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am not sure about this place I am finding it very hard to use perhaps I need to go away and think about it
Aww Kasper, it's really not too bad, as long as you're not trying to do everything at once. That could be a rather tough call. Concentrate on the forum. The rest of LC can be tackled later IF you should so desire. But you don't have to.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Zaphod 3376 Forum Posts Today at 12:33 

I am hidden but there doesn't seem much point as you seem to show up in the threads so I am going to set my profile back to visible I think
I follow my budy list and the ones I know are hidden all show orange when online in there but not online list.  I have "come out" today as well    for this reason


I got a phone call at work this morning from the school..'dont worry' they first thing they said (so what am I going to do especially as they'd been on a trip this morning)....anyway BB Baby had had an accident, ran into some play equipment in the yard and cut his mouth and there was a load of blood and he was distressed so could I go and get him (without worrying)....anyway I did that and went straight round the chemist to ask them if they thought we needed to take him to get it looked at, they said yes so off the walk in centre to wait for an hour (and snigger at a kid in there called Odin) where they said the cut was ok, didnt need any stitches and the swelling and bruising would fade but best take him to the dentist so came home rang dentist (amazed they said come straight down so we did but on the way I had unfortunate encounted with some disgusting mess some twat ot a dog owner didnt want to clean up but luckily I had tissues in my bag but the dentists might not thank me for what I left in the bin and thanks gods there was hand wash) ANYWAY dentist says he might have damaged the ligaments in his tooth but cant tell coz of bruising so next week go back for X ray but it should be ok but here get anti biotics anyway here we are at home watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and I have had to promise to buy a Star Wars toy later for bravery (and have had to put my converse i the washing machine). 

*please note I cee and peed this from my blog

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