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hiya all Smiler

lawks it's wet here. loads of the farm road's washed away, it's impassable in a normal car. got there and my first job was helping them put buckets, basins and other such vessels under all the drips in the house. i'd just been doing the same in our house, it's even coming in round the window frames
i've just had them all to empty now i'm back.
electric shepherd
The food one would be enough to turn some people veggie.. there is this machine that via a load of needles, injects water into chicken breasts to make them appear plumper than they really are... by about 30%... to stop the water just leaking back out a protein based binding agent is used.. supposedly also made from chicken but also sometimes from pork and beef...only it shouldn't be... and it is this chicken that ends up in a lot of takeaways.. yuk

Evening guys wavey

Just popping by on my way to make dinner Big Grin

Read back and saw yuse ask about BB. . I always watched the HL shows as well as the LS (you know I wanted to see what bias they put on the LF) so carried on but then started to tape the late night LS to watch in the day as summer hols TV is cack and I started to see a bit more of the HM's characters other than what the HL show shows.. I must have got into it a bit as I now hate them all near enough.. tho some more than others Laugh

right time for dinner.. Wave
Mount Olympus *Olly*

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