   they sound about 12.....

Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

I know and you think, if you bloody love them so much get off  facebook and go and enjoy snuggle time with them or some such sickly activity !!!! 


this same girls husband recently joined facebook. He posted on her wall the other day "I love you to the moon and back" she commented "I love you lots like jelly tots"


Someone put them out of their misery for the love of god!

Oh dear GOD!  LOL!  

Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

The ones (and I have one of these, ive unsubscribed so i dont have to read it anymore), but the ones who just want constant sympathy, I dont think they could have got much attention as a child ... "'I'm ill" "I'm ill again", "I've hurt my leg" "ive had a splitting headache for a year"  "more meds from doc" "docs again tomorrow"


But I habe been ill.

Originally Posted by Moonbeams:
Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

The ones (and I have one of these, ive unsubscribed so i dont have to read it anymore), but the ones who just want constant sympathy, I dont think they could have got much attention as a child ... "'I'm ill" "I'm ill again", "I've hurt my leg" "ive had a splitting headache for a year"  "more meds from doc" "docs again tomorrow"


But I habe been ill.

yes, but have you been constantly ill since joining facebook in 2008???


I have an old friend on FB who is obviously the 1st person in the world EVER to have a baby. Every burp, fart, giggle is documented. I know when she sleeps, when she wakes, how she sleeps (on her back with her hands above her head...OMG so cute btw) and that she's the best baby in the world coz she likes watching wrestling with her dad. She's 2 months old  I have known her since her mum put the baby countdown clock on her wall at 5 weeks pregnant though


Cryptic messages do my nut in too.

"so annoyed"

"aww what's wrong?"

"can't say on here"

"feck off then" 


Also people who say "having a major FB clearout" just so that people will say "oh please don't let me be one of the people you delete" 

Originally Posted by Cagney:

I have an old friend on FB who is obviously the 1st person in the world EVER to have a baby. Every burp, fart, giggle is documented. I know when she sleeps, when she wakes, how she sleeps (on her back with her hands above her head...OMG so cute btw) and that she's the best baby in the world coz she likes watching wrestling with her dad. She's 2 months old  I have known her since her mum put the baby countdown clock on her wall at 5 weeks pregnant though


Cryptic messages do my nut in too.

"so annoyed"

"aww what's wrong?"

"can't say on here"

"feck off then" 


Also people who say "having a major FB clearout" just so that people will say "oh please don't let me be one of the people you delete" 

It's all this stuff that makes me steer clear of Facebook, it would make me  to much and I would find it hard to look them in face afterwards. 


Ive another one hidden from my timeline so i dont have to read it, but im so nosey I go from time to time when im feeling my stomach can stand it and have a look. 


Her husband had two affairs and left her just after Christmas, but shes so determined not to be seen to be bothered by this (i think shes afraid it would make her loose face) (i spelled loose like that speshal for cinds) so she is pretending to remain friends with him. Her status's are all him and her saying "glad your dating hun" "nice to catch up on the phone hun, enjoy your night with your new girlfriend, hun". Everyone is just thinking WTF, people actually comment "is this for real" and they laugh it off and say "were just being grown ups hun"

yes hun









I cant wait for her to down a bottle of wine and go ballistic at him... its coming I tell you


I update mine seriously about once a week  Every other update I do is wind ups of what I've read others posting. One day last year I updated every  half hour to tell people I was going to the kitchen, loo, what channel I was watching, what the cat did, what the kids said/did, how I was feeling, what I ate/drank etc. It's amazing how many likes I got and how many lol's  


OH another thing.....stop sending me bloody invites to mafia wars, cafe something, farmville etc. I don't wanna play with you. I don't wanna copy and paste your status to show who your true friends are, I don't wanna like your status to give you a virtual hug blah blah blah 


Remind me again why I keep logging in to FB???? 

Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

The ones (and I have one of these, ive unsubscribed so i dont have to read it anymore), but the ones who just want constant sympathy, I dont think they could have got much attention as a child ... "'I'm ill" "I'm ill again", "I've hurt my leg" "ive had a splitting headache for a year"  "more meds from doc" "docs again tomorrow"


Then there is the one that is a terrible mother , we al know she is but she thinks if she says how much she Luvs (not loves) her 'babies' we will all be convinced otherwise. 

"I luv my babies" "i live for my babies" "my babies are drinking hot chocoate WIV (always wiv, never with) marshmallows, happy happy dayzzz"  *Errrrmmmm no, not happy dayz, just hot chocolate, you daft mare, Its fairly common practice, and while were at it, you dont look cool saying everything with a z and a v you just look like an illiterate arse*

(I've unsubsribed to her too, she does my head in)

Got a few of them! It's like feckin Casualty !

And the ones that just post sadfaces or give it " I need a hug" as their status on a regular basis .

Originally Posted by Cagney:

I have an old friend on FB who is obviously the 1st person in the world EVER to have a baby. Every burp, fart, giggle is documented. I know when she sleeps, when she wakes, how she sleeps (on her back with her hands above her head...OMG so cute btw) and that she's the best baby in the world coz she likes watching wrestling with her dad. She's 2 months old  I have known her since her mum put the baby countdown clock on her wall at 5 weeks pregnant though


Cryptic messages do my nut in too.

"so annoyed"

"aww what's wrong?"

"can't say on here"

"feck off then" 


Also people who say "having a major FB clearout" just so that people will say "oh please don't let me be one of the people you delete" 

That made me do the LOL thing  


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