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Reference: Leccy
I like how he can have strong opinions and express them without being a winker about it. And I still think the Jack Bauer task (complete with "Andrew's task ended 6 hours ago"-"Ben can you do star jumps for me") will go down in BB history Loved it!
That was brill, and he was a star tonight.

I've removed you smileys, for you.
I don't mind them really, he recovers quickly, from what I've seen anyway but I haven't seen a lot of l/f lately.
He has an air of superiority, which I don't like. Yes, he's a maths genius. So what? When they were supposed to ignore people in the garden, he was shouting something about cocksuckers, which put me off and then he ran into the bathroom to have a shower, but didn't quite have the guts to take his boxers off. He's too intense, which is a shame, but what can you expect from a boy who has been forced into education the way he has.
cologne 1
I didn't see that. For all I have a mouth like a sewer I get oddly prudish about that word and the mother...... one
Well obviously it can be totally funny, but in the context of me explaining why I don't particularly like him, that comment was relevant, because it demonstrates what I meant. Anyway, everything I post get taken to shreads by blizzie, sio I wont bother anymore.
cologne 1
I was being serious there, I couldn't say either of the "C" words till I had the internet, I think massageboards have made me immune...but the sucker and mother words still make me flinch.  God knows why...It must be some last remaining thing me Mam drummed into me (she's a proper lady, brought me up not to swear at all...but as usual I chucked most of her good advice away)

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