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Heya Zaph adn Mrs H Big Grin

Don't hold out on any help coming from my way today Zaph.. head is so not engaged today that I started typing this post before I had even opened a reply box Laugh

I wish I had my notes to hand tho.. I struggled when I read the t-test stuff first time around then had a lightbulb moment with it and wrote out how it worked in words that I could understand and after that it seemed so simple..

but I think the notes went the way of the rcycling bin with most of my other Uni stuff.. and I haven't seen my text books for a good few years.. they are buried at the back of some cupboard I think..

I may google to see if that refreshes my memory. . but maybe not til later when my head may have engaged a bit Big Grin
Mount Olympus *Olly*
it is good... it's packed full of stuff to do..

and I went for a run around the track a few times even tho I didn't want to. .trainer sent me off on one Mad

you get a strap around your thigh thing to hold the nunchuck when you aren't using it for a particular exercise and a stress band thingy for arm work.. and if you have a wii fit you get to stand on that and kick the eck out of a boxing bag and use it for for skating too..

I really hurt now Crying

I forgot I had it on a wish list at Game. .it arrived yesterday out of the blue.. I'd compeltely forgotten about it... it was cheaper than it is to buy now as well cause I'd pre-ordered or summat Nod

There a second Wii Sports Disc due out next month as well. . I have that on pre-order.. forgotten about that as well Laugh

***goes to lie down again ***
Mount Olympus *Olly*

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