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Originally posted by Angel of the North:
I cant think about it atm...I have too many other things to stress out about!

Thumbs Up, best not to really. Get your Assignments done. At College we can only do them there, but then again we're not at Uni it's so no-one does Plagarism new rules. Got exams coming up in June, so started Revising early. Good luck Angel Smiler.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
It's all distance learning....they send me the course materials and I have to make myself do the work and send off the assessments when time. I can access all the electronic resources and use their library, and there are email groups and stuff.

It's quite hard to stay focused and disciplined...but I did manage to pass an A level this was and the first part of my bridging.

I work and have family so I cant go back to uni 'properly' and nowhere up here had a suitable part course.

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