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hilarious - i almost feel sorry for them : ( they can hardly move lol see GIRLS ALOUD in concert (on tv) and I have to admit - they really do work for there money and put on a 'spectacular' show Well all you well meaning people that have just spent over 40 quid be warned - you have two hours of this drivel to sit through! lol I bet LIVE NATION are just a 'tad' nervous and I bet Universal are sick as parrots after that garbage ! lol
lil scribbles out felt pen JUSTICE FOR ANNE NOLAN on plaquard and rewrites ANNE NOLAN MUST NOT JOIN THE NOLANS! lol (Can I just say that I am all for fun - should you have a ticket then I sincerely hope you have a lovely time - I just felt it my duty to tell you about being ripped off!) Gosh I almost wish I had a ticket for this show now! lol I haven't giggled so much in ages! Anyone got a spare for Manchester? lol
anne nolan has had a narrow escape - i shouldn't think it would do the girls mental health any good to ask people to leave their umbarellas at home every night lol did you see the one at the end couldn't get her brolly to spin lol bless car crash telly at it's best the one from the bill - just wanting the ground to open up and swallow her as she beckons scantily clad sweet boys to paw lol chaka chan , anastasia THEY can sing the real stuff with conviction but how sad that the nolans are trying to be 'hot mammas' bliddy hell lol via blackpool
mystery solved as to why they introduced themselves - they were using the same tape they are going to use on tour and couldn't edit the lingo without chopping the intro to the song up lol my goodness - some of them even forgot to sing towards the end because they still weren't au faye with the words lol question: why was paul o'grady going on about 'long before GIRLS ALOUD and THE SPICE GIRLS....' as if the nolans had invented family members singing together as if the nolans had invented the sewage system as if the nolans had brought the first potato to the uk the beverley sisters - oh and a young group named THE OSMONDS - possibly the little known family group THE JACKSON 5? my gok - the list is endless but o'grady can hardly contain himself! (rolls eyes!) THE SINGING POOLE FAMILY there's one! lol JUDY GARLAND - THE GLUM SISTERS! Since the world began there has been family acts in existance but no o'grady would have the younger generation think that the nolans invented the steam engine! lol

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